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Thread: explanations. *serious spoilers. do not read uless you hae completed the game.*

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Gariland Magic City, Gallione, Ivalice

    Default I think...

    I think it was actually Squall that died in space. That didn't look like Rinoa to me. This is one of the reasons I was like... WTF? And this is also why I hear different interpretations of what the ending meant...

  2. #17


    At first I thought "...the hell, of course that's Rinoa!", but upon looking at the pictures, I can see why you might find it hard to tell:

    The lips look to feminine to be Squall though, although considering all the other weird stuff appearing in the ending, it may well be Squall. But I don't think it means anything at all really.

  3. #18
    The giver of *hugs* boys from the dwarf's Avatar
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    freaky picture. pretty odd scene. why does it show rinoa dieing? i thought i understood why but now im not too sure. im certain thats rinoa. it may not look much like her but it looks a lot more like rinoa than it does squall.
    ...*holds up free hugs sign.*

  4. #19


    It´s her because of the Griver ring.Squall gave it to her before they entered Galbadia Garden and told her to stay with it.

  5. #20
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    I don't remember that scene with Rinoa's mask breaking O_o

    Would she not die if that happened?

  6. #21
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    A field full of flowers. "The End" Uh-oh


    When Rinoa was floating in space, there was no hope for her. She was just there, alone. She was going to run out of air and die. Her vision was fading (remember she had trouble focusing on the rings on her necklace which were right infront of her face), so she couldn't really see any of the ships that were far off but still around her. She had emergency air, but why use? She would be able to breathe for five more minutes....and then still die. So why postpone? She gives up, seeing no hope for herself. But then, as Rinoa was taking her last few breathes of life, Ellone used her power on Squall, and Squall was able to reach Rinoa. And then she remembered how much she cared for Squall, and decided to do everything in her power to stay alive, which included pressing the red button on her suit to released the emergency air, so that she could breathe for five more minutes. And then she hoped for the best.

    That stuff Sir Bahamut posted should suffice to answer your other question. And you are right about the feather. Remember the opening sequence, the pink flower pedal goes into Rinoa's hand and out comes a white feather, which then flies off as if pointed Rinoa in a certain direction. That's where the white feather the appears in the ending sequence comes from.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magus of Zeal
    I don't remember that scene with Rinoa's mask breaking O_o

    Would she not die if that happened?
    It didn't really happen. It's one of the visions Squall has at the end.

  7. #22
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Oh wow. I just re watched the ending on youtube. I am confused.

    What is with the blurs of Rinoa?

    Also that picture with Rinoa 5 or 6 posts above; it makes sense that it is Rinoa but the lips make me think of Edea:

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Magus of Zeal View Post
    Oh wow. I just re watched the ending on youtube. I am confused.
    Before the time compression, Squall and Rinoa promice to go to the orpanage if they ever get seperated. But Squall is still stuck in loaner mode, so he gets seperated. He then walks around in a landscape that represents his thoughts and feelings for a while, until he gives up and comes to an edge. He then finds he's on an island, representing that he's even more alone. We then cut to Rinoa, where she looks at his ring he gave her, and remembers the promice they made earlier, so that sends a mental connection to him in the form of a feather, like at the beginning of the game. We then see these distorted images, which show him losing, i think, his trust for her. Or he's getting totally lost in his thoughts that he can't think straight. Rinoa's love and trust in him, however, takes her to him, because she loves and trusts him still.

    So basically, it's showing that he still doesn't trust anyone, whilst she does.

  9. #24
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    Default This is exactly what I was talking about...

    Now I've seen more than one view point on what happened. I believe that it was actually Squall in the suit. Did someone say... "Edea"? Possibly...

    I don't think the lips are 'too femimine'. The hair color and length isn't quite right to be Rinoa, or it could be.

    The point is. The spawning of the R=U and other speculations is because of this ambiguous ending... I've been watching the ending on youtube too. Trying to remember what I had wrote earlier, and it's slowly coming back to me.

    So far I've noticed that "Time-Decompression" leads you back to the "Louve in Dollet" where the failed assassination of Sorceress Edea occurred and finally the Balamb Garden Ballroom...

    More later...

  10. #25


    I'm sure that was Rinoa in the spacesuit. An earlier FMV showed the same Griever ring, which Squall gave her, floating in front of Rinoa. And after the mask of the spacesuit shattered, Squall envisioned Rinoa dying and a tear ran down his face. This was followed by Squall passing out and Rinoa ending up rescuing him.

  11. #26
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    Default Again....

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwing Bahamut View Post
    I'm sure that was Rinoa in the spacesuit. An earlier FMV showed the same Griever ring, which Squall gave her, floating in front of Rinoa. And after the mask of the spacesuit shattered, Squall envisioned Rinoa dying and a tear ran down his face. This was followed by Squall passing out and Rinoa ending up rescuing him.
    Again... perspective...


  12. #27


    ...Perspective, like opinion, cannot be endlessly used as a defense. He has a valid point. This is the Griever ring- not to mention the OTHER ring on her chain- which only Rinoa has ever been known to wear on a chain.

    Though given the linear and locked nature of time, why should we see Squall's visions as anything more than the crazed projections of a tired and weary mind?

  13. #28


    Excactly. Twas just a small part of Squall's envisions and nothing else. Not meant to be delved deeply into. And anyone would've thought that was Rinoa when they first looked at it without overanalysing it.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryushikaze View Post
    ...Perspective, like opinion, cannot be endlessly used as a defense. He has a valid point. This is the Griever ring- not to mention the OTHER ring on her chain- which only Rinoa has ever been known to wear on a chain.

    Though given the linear and locked nature of time, why should we see Squall's visions as anything more than the crazed projections of a tired and weary mind?
    Okay, then Why is is there a 'crazed projection' of a helmut shattering when it didn't happen in the first place? ... hmm? Is there a problem granny? (Sorry just reminded me of that old "Crash Bandicoot" commercial.)

    Look, my point is not to "prove" anything, because, the ENDING is totally open to suspicion. My mission is to understand, WHY... FOR LOVE OF THE WIDOW... WHY does this upset you all so much? As I stated before, and as it's been illustrated, everyone, EVERYONE sees the ending (the spawning of the E=U Theory, amongst others, aka VIEWS, yes, VIEWS). Ugh... Y'know... I just don't understand it... I just... I just don't... There are NO... "FACTS".... ONLY... FANTASY...

    I witnessed these same so called "facts" with the arguements of FFVII... And I just stood back and watch... And I didn't understand. There's no need to argue or say who's 'right' or 'wrong'... The ending itself is just.... For love of the widow... far from conclusively understandable.... and that is the source of all of these debates.... Why do people insist on this... Y'know what? Fuggit. I'll just concentrate on what I was doin'.... Talk amongst yourselves... I'll start a topic for you... Kefka or Sephiroth? Who was the more entertaining villain? I'm over klempt!

  15. #30


    You have to understand, PAK, that the entire premise for a rational debate is the fact that some opinions may be incorrect/flawed. If the premise for a debate is that there is no right and wrong and "it's all opinions people!!" then there would be absolutely no point in having a debate. It'd merely be people sharing their opinions with everyone else going "I disagree with you but respect your right to have a differing opinion ", which doesn't get anyone anywhere.

    Now that might be fine for you, but when you choose to participate in a rational debate you CANNOT whine when people argue against your opinions. Then you should rather go to a fan-fic board or something....

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