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Thread: America Under Attack thread, part deux.

  1. #151
    Ribs in flesh. Shattered Chest's Avatar
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    Default Waaaaaaaaaaaah!

    Can't you start talking about people in poor countries? And the weapons to kill everyone who is not helping them? Okay.

  2. #152


    Bush has officially declared war. He's calling up the reserves, and saying to prepare for a long, drawn-out war on terrorism.
    "It's a plastic bag, you stupid bastard!"

  3. #153
    Recognized Member Asorie's Avatar
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    "Tonight I saw something I tend to rarely see in people- unity and a great deal
    of spirit.

    My friend Brianna and I have been making yellow ribbons with little tags on
    them in memory and respect to those directly involved in the September 11th
    tragedy. We made at least 400 today, and they're all gone now, mostly due to
    the pro-patriotism demonstration we happened upon on the corner of 41 and 30
    in Schererville, IN. I guess it wasn't totally spontaneous, but a few people
    just kinda showed up, and we were among those.

    There was a lot of flag waving and screaming and clapping as we got people to
    honk their horns in support for America, in a sense of togetherness and
    respect for our freedom - so much that I don't have a voice any longer after
    two hours of that. Nearly everyone honked; people did burnouts, and police
    flashed their lights at us. There were cameras going off and people screaming
    "U S A!" from their cars and blaring "Proud To Be An American" on their
    radios. It was touching when the people of Arab descent were just as
    patriotic as anyone else, because that helped dispell some of the racial
    tension that you could tell people were feeling, and I'm proud of my fellow
    Americans, no matter what their color, religion, or origin. Pride isn't
    white. It's not black, brown, yellow, or pale. It's not Christian, Muslim,
    Jewish, Atheist, or Wiccan. It's universal.

    One woman forced $21 into Bina's hand after we gave her two ribbons (we
    weren't selling them; they were free), and we're donating that to the Red
    Cross. We're going to try for another 500-600 ribbons for the candlelight
    vigil tomorrow night in Crown Point, and 500 more for Monday morning at
    school, but we don't know if we can do it, since there's only two of us. We'll
    try, anyway.

    I guess the point of this whole ramble is that while the worst is being
    brought out in many people, the best is being brought out in others. There
    isn't anything that could ever make this a good situation, but if there is a
    silver lining to the cloud we're in, this is it. Being able to get together
    with people you'd never talk to otherwise and just rally people to have pride
    and not be afraid is something that I don't think enough of us have had the
    chance to do...perhaps our chance is now?"

    --Angela Mazur, posted to Top5 contributor list at 1:45 am Saturday
    Popping up like a psychotic jack-in-the-box to get the Oldbies off their rocking chairs on the EoFF Assisted Living Home's porch >=D

  4. #154


    In resoponse to david's post:
    You do know, of course, that someone actually picks a target for a missle to hit, right? I mean, it's not like we just randomly fire missles into a city. It's also not like we will somehow mysteriously bomb a few hotels and businees complexes. As I have addressed earlier, of course innocent people are going to die! It's a war for crying out loud! In any act of hostility there will be attrition and collateral damage. It's one of those thing that can't be avoided. Unfortunately for us, many idealists don't see that, and only focus on the smaller picture. If you look at the big picture, there will be an overall reduction in the loss of life if a war is ended quickly. Look at what happened to us in Vietnam. The people decided that we shouldn't be fighting, and the government lost public support, causing us to lose what should have been an easy win. In this case however, we have been directly attacked, and if we don't stop it now, who knows what else might happen? Which would you rather see happen: another World Trade Center, or a quick war? How many catasrophes does it take to make all you people realize that the world is not a nice place in which innocent people are spared? If you would stop being so naive as to even think that we can fight a war without killing civilians then maybe we can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of remote warfare, but until then you can sit around wondering why the world isn't perfect. If I seem to harsh, it's because one of my makor pet peeves is misinformed people.

    Yuffie, the reason we aren't talking about poor people is because this isn't the thread to do it in. If you are that worried about it, then you should start a new topic rather than complaining about it in this one.

  5. #155
    The Beatles/1967-1970 Cyan Highwind's Avatar
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    Has anyone heard anymore about the Bin Laden tapes?
    Apparently he's sent us one before every terrorist action A.K.A: The U.N embassy bombings on africa, the 1993 attack on the world trade center. And he sent us on last week. Oh, and Bin laden bought the empty seats on the planes for a person advantage and 100 seats being empty on a east to west 8:00 Am Buisness flight (which are ussaly full) Didn't raise a red flag to the airports?

    the remainder of this .sig was slaiking the tables, and I didn't know what you were trying to do, so I couldn't fix it, and had to remove it. -Bleys

  6. #156
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Red Wizard
    If I seem to harsh, it's because one of my major pet peeves is misinformed people.
    One of mine is insulting people.

    What's to think this won't happen again anyway? Killing Bin Laden isn't going to raise a flag to all terrorists across the world, declaring "You can't attack us anymore." Yes, it will eliminate Bin Laden. I don't mean to imply that I think Bin Laden (rather, whoever did this) shouldn't die, because they should. They have comitted an act of war against the world. But, as corny as this sounds, as long as there is evil in the hearts of men, it will continue. Also, like I said, attacking Afghanistan directly, with missles, will inspire the wrath of Pakistan. So, yeah. A shooting war is more dangerous for everyone. We'd lose less people in a covert ground assault than we would in the aftermath of a Pakistani/Afghanistani missle barrage.

    Originally posted by Red Wizard
    If you are that worried about it, then you should start a new topic rather than complaining about it in this one.
    I'd prefer you not talk to another member like that. Okay?

  7. #157


    Read you loud and clear Britt. I apologize if I was a little to harsh/insulting, but I was kind of peeved that nobody had read my previous posts basically stating what I had said earlier. I don't mean to belittle anyone's opinions, I only want to convey my side of the issue. If I was inappropriate in my means of delivery, I am truly sorry.

  8. #158


    Actually Britt, Pakistan is cooperating with the US, and sealing their borders near Afghanistan.
    "It's a plastic bag, you stupid bastard!"

  9. #159


    Actually, Dr. Disco, the Pakistani government has agreed to cooperate. The Pakistani people are set in heart: towards Afghanistan.

    Already Pakistani families send their children to the Taliban to be trained mercenaries in the war for Kashmir. They could care less for the United States.

    The worst-case scenario is that the fundamentalist Pakistanis will overthrow Musharraf and set their own pro-Taliban government and ally with them. These fundamentalist Pakistanis are the same that have set up terrorist camps in Kashmir against the Indians and Hindus.

    Speaking of Kashmir, it has been decreed that Hindus should distinguish themselves from Muslims by placing a red dot of rose powder on their foreheads. For what? To distinguish, when the time comes, whom should be killed and whom should be spared? To initiate another Holocaust?

    India, Pakistan's arch-nemesis, is also cooperating, more whole-heartedly, with the United States, giving locations of Pakistan's terrorist camps in the Kashmir region. However, yesterday a 10-year old boy was shot by an assassin. The note left on his body read, roughly translated, to "If you continue to cooperate with the US, this will happen again."

    The assassins were most probably minority Muslims living in India. Their terror continues to spread in the Eastern region.

    In the absolute worst-case scenario.... no, I don't want to believe that will ever happen. That.... just can't happen.

    I hope my pro-Indian bias is not too prevalent in this post.

  10. #160
    The Beatles/1967-1970 Cyan Highwind's Avatar
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    In a way your wrong...
    You President bush talked the the Pakistani president and basicly said you cooperate or we take over your country and search for bin laden in laymens terms he Made them and over they couldn't refuse (either your signature or your brains will be on this contract)
    And Personally I think we should go to the mattresses with terrorism and I full heartdly support all of our allies help.
    Last edited by Cyan Highwind; 09-17-2001 at 12:58 AM.

    the remainder of this .sig was slaiking the tables, and I didn't know what you were trying to do, so I couldn't fix it, and had to remove it. -Bleys

  11. #161
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dr. Disco
    Actually Britt, Pakistan is cooperating with the US, and sealing their borders near Afghanistan.
    That's correct. Their conditions: That the United States keep a level-head and go about the situation reasonably. Bombarding Taliban buildings, in their eyes, is not reasonable.

  12. #162
    Spear-Chucking Friend Mr. Mojo Risin's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Britt
    Also, like I said, attacking Afghanistan directly, with missles, will inspire the wrath of Pakistan. So, yeah. A shooting war is more dangerous for everyone. We'd lose less people in a covert ground assault than we would in the aftermath of a Pakistani/Afghanistani missle barrage.
    How would a covert ground assault be any less insulting than a missle barrage to Pakistan? Also, by killing Bin Laden and dismantling his crew, it will send a strong message to the rest of the terrorists. And if any country/gov't supports a terrorist why should they be allowed to exist? You say that evil will continue to exist, but if we do nothing then evil becomes much worse. The Taliban is as evil as communism or Nazism. They hate everything America stands for: individuality, democracy and we love them Jews(I was being grossly sarcastic there).
    Now that the Pakistani gov't is cooperating with us, we don't have to fear a big military conflict with the Taliban, because they don't have the military might put up a fight. I don't think the U.S. will allow Pakistan to suffer a coup, especially if it's by pro-Taliban forces. In exchange, Pakistan gets finiacial aid and debt relief.
    I hope, in the end, the Taliban will be eliminated. I can't comprehend why we let such a group exist for so long. In fact, only three countries recognize them as an official gov't. One of them is/was the Pakistan.
    Smile even though its breaking

  13. #163
    The Beatles/1967-1970 Cyan Highwind's Avatar
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    25 years Sun Tzu wrote profoundly on the art of war: break the will the of the enemy to fight and you accomplish the true objective of war. Cover with ridicule the enemys tradition. Exploit and aggravate the inherent fricton within the enemy country. Agitate the young agianst the old. Prevail if possible without armed conflict. The supreme is not to win a hundred victories in a hundred battles. The sumpreme excellence is to defeat the armies without ever having to fight them.
    Bin Laden has done exactly this.

    the remainder of this .sig was slaiking the tables, and I didn't know what you were trying to do, so I couldn't fix it, and had to remove it. -Bleys

  14. #164


    I never understood the objection to 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment'. While a judge should be benevolent in purpose, his awards should cause the criminal to suffer, else there is no punishment - and pain is the basic mechanism built into us by millions of years of evolution which safeguards us by warning when something threatens our survival. Why should society refuse to use such a highly perfected survival mechanism?...As for 'Unusual', punishment MUST be unusual, or it serves no purpose...What would happen if you were to spank a puppy every hour?...It certainly will not teach him anything.
    - Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

    That's why I beleive this country to use all means necessary to neutralize (dispose of, destroy, kill, whatever your particular term may be) the person, persons, knowing governments, and yes, unfortunately, innocent civilians who are on the wrong side of the battle line, which is shaping up to be the Afghan border. The Taliban will never let us have Bin Laden in World Court, even if he IS innocent of this. That's why, if he did do it, the Taliban must be faced down by this country as well. We made a mistake by using only the court systems in other terrorism cases IMHO. This country needs to send an example to everyone, EVERYONE, who may be thinking of commiting a terrorist act against this country. We are a Giant who has been awakened through the use of a 2x4 to the head. This giant is going to hit back.

  15. #165
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Jon
    ... and yes, unfortunately, innocent civilians who are on the wrong side of the battle line, which is shaping up to be the Afghan border.
    That's really kind of... sad. Why do we oppose Afghanistan/Bin Laden in the first place? Because they massacred innocents. How do we react? I should certainly hope we wouldn't react by slaughtering more innocents just because "they are on the wrong side of the battle line," seeing as how the very reason we were attacked was because we were on the wrong side of the battle line. I'm sorry, but I don't understand how that works.

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