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Thread: I have a problem of MONUMENTAL size...

  1. #61


    LISTEN DAMN IT! If you act like a violent moron because some one called you a name , you will be sued for every penny!~

    This hate you have is so silly, oh no..they called me a mean name. YOu hurt my you must die! Listen to yourself! Star wars bears realisitc comparrisons to events in life and you have surely turned to what would be cosnidered the dark side. YOu let anger control your judgement and you are going to get yourself in deeper trouble as you let your hate destroy your life. Some one is bound to get hurt and maybe even killed durring your blind rage and hatred and it will put you behind bars for the rest of your miserable life if some one is severly injured or maybe your sentence will be just long enough for you to calm down and realize that violence was never the answer. Just talk to them tell them that you dont like it.
    Talk to them and let them see you are angry but do go ragefull and violent on them so that everyone who is a wittness well see a monster in you and will beg the court to have you locked up. Killing some one over a name calling dilema is about the most outrageous thing I have ever heard of.
    Last edited by lovehurts; 08-12-2006 at 01:47 AM.

  2. #62


    You shouldn't beat them with a baseball bat. Well atleast not. First you shoul dmake them so mad that they hate your guts. Try throwing dog crap in their car and stuff. Then you can beat the living out of them and laugh at them.

  3. #63
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Animal Crossing has no no problems there.

    I like squishy's advice...I shall follow it to a T. Thanks Dixie(didn't know you had your name changed to squishy here).

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    Animal Crossing has no no problems there.

    I like squishy's advice...I shall follow it to a T. Thanks Dixie(didn't know you had your name changed to squishy here).
    Don't you know that the criminals and the murders are amongst us. They are the people and are of the people. Rage and hatred can lead to violence and injuries. They are normal peoplse sometimes driven by irrational rage they make crimes and even mistakes that can result in death! If you hit some one with a bat you could kill them! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT MEANS!?

  5. #65
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    It means the violent always win and the pussies always die! I win is what I understand because the rest of the towns people are pussies.

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    It means the violent always win and the pussies always die! I win is what I understand because the rest of the towns people are pussies.
    Dont be foolish! YOu can settle your problems like this other than to kill people. They called you a name so you avenge that in brutual violence? YOu mangle them so that they can die in the hospital with there eyes glazed over and as they think of this monster that you are and have become? The towns people see this monster you are and they are witnesses to put you away for life in jail for man slaughter or murder! Defending a town as a cop to save lives is honorable. Killing some one so that they cant murder you is necessary but beating some one down because they called you a name isnt honroable or justice in any court or for anyone.You avenge war with war. YOu trade insults with insults but you dont kill people because they called you a name!

  7. #67
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    I already said there is no jail in animal crossing.

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    I already said there is no jail in animal crossing.
    How can you be so angry to want to do this? find a bunching bag hit on that. Hit the desk or the wall whatever. Ignore these people , avoid them.. Move if it makes you so angry and occupied with violence.

  9. #69


    I think ed will agree with me that this is the dumbest thing ever.

  10. #70
    Northern String Twanger Shoden's Avatar
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    damn hippies, shoo, shoo. Don't you get it? If he does nothing they've won, they'll continue and it'll worsen. It's time for chaos to ensue those who have sinned against the great ed.


  11. #71
    C'mon C'mon
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    No offence to lovehurts but i think you are taking this much too seriously. I doubt he was actually going to do any of this stuff in real life, if so do you think he would tell people on an ff forum? Take a break man, he's just havin a laugh.

    EDIT:He's talkin' about a game so relax.
    Last edited by Cookie; 08-12-2006 at 02:02 AM. Reason: lovehurts is stroppin'

  12. #72
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    If I move then I can't take anything with me. I still need to complete my robo furniture set. What will become of the museum that I worked so hard to fill with bugs, fish, fossils and priceless paintings. I just can't leave after I worked so hard while all of these assholes do nothing. smurf them. They need to move or die. I am in the process of using Dixie's advice. They shall all perish in a bloody violent massacure!

  13. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by blitz-ace9 View Post
    No offence to lovehurts but i think you are taking this much too seriously. I doubt he was actually going to do any of this stuff in real life, if so do you think he would tell people on an ff forum? Take a break man, he's just havin a laugh.
    People with this much hate have there sleeves always pulled up for a good arse kicking. They called him a name and he is already ready to kill them. Im not taking the chance that he isnt serious or not. This is aa very serious concept to rush a crowd of people and hurt them becuase they called you a name.

    There is nothing hippie about being sensible. Violence doesnt slove problems it just gets your hands bloody and you can never whipe the blood off!

  14. #74
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovehurts View Post
    LISTEN DAMN IT! If you act like a violent moron because some one called you a name , you will be sued for every penny!~
    Before he acts like a "violent moron", K-Monkey will throw every penny he owns into a wishing well, and then the joke will be on them!

  15. #75
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    K-Monkey...K-Monkey?!?!? YOUR NEXT!!!! DEATH TO ALL!` kslgf js;drovh/42 n

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