EoFF Member Photo Album

Note: The album is temporarily on hold while things get updated and streamlined.

The album is a place for active members of the forums to post photographs of themselves as well as group photos and events.

Here are the album rules: (read them all)
- To be in the album, you must be a member for at least 30 days and have posted at least once
- Your photos must be appropriate and follow the same guidelines as the forums (ask a staff member if you are unsure)
- You may have 9 photos maximum in the album at any time
- You must be a member of the forums
- Any photos must include you (no pictures of completely different people)
- Make sure you fill out the gender field in your profile. If you don't, I may randomly fill it out for you and you may not like the result.

Please adhere to the following directions when submitting a photo or your post may get removed. ~ Leeza

How to add a photo to the album:
- Post photos in this topic as attachments

If you want, you may also provide short captions for your photos and dates for when the photos were taken. Just include that in your post/message and I will add that information.

Guidelines for photos: (optional, but highly recommended)
- JPEG images only (I can convert other files, but JPEG works the best)
- 640x480 pixels or smaller (I can resize it for you if you want)
- No animated GIFs/images

Also, if you ever see any errors or omissions in the album, please let me know about it right away so I can correct it.

Finally, if you are not posting a picture or a picture request (removal or change), please do not post. Any useless posts or comments will be deleted.

If you have any questions, ask me.

And thanks to Tavrobel for some new album ideas this time around.