We all know Leeza as a very tough and strict mod. She always follows the rules and she never lets anyone get away with anything. Yeah, it pisses alot of us off from time to time, but that doesn't matter in the long run because we know she has the best intentions at heart. Her strictness does keep the crash's out, and I don't think many are going to complain about that.

One of the things Leeza is notorious for is [leeza]*snip*[/leeza]ing out or censoring inapropriate posts. She almost always leaves a warning of some sort afterwards, too.

However, I recently stumbled across this post and noticed that something was wrong. The warning that Leeza always hands out is right there, underneath the post. However, the inappropriate content of this thread was left completely unchanged. Nothing was censored. Why would Leeza not censor this post like she usually does? Could it be that she simply forgot? Or could it be something more? Perhaps when Leeza saw this post she laughed at it's blatant hilarity. Perhaps she wanted others to be able to see it and laugh as well?

So what do you think? Was Leeza laughing?