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Thread: Kingdom Hearts II: General Discussion, Final Mix+ and Re:CoM

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    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Default Kingdom Hearts II: General Discussion, Final Mix+ and Re:CoM

    Most of the KH section content has been written. If you feel that from the existing sections there is to improve, do so, for either insertion into the series. Please check the Site Staff section for more details. More specifically, we need someone to write the Gummies section for the Frontsite. Be forewarned that the Gummies are extensive, and deeply involving. Be prepared to write everything yourself, because the Bradygames Strategy Guide isn't very satisfactory on the subject.

    Obviously, most of us know that Kingdom Hearts II has been released in Europe, and its Australian and Eastern European releases await shortly. I had planned to get done coding and writing the KHII Frontsite section as soon as I could, but life doesn't work like that. As such, I have found it necessary to create this thread; a general discussion thread regarding the game and its problems. This should eliminate the need for needless threads, and most of the frequently answered questions should be answered here. If not, please add on.

    This is a link to the thread in which you can view all of my collected work thus far. If you think you might be able to contribute to the section, please feel free to do so.

    Kingdom Hearts III?
    While it has been stated by offical sources that the game will be made, it is unlikely that it will directly involve Sora as a main character. It probably has something to do with the enigmatic figures in the secret ending.

    Kingdom Hearts: CoM on PS2?
    Yes. It seems it will come out, but further details await.

    Update: it came as part of the KHII FM+ package. It was the second disc.

    Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix?
    Yes. Most likely Japan only (just like the first one), so don't get excited.
    Update: yes, it was released in Japan. Don't expect it to come out in the Western world.

    Kingdom Hearts Secret Ending?
    You can watch it on Youtube, complete the game normally on Proud Mode, or acheive 100% Journal completion (do everything) in Normal Mode. It cannot be viewed after playing on the Beginner Mode.

    (SPOILER)It basically involves three figures in golden armor approaching a Keyblade Graveyard. The three figures approach three Keyblades, the ones wielded by Sora, Riku, and Mickey throughout the game, respectively. During the scene, many words show up on the screen, including "Chasers" and the Secret Ansem Reports.

    The offical usage of these characters is yet unknown. All we can do at this point is speculate.

    Update: please do not confuse this with the FM+ secret ending, which has a link further down in the thread.

    Orchalcum+ locations for Ultima Weapon
    Seal 100 Acre Wood
    Seal Atlantica
    Finish the Goddess of Fate cup
    Twilight Town: Sunset Terrace
    World that Never Was: Brink of Despair
    Space Paranoids: Central Computer Mesa
    Get at least one of all of the Synthesis Materials

    Note that the recipe calls for thirteen of these ores. An Energy Crystal is required to bring the O+ requirement down to seven.

    How does Lucky Lucky work?
    It improves item drops when more are equipped.

    How do I get the Goddess of Fate Cup/Hades Ultimate Cup?
    Defeat Xemnas in the WtNW for the first time.
    Level your Summons and Drives to at least level 5.

    How do I improve my HP/MP/Drive?
    You don't. Certain bosses give HP/MP/Drive Bar maximum bonuses when defeated. There is no accessory that improves HP, MP, or Drive Bar amounts.

    Best place to level?
    Wherever is closest to your Battle Level. After that, it's mostly WtNW.

    Final Form/Anti Form?
    Final Form can be activated randomly after viewing the cutscene at Twilight's Skyscraper. It will activate randomly whenever Sora uses a Drive Form and has more than five Drive Bars.

    Anti Form is based on how often you use Valor, Wisdom, and Master Forms. Everytime, you gain one point. After accumulating four points, there is a chance for Sora to turn into Anti Form. Turning into Anti Form reduces the counter by four, finding a new Form reduces it to zero, and Final Form reduces it by ten; Final Form also cannot activate Anti Form.

    How do I level Forms/Summons?
    Valor forms gains EXP by striking an enemy; one EXP per hit.
    Wisdom gains EXP by killing Heartless; one EXP per Heartless (bigger Heartless does not mean more EXP)
    Master gains EXP by gathering Drive Orbs; try Space Paranoids and Hollow Bastion for these elusive Orbs (you can either gain one EXP point, or three)
    Final gains EXP by killing Nobodies; one EXP per Nobody (bigger Nobody does not mean more EXP)
    Anti does not gain EXP; in fact, it negates all EXP possible to gain

    Where can Mickey save Sora?
    (SPOILER)Shan-Yu (Land of Dragons)
    Storm Rider (Land of Dragons)
    Dark Stalker (Beast's Castle)
    Black Thorn (Beast's Castle)
    Xaldin (Beast's Castle)
    Cerberus (Olympus Coliseum)
    Hydra (Olympus Coliseum)
    Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord (Agrabah)
    Grim Reaper (Port Royal)
    Xemnas (Final Battles)

    Pooh Bear's pages:
    Disney Castle, in the Library
    Pride Lands, in the Oasis
    Hollow Bastion, the Crystal Fissure (before Seph)
    Land of Dragons, Throne Room
    Agrabah, Tower before you fight Jafar

    Is Axel gay?
    (SPOILER)No. Nobodies can't have emotions; this includes love. Axel can only replicate true emotions.

    Is Axel Riku's Nobody?
    (SPOILER)No. Riku never became a Heartless. Stop being an eisegetic reader.

    What is a Nobody?
    (SPOILER)A Nobody is what is left over when a person's Heart is taken from them. The Heart that is ripped apart from the body leaves behind the two other parts that constitue a human being: the soul and the body. The Nobody is the leftovers. Nobodies have no emotions because emotion can only be present with a Hearts; Nobodies use their guise to trick others, especially Demyx, who acts like a blundering idiot, even when he is fully capable of getting the job done. Nobodies are by nature, cruel, cold, and callous.

    I've never played KHI or KH:CoM! What do I do?
    Play the game anyways. KHII has a beginning prologue which summarizes the first two games; an intro FMV which is three and a half minutes long, and a two hour introduction, in which the complexity of the world is eased onto the system. You are introduced to Roxas, as well.

    I don't get it. What is going on?
    (SPOILER)In the World that Never Was, a lot of exposition is revealed to you at once. It can possibly overwhelm you, if you don't start putting the pieces together. The first thing of note is that Roxas is Sora's Nobody; it formed when Sora gave his Heart away in the first Kingdom Hearts. Roxas found Xemnas whilst wandering the Darkness, and joined OXIII.

    Most Nobodies are born into the world fully aware of the memories of their former lives. Roxas did not. As such, he knew that there were other things awaiting him, and he fled from the Organization. He runs into Riku, and they fight. Riku loses. Riku fights Roxas again, after embracing the Darkness, and he wins, barely. Riku then breaks Roxas' fingers (thus establishing the need for a band-aid/wrap on Roxas' fingers, and a shawl for Riku's arm). Riku now takes on the form of Ansem, the Heartless of Xehanort, DiZ's former apprentice. DiZ = Ansem the Wise, former ruler of Radiant Garden (Hollow Bastion).

    Since Nobodies can be converted to raw data, he was put into a simacrulum of Twilight Town, to receive the memories of Sora. DiZ attempted to restore Sora's lost memories (lost after having been disrupted by Naminč directly, but that failed, thus establishing the need to capture Roxas. After inputting the memories of Sora into Roxas, he put him back into Sora, and thus the journey continues, with Heart, Soul, and Body united, but not acting together.

    OXIII hunts down Roxas, only to find Sora. They lead him on, whilst establishing their plans and confusing him. Their plan is to absorb the power of Kingdom Hearts, and give back the Hearts to those who lost them, and return them to their rightful place (the Nobodies).

    More additions would be accepted.

    I'm stickying this topic for a little while so other can read it. Once anyone on staff feels the topic has served its useful life, please unstick it.

    This thread will be de-stickied once the front-site section goes up.
    Last edited by Tavrobel; 10-08-2007 at 10:37 PM.

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