The past few months seem to have been the unluckiest of my life.

I've had a lot of family problems and relationship issues I wont go into.

But its not just that stuff. I recieved a £30 fine for forgetting to buy a train ticket and I lost £10 at a gig. I missed a train to an important event because i 'misread' the timetable. I broke my brand new umbrella, 2 sets of ear phones, i dropped about 50 of my sisters Cd's and my computer nearly blew up. Gah it'd really doing my head in that nothing seems to go right in my life. Now my nans hip has gone and she can't walk. To top it all off I've not been sleeping I'm just hoping it'll all come together soon...wont it?

Seems stupid but it really has started getting me down.I went through a stage like this before but never this crazy.