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Thread: Harr! Presentin myself!

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Default Harr! Presentin myself!

    After a couple of years browsing this website..I have finally decided to make a username of my own. Of course, I made this name along time ago and never used it..and thus I forgot the password for it...but..something stranged happened to me...I remember my password out of no where! So I present myself to you EOFF, and to all of the community, and I look forward to the posting that I will participate in....Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ho hohoh


  2. #2
    Ich bin ein Kaltduscher Vikeve's Avatar
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    Why do you want to know Rapist!?


    That happens to me all the time but i never remember end up remembering it perhaps you have special 'gifts' just a thought.

    Yes! I get to be the first perons to say WELCOME and enjoy posting and not lurking.

  3. #3
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard. Tell us about yourself, and don't leave out any details!

  4. #4
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?



  5. #5

    Join Date
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    *thinks for a moment*

    Ehh, about me you say..Well then lets start off right away!

    Q. Age?
    A. Seven-teen, 17

    Q. Where do you live?
    A. United States! On the border of Massachusetts and Rhode Island

    Q. Birthday?
    A. My birthday is June 3rd, 1989.

    Q. Where did my name come from?
    A. It was one of my first major characters that I developed for a short story. Which then lead him to be a hero for a so called "novel" that still sits in a box laminated. Ever since then, I have grown very, very, fond of the name Dugradugburr.

    Q. Favorite FF and why?
    A. Definetly has to FFVI (FF3u.s.), because of Kefka and General Leo. When I first played the game, I immediately fell in love with the graphics. Because I thought it was so advanced when I saw Terra, Biggs, and Wedge, march towards Narshe. I was absolutely amazed by it! Then the story line came in, and that just pummeled me in the heart. Of course, the beloved characters and the absolute insane villain, Kefka! Who doesn't love Kefka! I loved the way Squeenix (Square-Soft at the time) Just wanted him to be some crazy lunatic that wanted power and annhilation, so my young mind was engulfed into a world that I still love to this day.

    Q. Any other games you like to play?
    A. Haha, oh yes. My library of games consist of mostly fantasy. But it also has the occasional FPS, or strategy game. Asides from Final Fantasy, I also love the Seiken Densetsu series (Secret of Mana). I remember when I purchased Sword of Mana for the GBA, it oddly resembled Final Fantasy Adventure...and when I heard the town of Wendel I was like...AHH!!!! Gah!! Yes!! * squees with joy *
    I love the Castlevania series, Golden Sun, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Illusion of Gaia, Dragon Quest, Terrenigma, Soul-Blazer, Ogre-Battle...and so much, so, so, much more.

    Q. What is your genre of music that you are most enveloped in?
    A. Mostly game music that fill me with childish happiness. Nobuo Ueamtsu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Koji Kondo (Those are composers). As for alternate music...hmm...Alexisonfire, The Black Mages, Less than Jake, Rasie the Stakes, Another Option, Rise Against, NOFX, The OLD Greenday...the list goes on and on forever. Oh and I am also quite fond of the remixes on OCREMIX, one of my favorite mixers has to be Haroon Piracha..(A.K.A, FFMusicDJ)

    Q. Favorite Final Fantasy songs?
    A. Definetly "The Prelude", One Winged Angel, The Extreme, The Battle with Gilgamesh, Ride on! (Airship theme from FFVIII), Dancing Mad, Aerith/Aeris's Theme, The Dark Messenger, Memoria: Castle of Dreams, To Zanarkand, Someday this dream will end, Theme of Love, Into the Darkness, Zeromus: Final Battle,

    Q. World of Warcraft?
    A. Yes, Garithos server.

    Q. Final Fantasy XI?
    A. Use to..Pheonix Server.

    Q. Any hobbies you want to mention?
    A. Besides writing stories and poetry. I enjoy relaxing out with friends and family, and of course the numerous idiotic stunts that I may pull off...ON CAMERA.

    Q. What about FFVII?
    A. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but it's over-rated a little too much. Ok, maybe alot..too much perhaps. Though the soundtrack is great!

    Q. Do you watch television?
    A. No , unless it's Conan O'Brien of course.

    Q. What about movies?
    A. Clerks, Clerks 2, Advent Children, Donnie Darko, The Graduate, Old Charlie films, Some Like it Hot, A Bronx Tale, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Old Marx Brother's films, Dragon Ball Z: The Worlds Strongest...and a tons more regular films and anime films.

    Q. Other stuff about you?
    A. I read manga and I watch anime and I sometimes type faster than my mind can think, so I make some idiotic mistakes.

    Well thats about me in a cashew shell! Pleasant reading if you care to know something about me!


    Edit: Oh, and my real name is Zack

  6. #6


    Hi Digh Paups/

  7. #7

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  8. #8
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    HI! I am EoFF's Official Chocobo! Perhaps you've seen my posts?

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    I recognize your SIG, thats about it. =]

  10. #10
    Ogre Araciel's Avatar
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    welcome...though you've been here longer than i have

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Where cows overpopulate the people


    Thats because I forgot my password and I remembered it outof the blue =P.

    But in a sense..'you", have been here long than I.

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