...would be quite difficult but let's forget about that concept because I'm going to try;

A Final Fantasy IV lowest possible level challenge.

There is one one rule; Experience from random encounters is not allowed.

I don't intend to complete this challenge all the way I predict that it will be impossible to defeat Zeromus, but I will give it a damn good shot and try to get as far as I possibly can.

I've already started this challenge here's what's happened so far;

I got through the boring easy parts, Mist Dragon, that eight legged octopus thing etc. and now I'm beggining to feel the burn a little. I didn't expect Antlion to put up so much of a fight, I had no trouble with him, but I actually had to use three or four potions - against Antlion!

Not exactly challenging yet but it will certainly get harder. I'll work on it some tonight and update if anyone's interested.