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Thread: Funniest thing you've done while drunk

  1. #16


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  2. #17
    Next mood swing in 6 mins YTDN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GhandiOwnsYou View Post
    sweet jesus, I can top those. Throughout the course of one Party (which was started by draining an entire bottle of 151) I became shirtless, fell asleep on top of a frightened 12 year old sister of a friend of mine, woke up, became shoeless, walked outside and climbed a tree, fell out of the tree, passed out again, was awoken by the host of the party, Muttered "This Bunny tastes like hospital" and wandered back inside. Here I became underwear-less, snatched the Host bass guitar and launched into a rousing (and i'm sure technically spectacular) round of "Bulls on parade" by Rage against the machine. at this point, someone knocked me down and put pants back on me, and everyone wandered home or upstairs to go to sleep. then, as if i hadn't made ass enough of myself, I decided to get naked again, and passed out on top of the pool Table. once again, the party goers attempted to help out their buddy, and after i uttered the Immortal line "I didn't Pants" hauled me, naked, upstairs, to dump me in the bedroom of the 12 year old sister. From the time i uttered "I didn't pants" to the time i actually passed out (still yet to come) I was alternately muttering "Underpants" "cuddlePile" and "Magna Carta" which continued for almost an hour. So, I awake from the 12 year old sisters room (who was now downstairs sleeping on the sofa, i'm no child molester) and wander into the hosts room, where she and her boyfriend are engaged in... activities. I do what any man as inebriated as i was would do. i fell on top of them and finally passed out. I awoke this next day in the silk sheets of a strange bed, incredibly hungover, naked. this worried me greatly until things were explained to me, because this girl was a nympho and had a huge crush on me, and i was just drunk enough not to remember if we had done something...unnessecary.

    And that, is the funniest set of things i have ever done while drunk. I have pictures, for those interested, but quite obviously given the amount of nudity in the stories i wish not to risk uploading them on here, though i have censored them.

  3. #18
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    Well, the only thing that calsifies as semi funny would be grad night, after getting heavily intoxicated i passed out on a concrete floor and smashed my head, then got dragged inside and dropped on a floor, then someone asked me if i was coherent enough to know where I was so I said "Coherency is good, but why is the floor talking to me?" Then i preceded to talk to the floor until I passed out.

  4. #19


    I went streaking naked

  5. #20


    I don't drink but I like to point and laugh at you silly drunk people, especially those who like to use traffiic cones as hats
    I am fragile

  6. #21
    Misspelled for No Reason. GhandiOwnsYou's Avatar
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    Yeah, I know, I'm obscene. and an alcoholic. cheer my drunken rampages.

  7. #22
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    Prior to everyone leaving last night, I played 'rhymeswithspoon.wav' at full volume and sung along. Nobody knew what I was blathering about.

  8. #23
    Unlimited Hentai Works Twilight Edge's Avatar
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    Meh,not much.It was January,I was 14,and I drank three cans of beer and stripped off my shirt in front of everybody and it was a family dinner.I then said some sex jokes and nobody knew what I was blabbering about.

  9. #24
    I Am Stoner's Avatar
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    The funniest thing i've done when I was drunk........ So many things, but.... There is one that comes to mind.

    We were down the local pub and I was smurfing plastered, my mates left the pub 20 minutes before me, I decided to stay and drink more. You know how you do...... Anyway, someone I didn't like very much came into the pub, as soon as he did I left, went outside and that is all I can remember..... But the next morning I woke up in my mates front room, I was thinking WTF!?!?!?!? Well, apparently, I stoped off at my mates house on the way home thinking it was my house. I went into his kitchen and got a glass of water, then went and fell asleep in his bathroom in the bath tub. His sister came in and I thought she was my mum!!!!!!! WTF even more!!!! Aparently I started hugging her, then she slapped me, my mate came downstairs and made me lie down on his couch. Well, that is the end of the story. Also my mouth really hurt the next morning, so I guess it was true...... Everytime I see her now though, she has a really horny face when looking at me, its kinda creepy seeing she is only 16, and it makes me think..... What if something else happened. I would never forgive myself if it did. Dude....... Not cool.

  10. #25
    CloudedSquall's Avatar
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    Danced between to flaming umbrellas, had a trolley race in the middle of the supermarket at 1 in the morning, jumped out my window, kissed a turtle, streaked pretty much everywhere, attached a peg to my meat and two veg , dressed up as a girl.. so many good times!

  11. #26


    I have some great drunken stories, but they're better told in person. Send me $25USD via Paypal and you'll have access to the following hilarious stories delivered via HD video!

    - That Time I Got Tied To A Cross And Carried Around While People Threw Crap At Me
    - That Time I Sang Christmas Carols For Money... In September
    - That Time I Was Threatened With Arrest
    - That Other Time I Was Arrested But My Friend Talked The Officer Out Of It
    - That Time I Attacked A Pile Of Cinder Blocks
    - That Time I Woke Up Next To Someone With All My Clothes On And None Of Hers
    - That Time I Woke Up Next To A Campus Security Officer
    - That Time The Sprinklers Woke Me Up
    - That Time That Homeless Bum Kicked Me Off His Bench At 3 AM
    - That Time I Dealt Drugs With Those Two Homeless Bums At That Church
    - That Time I Woke Up To My Friend Having A Foursome Right Next To Me
    - That Time I Went Back To Highschool
    - That Time I Blacked Out In The Middle Of My Exam And Woke Up With It Done
    - That Time I Fought An Entire Dorm With Three Other People... And Won
    - That Time I Got That Scar
    - That Time The Police Came Knocking On My Door The Next Morning With A Warrant

    And many more!

  12. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Neel Hates Clout's Guts View Post
    I have some great drunken stories, but they're better told in person. Send me $25USD via Paypal and you'll have access to the following hilarious stories delivered via HD video!

    - That Time I Got Tied To A Cross And Carried Around While People Threw Crap At Me
    - That Time I Sang Christmas Carols For Money... In September
    - That Time I Was Threatened With Arrest
    - That Other Time I Was Arrested But My Friend Talked The Officer Out Of It
    - That Time I Attacked A Pile Of Cinder Blocks
    - That Time I Woke Up Next To Someone With All My Clothes On And None Of Hers
    - That Time I Woke Up Next To A Campus Security Officer
    - That Time The Sprinklers Woke Me Up
    - That Time That Homeless Bum Kicked Me Off His Bench At 3 AM
    - That Time I Dealt Drugs With Those Two Homeless Bums At That Church
    - That Time I Woke Up To My Friend Having A Foursome Right Next To Me
    - That Time I Went Back To Highschool
    - That Time I Blacked Out In The Middle Of My Exam And Woke Up With It Done
    - That Time I Fought An Entire Dorm With Three Other People... And Won
    - That Time I Got That Scar
    - That Time The Police Came Knocking On My Door The Next Morning With A Warrant

    And many more!
    Are you serious!? Dude, you rock!

  13. #28
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I think I defeated Yu Yevon and freed Spira.

  14. #29
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    But I kinda remember I was supposed to defeat Kuja though.

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