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Thread: EoFF Events

  1. #16
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    1. Do you enjoy events that take place on EoFF? (ex. The Ciddies, EoFF Elections, Screen Name Competitions, etc)


    2. Do you like participating in some of the events, or do you prefer watching from the sideline while the events take place?

    No and no.

    3. Do you have a favorite event? (If not, you can skip this question.)

    I shall skip it then.

    4. Do you have any crazy ideas for a crazy event in the future that you would like to see take place at EoFF? If so, could you tell everyone? Everyone loves a crazy idea, like the Civil War, oh you silly Hectics. <3

    The "Let's go one year without an event" event.

    5. What are some of your complaints about some of the events? (Or do you think any of the events needs to be fixed in some way or another?)

    Their existence etc.

  2. #17
    Some kind of Nature~ Fonzie's Avatar
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    Haha give me sometime too learn flashplayer and i'll try too make the "EoFF Movie ooooo".

  3. #18
    "Go die in a hole."- Kat
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    1. Do you enjoy events that take place on EoFF? (ex. The Ciddies, EoFF Elections, Screen Name Competitions, etc)

    Well, yes, though most of them are based on popularity rather than skill. I still enjoy watching and voting in competition, though.

    2. Do you like participating in some of the events, or do you prefer watching from the sideline while the events take place?

    Mostly watching from the sideline. This (the art competition I'm running) is the first time I've actually gotten involved.

    3. Do you have a favorite event? (If not, you can skip this question.)

    EoFF's Top Artist competition, duh.
    Just kidding, though it is one of my favorite events because I'm running it. Ummm... I think the Civil War will most likely be one of my favorites.

    4. Do you have any crazy ideas for a crazy event in the future that you would like to see take place at EoFF? If so, could you tell everyone? Everyone loves a crazy idea, like the Civil War, oh you silly Hectics. <3

    I want to do a competition involving making clothes somehow (because I'm a Project Runway nerd like that xD) but I know it'll be a disaster because people don't want to spend good money and time on making garments for a silly forum competition. Maybe like a competition with sketches of clothes rather than making the real garments themselves? I don't know.

    5. What are some of your complaints about some of the events? (Or do you think any of the events needs to be fixed in some way or another?)

    I'm just going to be self-centered, and talk about my own competition xD
    There's a lot (and I mean A LOT) that needs to be fixed, considering so many people have dropped out. I'm trying to tweak it so it will run smoother next "season" (if I do do it...), but considering this is my first time running a competition, I believe it's going all right. I'm open for suggestions, if anyone has them :)

    Other than that, I don't feel as though I can really critique anyone else's competitions or give complaints about them. Yes, the Ciddies and all of those kinds of competitions are based on popularity, but meh, that's what they're there for =P

  4. #19
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    <b>1. Do you enjoy events that take place on EoFF? (ex. The Ciddies, EoFF Elections, Screen Name Competitions, etc)</b>

    The elections suck more than ever now that people have to actually do stuff. What the smurf is up with that? Before it was just a popularity contest and now it is 20 separate and stupid contest rolled into one big retarded popularity contest.

    Ciddies are semi-alright. I think most of the awards are redundant and stupid though.

    Screen name competition is awesome because I won it. If I had not have won it then I would say it is [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img]...just like everything else I have failed to mention.

    <b>2. Do you like participating in some of the events, or do you prefer watching from the sideline while the events take place?</b>

    I prefer the [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img] moves along faster so it is over with most of the time.

    <b>3. Do you have a favorite event? (If not, you can skip this question.)</b>

    Screen Name. I won.

    <b>4. Do you have any crazy ideas for a crazy event in the future that you would like to see take place at EoFF? If so, could you tell everyone? Everyone loves a crazy idea, like the Civil War, oh you silly Hectics. <3</b>

    Its called flame day and everyone runs around flaming the hell out of everyone else. 1 day of total chaos a year would be awesome.

    <b>5. What are some of your complaints about some of the events? (Or do you think any of the events needs to be fixed in some way or another?)</b>

    You have already heard my opinions on this in the question one.

  5. #20
    Recognized Member Xander's Avatar
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    I used to like them lots, stuff like the Ciddies, but don't really have the time or interest these days...

  6. #21


    1. I am not as interested in these events as I used to be. I don't feel like I've outgrown it so much as I just don't have the time to really involve myself in the community and enjoy it, which is a shame, I admit.

    2. I do miss participating in the events, but then again I do feel it is rather trivial to participate. EoFF Post is enough for me, I suppose; I have enough commitments in "the real world". Ever heard of that, kids?

    3. My favorite event is the one I haven't put on yet.

    4. Yeah, I do have an idea but I'm not telling you. See 3.

    5. How about don't ever steal the chess tournament management away from me if you can't manage to do anything with it other than run it dead into the ground? I'm not bitter or anything; I'm just good at getting things done.

  7. #22
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    1. Do you enjoy events that take place on EoFF? (ex. The Ciddies, EoFF Elections, Screen Name Competitions, etc)
    Of course I do!

    2. Do you like participating in some of the events, or do you prefer watching from the sideline while the events take place?
    I like to participate if I'm not running it. And sometimes I do both. I prefer not to participate in some things that require a lot of time and effort, though, as I don't have that much time available to me these days.

    3. Do you have a favorite event? (If not, you can skip this question.)

    4. Do you have any crazy ideas for a crazy event in the future that you would like to see take place at EoFF? If so, could you tell everyone?
    Not this very second, but anyone who knows me knows that I'll come up with a few as time goes by.

    5. What are some of your complaints about some of the events? (Or do you think any of the events needs to be fixed in some way or another?)
    Not off the top of my head.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #23
    Fluttershy Recognized Member Ashi's Avatar
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    1. Do you enjoy events that take place on EoFF? (ex. The Ciddies, EoFF Elections, Screen Name Competitions, etc)

    2. Do you like participating in some of the events, or do you prefer watching from the sideline while the events take place?
    I <i>would</i> like to participate; but I'm afraid I don't recognize/remember names as much as I used to and it's important to be familiar with the people to participate in events.

    3. Do you have a favorite event? (If not, you can skip this question.)
    Ciddies (but like I said, I can't do this when I don't know people's names). Screen Name competitions (these don't require us to know people because the names are usually there! but maybe that's just on the later stages).

    4. Do you have any crazy ideas for a crazy event in the future that you would like to see take place at EoFF? If so, could you tell everyone?
    Ice Breaker event! Although I don't have any idea for what it should containt...

    5. What are some of your complaints about some of the events? (Or do you think any of the events needs to be fixed in some way or another?)
    Not really. I never stuck around to see them end for quite a long time now, but that's my fault.

  9. #24
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    1. Do you enjoy events that take place on EoFF? (ex. The Ciddies, EoFF Elections, Screen Name Competitions, etc)
    Yes I do. They're a lot of fun.

    2. Do you like participating in some of the events, or do you prefer watching from the sideline while the events take place?
    It depends. I participate in some of them, but I just let others be.

    3. Do you have a favorite event? (If not, you can skip this question.)
    Yeah, I love the Ciddies. Can't get enough of 'em.

    4. Do you have any crazy ideas for a crazy event in the future that you would like to see take place at EoFF? If so, could you tell everyone? Everyone loves a crazy idea, like the Civil War, oh you silly Hectics. <3
    Ehm, no... Sorry

    5. What are some of your complaints about some of the events? (Or do you think any of the events needs to be fixed in some way or another?)
    Not that I can think of.

  10. #25
    Missing Dell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Proto View Post
    We all love them. Anyway, this is one of the event managers of EoFF, so I would like to ask you lovely folks several questions regarding EoFF specific events that occur.

    1. Do you enjoy events that take place on EoFF? (ex. The Ciddies, EoFF Elections, Screen Name Competitions, etc)

    2. Do you like participating in some of the events, or do you prefer watching from the sideline while the events take place?

    3. Do you have a favorite event? (If not, you can skip this question.)

    4. Do you have any crazy ideas for a crazy event in the future that you would like to see take place at EoFF? If so, could you tell everyone? Everyone loves a crazy idea, like the Civil War, oh you silly Hectics. <3

    5. What are some of your complaints about some of the events? (Or do you think any of the events needs to be fixed in some way or another?)

    <strike>6. What's your favorite kind of cake?</strike>

    Also, let's not forget some of the other "forum-specific" events that do take place, such as the Art Contest, and the Final Fantasy Music Awards that are taking place. We don't want to leave them out.
    1. Yes!

    2. I like participating in the event that is suitable for me.

    3. Ciddies and EoY

    4. The Amazing Race around EoFF.

    5. They should do it more often.

    The Late Owen Macwere Production.

  11. #26
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    We need events now. Where is the event organising committee!? Did BoB bonked them to heaven or something?

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