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Thread: America Under Attack thread, part deux.

  1. #91
    Recognized Member Asorie's Avatar
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    We are using yellow instead of black because while we are in mourning, yellow stands for hope. And we have hope.
    Popping up like a psychotic jack-in-the-box to get the Oldbies off their rocking chairs on the EoFF Assisted Living Home's porch >=D

  2. #92


    So your saying becuase of that "pride" more people have to die?
    I say the people responsible must die. Nobody should get away with what the terroists did to the US.

  3. #93


    My school ASB is pretty stringent and conservative. They won't let us start up a collection immediately due to our "Middle Eastern" population. Their interests are in good will, but their implementation is far from it. Nevertheless, I'll try to manage something off-site. I urge as many of you to engineer something of the sorts as well. Please.

    Apparently, the nation has chosen war, or military action of some sort. It is depressing to hear that, depressing that my cousin died for this. *sigh* If we do resort to military action, please, please don't let it be in a fashion that will create a political backlash....

    To the members of this board: Please stay strong.

    edit: To the dude above me: I guess this relates to the death penalty issue. Those who think the death penalty is just most probably support complete annihilation of the terrorists. Those who don't, don't.

  4. #94
    Midnight Sage


    Okay, I agree that war is stupid. People die. But what are we going to do to stop these attacks? Do you all honestly think that we can reason with these people? I, for one, cannot see any possible way. If we don't take care of them now, there will just be more and more of this happening and next, they'll probably start using Nuclear Weapons. More innocent people will die. America will be destroyed. So, if war is the only way to stop those damned fools from murdering us for their beliefs, then I say go for it.

  5. #95


    We don't have to 'reason', per se. Detainment and peaceful, civil arrest come to mind almost immediately. Also, alienation of pro-terrorist countries will eventually strangle them economically, and then there should be no more safe haven for terrorists. Of course, the latter is theoretical, and I doubt it will be accomplished in my lifetime, but still, one step at a time.

  6. #96
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    This is SO global now. I mean... I just heard on the radio that a bus full of Muslim children on their way to school (CHILDREN, for goodness' sake! I mean, six and seven year olds!) was damaged by stones being thrown at them.

    Threats are being made to Muslim churches (I do not know the name... hosques? >_<) and this is way too much for people who didn't do nothing.

    I wouldn't be surprised if thousands have already died around the world due to the mere racism that has been created by this terrorism, both by Muslims and against them. It's sick.

    There are people that are keeping their entire families in home.

    One guy over here got hell from his colleagues as he's a Christian married to a Muslim, and some people were threatening him...
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #97


    You know what gets me? I may seem like a jerk, but I find something astounding.
    World peace could be. Not saying we join hands in friendship, but all countries at peace with eachother. In fact, if it weren't for the Middle East, this would probably be so.

    bin Laden has said any US Citizen is a legitimate target for assassination. Now, I can see why he would want to go after the government, we backed up Israel etc. etc. But Joe Blow, who lives on a small country ranch, probably doesn't even have a TV, doesn't vote, hasn't even HEARD of the Middle East:he really deserves to die?
    "It's a plastic bag, you stupid bastard!"

  8. #98
    Ph3ear my FF1 Mod BlkWiz! Marak's Avatar
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    All I can think of to add at this time is this:

    Take a moment to remember how well the United States' Isolationist policies in WWII worked for us.

    If we stand by, play the pacifist, turn the other cheek, and NOT go after the people/groups/countries responsible, guess what? Next time it'll be a Nuke planted in a car in California.
    The US is afraid of us. They are too weak to retailiate. Let's hit them again, only harder.
    That is how most terrorists think, sorry to make generalizations, but only "people" with such a mindset would be willing to execute such a heinous attack.

    We must stand up tall and unleash whatever force is necessary to show these extremists that their Terror Tactics do not work.

    I will shed no tears over dead terrorists. Anyone who kills another person, in my mind, has relinquished his/her right to live. And this is murder on a grand scale. Kill them all, I will not mourn for them.

    Finally, let me say that I am NOT a violent person. Hell, I refuse to kill the insects that invade my home. I don't believe in wars, or in killing people. But when I saw those people dancing in the streets, singing "god is great" because America had been attacked and thousands of Americans had been killed, I wanted to go out, commandeer an F16, fly on over there and fire a couple of Hellfire guided missiles at them.

    OK, I'm done ranting now. My point is, these terrorists do not recognize "doing nothing" or "peaceful resolution". They only thing they appear to respect or comprehend is violence and death. Let's give them what they want.
    No profanity in sigs please.
    Sigh. What profanity? I quoted Sephex's post from Eyes on Each Other from about a year ago, and any "profanity" in his post was either **** or ***** anyway. Whatever. And you wonder why forum traffic is way down.

  9. #99


    You know what gets me? I may seem like a jerk, but I find something astounding. World peace could be. Not saying we join hands in friendship, but all countries at peace with eachother. In fact, if it weren't for the Middle East, this would probably be so.
    I doubt it. U.S.A. has been doing a pretty good job of being "friendly" with everyone. It's single groups that cause hate. And humans as a rule can't live without some pain in their lives, it's how they define pain from joy, good from bad, black from white. We could never attain a perfect World Harmony and have it accepted as status quo because humans in general retain the need for equalibrium as part of their nature. In other words, even if we could have World Peace, someone would think it bad, even though everyone else veiws it as good, and strike out at anyone. Then we would hit back, very un-peacefully I might add, and things get reduced back to the tender uneasiness we hold now. However we could reduce all war to nothing by simply not bothering other countries out-side of commercial issues. This would however lead to countries like Russia and China becoming (non-marxist) communistic, and having women raped on the streets because the government has the power to do that. There would be no war, but people would be angry in general and strike out at the government. So no matter what, we can't achive a state of global non-violence.

  10. #100


    Originally posted by Marak
    All I can think of to add at this time is this:

    Take a moment to remember how well the United States' Isolationist policies in WWII worked for us.

    If we stand by, play the pacifist, turn the other cheek, and NOT go after the people/groups/countries responsible, guess what? Next time it'll be a Nuke planted in a car in California.
    The US is afraid of us. They are too weak to retailiate. Let's hit them again, only harder.
    That is how most terrorists think, sorry to make generalizations, but only "people" with such a mindset would be willing to execute such a heinous attack.

    We must stand up tall and unleash whatever force is necessary to show these extremists that their Terror Tactics do not work.
    Exactly. People compared this attack to Pearl Harbor, I say Pearl Harbor has nothing on this attack. About 5000 people are missing/presumed dead in NYC. If I heard right that's about twice as many people as were lost at Pearl Harbor. We have fought back for far less than what happened Tuesday, these terrorists will pay the highest price possible, they will pay with thier lives. They aren't men, they are monsters.

    As far as Nostradamus predictions go, I've only found one that may possibly relate to what happened, but not what happened in NYC.

  11. #101
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by Kevin_05

    I say the people responsible must die. Nobody should get away with what the terroists did to the US.
    That does not make war the awnser. Those terrorists are not a bloody country.

  12. #102

    Default ...

    *has midddle east student sitting next to him*

    aaaaaaanyways (true, i'm at school), i think all your rantings are far to much for my already complex head to comprhend, so i figure i'll just sit back and whatch the flowers go...until i get a plane driven through my frontdoor.

    -Keep your eyes in the sky <------new signature :x_x:

  13. #103
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    we can't go warring against a country because of some bad apple terrorists.

    plus, the terrorists comprise of a group of random people of different nationalities. the only thing similar between them all is their hatred for unless u want to declare war on several countries because of 3-5 ppl.......

  14. #104


    Here are some more things off of a mailing list:

    Number 1:
    (begin snip)
    Let there be no mistake. The crimes of the United States of America are great and unforgiveable. Look at the record:

    1. The United States of America is guilty of the greatest measure of economic freedom ever promulgated in the history of the world.

    2. As a direct result of the first crime, the United States of America is guilty of the highest degree of personal prosperity over the longest period of time in the history of the world. This is a direct affront to the over-managed economies of the world who operate so inefficiently they cannot feed their populations.

    3. The United States is guilty of promoting religious freedom. This crime weighs heavily on all those nations and peoples who know without question what the One True Faith for all mankind must be.

    4. The United States is guilty of promoting political freedom. This is an outrage to those nations whose proper regard for law and order requires that they properly arrest, torture and execute those who question the wisdom of their governments.

    5. The United States is guilty of promoting equality among all citizens. Women in the US are actually allowed to appear in public without covering themselves from head to toe as all moral societies require. This insane policy actually extends so far as to allow women to divorce their husbands in violation of the law of every True God and even to own property in their own names.

    6. The United States is guilty of sending aid to any nation that needs it and will accept it from us. This undermines the stability of legitimate governments whose authority rests on the poverty and powerlessness of their citizens.

    7. The United States is guilty of holding a policy of conducting public business in the open light of public scrutiny and to insist on the unnatural and immoral idea that the government is responsible to its citizens rather than the other way around, which is the obvious natural order.

    It might be offered in mitigation of these grievous faults that the United States of America has often failed to one degree or another in this perfidious program of enlightening the world. But let the record show that no matter how clumsily at times, no matter how imperfectly, the government and people of the United States have steadfastly proclaimed their intention of pursuing these subversive ends without remorse or contrition.

    Let the United States of America be judged before the bar of world opinion as a dangerous example of radical politics and uncontrolled idealism.
    (end snip)

    Number 2:
    (begin snip)
    America: The Good Neighbor.

    Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to
    a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon
    Sinclair, a Canadian television commentator. What follows is the
    full text of his trenchant remarks as printed in the
    Congressional Record:

    "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans
    as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people
    on all the earth.

    Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were
    lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in
    billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of
    these countries is today paying even the interest on its
    remaining debts to the United States.

    When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956,
    it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to
    be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I
    saw it.

    When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the
    United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American
    communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.

    The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped
    billions of dollars! into discouraged countries. Now newspapers
    in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering

    I'd like to see just one of those countries that
    is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build
    its own airplane. Does any other country in the world have a
    plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or
    the Douglas DC10? If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the
    International lines except Russia fly American Planes?

    Why does no other land on earth even consider putting
    a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy,
    and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you
    get automobiles.

    You talk about American technocracy, and you find
    men on the moon -! not once, but several times -
    and safely home again.

    You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in
    the store window for everybody to look at. Even their
    draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our
    streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian
    laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to
    spend here.

    When the railways of France, Germany and India
    were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt
    them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central
    went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still

    I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced
    to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name
    me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in
    trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the
    San Francisco earthquake.

    Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one
    Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get
    kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag
    high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at
    the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope
    Canada is not one of those."

    Stand proud, America!

    (note that this was not written in response to this event)
    (end snip)

  15. #105


    That second snip is brilliant. I live in the UK and I honestly can't think of a reason to hate american people, as they truly are the most generous people on this earth.
    You knowhow to really hurt the arab countries or whoever caused this? Remove ALL american/european aid from those contires. That would hurtt them almost as much as a war.

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