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Thread: Avast Mateys!

  1. #1
    pinchpinchpinchpinchpinch ScottNUMBERS's Avatar
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    Default Avast Mateys!

    So I came back from Gustav Tunnel after three hours of intense Paladin leveling. I decided to travel to Windurst to level Theif, so off I set to Selbina to catch the ferry. Before Boarding the ferry I was thinking about how that nasty Sea Monk used to smack me 'round. I never did get revenge - now was the time. I waited with anticipation for the ferry, whilst I waited another guy arrived who didn't look very geared for fighting what with the Fishing clothing and all. We boarded the ferry, and to my dissapointment there was no Sea Monk or no other mobs. The whether was like nothing I'd seen before; Pitch Black and foggy. Suddenly I hear a Screaching sound, at this point I am wondering what the heck is going on. To my surprise, in the distance, coming towards the ferry, was another ship! As it got close my arch nemesis Appeared; the Sea Monk! Along with around 5-8 Skeletons, I began to hack away at them all, saving the Sea Monk For last. I beat them down one after another, while the other guy just fished. In the process of fighting the Skeletons I suddenly dropped to the ferry floor like a bag of Chocobo Fetchings, apparently "Silverhook" had casted Blizzaga II and robbed me of all my remaining HP. In my dead state I hastily looked around for this "Silverhook" I looked and saw nothing, it was that very moment that I realised the Sea Monk was no longer my nemesis...

    Even though I didn't gain a thing (In fact I lost a chunk of exp) I enjoyed the experience immencely, I really didn't know Final Fantasy XI was capable of this sort of thing. Having undead pirates take over the ship I was riding was the single most exciting thing that has ever happened to me in Vana'diel.

    The Topic: Has the world of Vana'diel ever surprised you? Do you have any interesting Vana'diel stories? If so please share them.

  2. #2
    Vincentsinnerdemon's Avatar
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    Nice story man

    One day i was on the ship and the Sea Monk popped there were probobly 13 people on deck at the time. Someone got too close and it agro'd him. he fell in 2 hits. From there on the sea monk seemed to hunt each of us down one by one me(a 27 mnk) a 41 mnk a 20 whm and a 29 thf were all that were left when the sea monk killed the rest. each of people on deck was dead and HP'd. once there was about 4 mins left on the boat ride the sea monk turned to me and the othere. it continued its unstoppable onslaught and left each of us dead. thankfully one of them had a raise waiting for us at selbina. i will never forgive the sea monk for that day...

    Well thats my story ^^ whos next?

  3. #3
    permanently mitten
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    This is what happened the last time I "fought" pirates.

    Lots of fun.

  4. #4


    You know what this means!

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  5. #5
    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    wow! I am yet to run into something exciting like that ship wise x_x

    but uhhh.

    once when I hadnt logged on in awhile, I logged in to a display of firework sounds.... in fact, it went for awhile....

  6. #6


    I never can get lucky enough to run into these bastards. My wife and I have ridden the ferry for hours at a time back and forth and have yet to see either of the two pirate NMs pop. We'd really like to get their clubs for her. Pirates seem rare enough and it's even rarer to see the NMs.

  7. #7
    Retired Dragoon Crossblades's Avatar
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    I have yet to experience pirating on a ferry And i've taken the ship many times

    Nice story though

    Vaan - "Hey, you!"
    Penelo - "Yeah, you! The one reading this sig at this very moment!"
    Vaan - "Interested in playing FFXII International Zodiac Job system?"
    Ashe - "But you have no knowledge of the Japanese language?"
    Fran - "....We could help...."
    Balthier - "That's right, Fran! Just click on Crossblades' thread on the very bottom of this signature and it will show you all license grid translations, magicks and tecks locations, and other changes that were made!"
    Basch - "Don't forget though. Swap Magic is needed to play this game if you don't own a japanese PS2."
    Vaan - "Also remember that if you played the original, you'll have an easier time playing the international version. We hope you enjoy the International Zodiac Job System experience. See ya then!"

  8. #8
    Definitely not over 9000. No.78's Avatar
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    I've experienced pirates... But I just stay in the cabin and look out of the window wimpering.

    Yeah FFXI has thrown some random crap at me that's thrilled and shocked me, but I can't actually remember anything specifically. Oh here's one, first time I experienced Besieged... Just wandered into Al Zahbi "OMG MAMOOL JA ARE ATTACKIN'!" That was quite fun. I mean I couldn't do jack, but it was still fun.

  9. #9
    Vincentsinnerdemon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post
    This is what happened the last time I "fought" pirates.

    Lots of fun.
    this looks VERY similar to the outcome to my story ^^

  10. #10


    I have been through the pirates several times. They're sooooo fun !!! I had no sweet clue there were pirate NM's though LMAO ! Besiege was a blast to watch ... i was on my 52 rdm and they were checking as IT to me so i just chilled with Sneak and Invis on me ... holy crap when they wore though . I had almost all unclaimed mobs trying to eat my cute lil taur . O but for my story ... i was doing the bst quest i think it was in Jeuno where you run to Qufim Island and get the plant from under the cracken thingie ... i slept it and did what i needed to do and was on my way back to jeuno ... i had no idea it was still gonna come after me after the cut-scene ... needles to say i had spent almost all my life and magic trying to kill it and just decieded to elemental seal and sleep it . well it did come after me and before i knew it i had a whole train of wights, crabs, and rangers all following in pursuit . the funniest part is none of them killed me until i made it to the zone outa qufim ... i was wondering why all these ppl kept checkin me and getting outa my way lol ...
    Chuck Noblet: Can anyone tell me the tragic irony of the Trojan War? Tina? Tina: Um, that horses are friendly creatures yet a hollow, wooden one was used to destroy Troy? Chuck Noblet: Wrong and no. Anyone else? Chip? Chip: That the mighty warrior Achilles was killed by a small cut to his ankle. Chuck Noblet: Chip is wronger. OK, here it is. The tragic irony of the Trojan War is that though it was fought over Helen, who was young and beautiful, by the time they rescued her ten years later, she was old and ugly. Tina: But wasn't recovering the king's wife reward enough for the Greeks? Chuck Noblet: Tina, an ugly woman is never a reward.

  11. #11


    i bet the pirate NM's will pop when i go to solo sea horror o.o;
    FFXI: (deleted)
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  12. #12


    ;_; I wanna run into pirates...

    Yes, Vana'diel has surprised me.

    Like that one time I was running around and happened upon this big cave called the Gusgen Mines. Lalala, I'm wandering around. And then... sirens go off. O.O

    Sirens = death. I've played Silent Hill. I know these things. I hear sirens and I start looking for the sturdiest bed to hide under. Sure enough, a giggling ghost child runs through me! Wah!

    Yeah, it scared the crap out of me, which is the last thing I expected to happen while playing FFXI.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Taggerung View Post
    i bet the pirate NM's will pop when i go to solo sea horror o.o;
    Haha good luck!

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  14. #14
    wat? Misfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post
    This is what happened the last time I "fought" pirates.

    Lots of fun.
    XD I remember that.

    We need to do it again sometime. ^_^


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