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Thread: dose any one have a life

  1. #46
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chii View Post
    it seems that locale eoffs dont have a life but there are few like me that dose have a life and i want to know who dose have a life and likes these but not alot.

    1. dosent watch/read anime alot like everyday
    2. dosent spend free time on the internet everyday
    3. hase real friends
    4. real boy/girlfriends
    5. gets out of house
    6.has a job
    7. can pay rent money.(to those who have houses)
    Define "Life".

    Anyway, I don't watch much anime. And I most certainly don't read it. I spend too much of my free time on the internet, sadly. I have some friends at school, but not many. It's my first time going to a public school. I'm too young to have a girlfriend. I get out of the house on school days. I'm too young to have a job. And I don't have a house of my own, so I don't pay the rent, nor can I due to not having a job.

  2. #47
    VICIOUS GEEK SOOT~ヽ(`Д´)ノ scrumpleberry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chii View Post
    it seems that locale eoffs dont have a life but there are few like me that dose have a life and i want to know who dose have a life and likes these but not alot.

    1. dosent watch/read anime alot like everyday
    2. dosent spend free time on the internet everyday
    3. hase real friends
    4. real boy/girlfriends
    5. gets out of house
    6.has a job
    7. can pay rent money.(to those who have houses)
    1. Nope. Only have one manga novel, don't read everyday.
    2. Ummmm....partly guilty. I do other stuff, but my computer is ALWAYS running, mostly on websites I like.
    3. Yup.
    4. Never had any, fictional or real. (out of choice)
    5. TRAMPOLINE!!!!
    6. School
    7. School! (my rent counts as tidying room, walking dogs...that's pretty much it.)

  3. #48
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    1. dosent watch/read anime alot like everyday
    I don't read or watch anime.

    2. dosent spend free time on the internet everyday
    I spend my free time doing alot of things. The internet is one of them.

    3. hase real friends
    Obviously i do.

    4. real boy/girlfriends
    Kinda have a g/f, it's more just kind of a fling with a friend at the moment.

    5. gets out of house
    Of course.

    6.has a job
    Had a summer job, but with college back i gave in my notice to quit. I might have to get one where my college is though.

    7. can pay rent money.(to those who have houses)
    I do for my apartment for college.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  4. #49


    1. dosent watch/read anime alot like everyday
    I never watch anime or read it.

    2. dosent spend free time on the internet everyday
    I go on the internet everyday, but also do other things

    3. hase real friends
    Have lots and lots.
    4. real boy/girlfriends
    Don't really look for girlfriends just now, just go out and try and get a girl for the weekend lol.

    5. gets out of house

    6.has a job
    Well, I turned 16 about a month ago and since I stayed on at school, currently I don't, but I am applying.

  5. #50

  6. #51


    1. dosent watch/read anime alot like everyday -
    I watch a lot of anime and I love to read MANGA
    2. dosent spend free time on the internet everyday -
    Ha Life witrhout the internet? Are you kidding?
    3. hase real friends-
    I have real friends... They just use the internet a lot too
    4. real boy/girlfriends-
    Boyfriends and girlfriends are over-rated
    5. gets out of house -
    Getting out the house involves money... I have none
    6.has a job -
    Noone seems to want to employ a student.. I hate employers
    7. can pay rent money.(to those who have houses) -
    I live in my own house but until my student loan comes along.... I can hardly pay anything ;____;

    I really do have a life..... really

    Trust No one

  7. #52
    Kill all the humans Venom's Avatar
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    I dont have a life. I'm too busy wishing I was married to Chii.

    Owen made this sig. R.I.P.

  8. #53
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    I'm breathing right hope I'm alive.

  9. #54
    get mad Zeldy's Avatar
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    1. dosent watch/read anime alot like everyday - Nope
    2. dosent spend free time on the internet everyday - Yes ;_;
    3. hase real friends - Ofcourse <3
    4. real boy/girlfriends - Not yet
    5. gets out of house - On occasion*
    6.has a job - Im not old enough.
    7. can pay rent money.(to those who have houses) - Not old enough

    *Its School holidays thats why I never go out. As soon as school starts Ill be out every weekend.

  10. #55
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    I have this, does it count?
    Boy am I an unfunny ass.

  11. #56
    Recognized Member Croyles's Avatar
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    Yes, i have a life. A good one too!

  12. #57
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rase View Post
    I have this, does it count?
    In a Comp. Sci. course I programmed a game of life, does that make me some sort of God?

  13. #58
    Destroyer of Worlds DarkLadyNyara's Avatar
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    What is this "life" of wich you speak?

  14. #59

    Default PHOENIX DOWN ACTION PlZ!!!11!!

    If having a life includes working all the time and keeping away from the hobbies I enjoy then I'm happy to say I'm dead.

  15. #60
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chii View Post
    it seems that locale eoffs dont have a life but there are few like me that dose have a life and i want to know who dose have a life and likes these but not alot.

    1. dosent watch/read anime alot like everyday
    2. dosent spend free time on the internet everyday
    3. hase real friends
    4. real boy/girlfriends
    5. gets out of house
    6.has a job
    7. can pay rent money.(to those who have houses)
    1. Yes.
    2. No.
    3. Yes.
    4. No.
    5. Yes.
    6. I would if I had working papers.
    7. I'm 14, why would I need to pay rent?

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