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Thread: Unlucky

  1. #1
    Badge Badge's Avatar
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    Default Unlucky

    The past few months seem to have been the unluckiest of my life.

    I've had a lot of family problems and relationship issues I wont go into.

    But its not just that stuff. I recieved a £30 fine for forgetting to buy a train ticket and I lost £10 at a gig. I missed a train to an important event because i 'misread' the timetable. I broke my brand new umbrella, 2 sets of ear phones, i dropped about 50 of my sisters Cd's and my computer nearly blew up. Gah it'd really doing my head in that nothing seems to go right in my life. Now my nans hip has gone and she can't walk. To top it all off I've not been sleeping I'm just hoping it'll all come together soon...wont it?

    Seems stupid but it really has started getting me down.I went through a stage like this before but never this crazy.
    If I turn my back I'm defenceless, and to go blindly seems senseless.

  2. #2
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Man that's bad luck, or pehaps it's curse

  3. #3


    It'll all work out ok. The none sleeping is more then likely due to you worrying about it all.
    We all go through crap times in our lives. What makes us better people is the ability to get through it without it bringing us down.

    Trust No one

  4. #4
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    I know what will cheer you up. A USERNOTE.

    And for the topic of being unlucky, I was going to make waffles once, and I ended up falling off a chair, making the stationary computer fall off the table, along with the hardrive thingie, printer, mouse and keyboard. The keyboard got a bowl of sugar into it, so that got broken for sure. Oh, and the waffles landed on the floor so they were not edible. But I was really lucky in a way because the fragile monitor didn't break.

  5. #5
    Ciddieless since 2004
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxthebadgemakerxx View Post
    and my computer nearly blew up.
    On a similar note, I melted the floppy drive's power cable after I didn't connect them up properly. Took me ages of shoving and pulling with a knife to disconnect the power cable from the floppy drive.

    All in all, I just lost a floppy power cable. That's all. The drive works and I averted a catastrophe.

    It seems that things are pretty bad for you right now, but they're not. I'm sure that a lot of good things are still happening to you, just that you're overlooking them a little. "Always look on the bright side of life."

    Like your computer. You said that you nearly blew it up? But, well, you didn't. That was lucky, wasn't it?

    Take care.
    Money, power, sex... and elephants.
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  6. #6


    I DID actually blow up my computer recently. Was off for 2 weeks and missed the FF7 millionaire AT THE MILLION QUESTION. AGAIN. But i got a computer from the school, so thats ok!
    The last words of Oscar Wilde, to the wallpaper in his room - "One of us has to go"

  7. #7
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    I punched my monitor screen and it broke.

    Then we repaired it.

    Have ye got the irish curse me friend?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Magus of Zeal View Post
    I punched my monitor screen and it broke.

    Then we repaired it.

    Have ye got the irish curse me friend?
    Ach aye.
    The last words of Oscar Wilde, to the wallpaper in his room - "One of us has to go"

  9. #9


    There is always something brighter to look forward too, it looks bad now, but keep your head up.

  10. #10
    Badge Badge's Avatar
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    Thanks for your help everyone. I finally sorted stuff that was going wrong in my life out yesterday. I found out I needed to tlk to people instead of bottling it up. Yeah sure I cried i screamed i punched but it was all worth it. My head feels lighter. So what if im unlucky, thats just who I am. As for the not sleeping , stress really. Just wanna thank my mom for being there for me. Say hello to the new or old Badge, whichever way you wanna look at it.
    If I turn my back I'm defenceless, and to go blindly seems senseless.

  11. #11
    casual mind slip
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    I had a day like this, maybe not as intense as this. But overall, it was just a bad day. Nothing seemed to go right, at all. I got so irritated. But it'll go away, don't be so superstitious about it.

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