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Thread: Considering buying the game

  1. #1
    Bowchica Bow Wow... Omnislash07's Avatar
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    Default Considering buying the game

    I just heard about the 2007 mega pack thing that SE is gonna release and ive started thinking about getting the game but there are a couple of things I would like to know before i do.

    1) How long do you guys think the game will last? Its been out for like 4 years already so you know i dont want to get the game and like 1 year later it kinda dies. If I get the game I wanna know that I'm gonna be able to play it for at least like 2 years hopefully longer but I dont know much about the life of MMOs so your thoughts would be helpful.

    2) Are there are lot of low level people around or am I going to have to get to like level 20 before I start being able to party with people?

    Thats all I can think of at the moment. If you guys answer positively to these then most likely I'll be seeing you online by December at least (would be sooner but I still need to get a new ISP cause my current one is too unreliable for any online gaming).

    PS. If I dont reply to this for a while it is not because I forgot about it or am ignoring it, it just means that my internet is being a bitch and wont let me post anything. I'll still probably be able to read what you guys post so please continue to do so. TY
    Last edited by Omnislash07; 10-10-2006 at 02:00 AM.
    Doc "But I'm a pacifist, I don't believe in violence"
    Caboose "Your a thing babies suck on?"
    Tucker "No thats a pedophile"

  2. #2
    ballsballsballs of steel Jimsour's Avatar
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    It'll last untill square bring out a new online game, I'd say it has another 3 - 4 years left in it.

    Yes, there are a lot of new players. The game was released on the xbox360 recently which has brought a new wave of players, and there are generally always new players. You need to be about Lv10 to start partying.. and you wont be able to take part in big things untill Lv60 to be honest

    the game is worth it, but it takes a lot of playtime.
    I'm a big fan of the Mars Bar Diet; You don't eat the Mars bar, you stick it up your arse and let a rottweiler chase you home.

  3. #3
    permanently mitten
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    Seeing as how the Expansion pack just came out, I'd say that there is still plenty of life in this game. And I really don't believe this is the last expansion for FFXI. I'm sure there will be at least another expansion before the end draws near for the game. But honestly, don't worry about the game dying or anything just as you begin to play it. There's still lots of people playing the game and plenty of people joining the game.

    Anyway, there are always gonna be newbies just like you starting up and leveling in the newbie zones. But even if there aren't, there are 18 job classes in this game and higher level folks are always leveling new 1-10 jobs. There will be people for you to party and play with from level 10 all the way up to 75. Level 10 is around the level most people start partying and yeah, there are always people leveling in the dunes (the most popular 10-20 leveling zone).

    Play the game. As long as you don't take things in the game too seriously (because FFXI does have it's fair share of drama and drama whores) then you'll have a good time.

  4. #4

    Grin I LOVE THIS GAME !!!

    There are always new people joining everyday.
    I don't think you'll have any trouble getting a party.

    This game could last as long as you want it to .... there is always something to do.

    Missions in every nation. Quests. Side quests (ie for your sub job or advanced jobs, or getting chocobo license etc). Raise your own chocobo. Leveling up your characters jobs. Join a guild and skill up your synthing. Join a LinkShell. Make friends. Farm mobs for items. Sell items on Auction House. Fish. Garden. or just explore the different areas (its a really big place).

    I can't think anymore

    but yea, there is sooo much that you can do, if you finish everything in a year or two, i will create an internet site dedicated to you
    I bought this game earlier this year (like feb/march)and i am still working on intro game stuff ... mostly leveling so i can do story line missions ... and i need (1 more) rank to get 6 and do CoP and Zm's ...

    Come to Garuda Server ... nobody here is on that server but me ... and i think its the best one
    Chuck Noblet: Can anyone tell me the tragic irony of the Trojan War? Tina? Tina: Um, that horses are friendly creatures yet a hollow, wooden one was used to destroy Troy? Chuck Noblet: Wrong and no. Anyone else? Chip? Chip: That the mighty warrior Achilles was killed by a small cut to his ankle. Chuck Noblet: Chip is wronger. OK, here it is. The tragic irony of the Trojan War is that though it was fought over Helen, who was young and beautiful, by the time they rescued her ten years later, she was old and ugly. Tina: But wasn't recovering the king's wife reward enough for the Greeks? Chuck Noblet: Tina, an ugly woman is never a reward.

  5. #5
    Retired Dragoon Crossblades's Avatar
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    It's really a fun game to play. Highly recommended

    Vaan - "Hey, you!"
    Penelo - "Yeah, you! The one reading this sig at this very moment!"
    Vaan - "Interested in playing FFXII International Zodiac Job system?"
    Ashe - "But you have no knowledge of the Japanese language?"
    Fran - "....We could help...."
    Balthier - "That's right, Fran! Just click on Crossblades' thread on the very bottom of this signature and it will show you all license grid translations, magicks and tecks locations, and other changes that were made!"
    Basch - "Don't forget though. Swap Magic is needed to play this game if you don't own a japanese PS2."
    Vaan - "Also remember that if you played the original, you'll have an easier time playing the international version. We hope you enjoy the International Zodiac Job System experience. See ya then!"

  6. #6
    Bowchica Bow Wow... Omnislash07's Avatar
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    Well from what I read on this forum and in other areas on the internet it looks like FF IX will be around for a while still and there will be plenty of people to interact with so it is pretty much gauranteed that when the 2007 pack is relased on Nov. 9 Im going to get it and start playing.
    Doc "But I'm a pacifist, I don't believe in violence"
    Caboose "Your a thing babies suck on?"
    Tucker "No thats a pedophile"

  7. #7


    Well, how long have Ultima Online and Everquest been around? A damn long time. FFXI has been as succesful as those, I think, so I believe it'd be around for quite some time now. There's still around 3-4 thousand people on a server most of the time, I don't think I've ever seen it go below 2 thousand, unless they've just done maintenance.

    And the mega pack 2007 looks like a pretty good thing to get, if you're wanting to get into the game, nice and easy installation!

    Just know, if you plan to play a hell of a lot, you'll get burnt out sooner or later (been there a few times). But just put the game down, go do something else for a couple of weeks, and see how you feel -- rather than deleting your character and swearing to never play again (been there a few times too >.<).

    Anyways, enjoy!

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  8. #8
    Bowchica Bow Wow... Omnislash07's Avatar
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    Well I've been looking around on the internet and after alot of thinking I decided I would probably start off as a Galka Monk. I was thinking about a Hume Monk but after looking at the stats of the two races I decided that Galka would be better and besides I dont really plan on doing any mage classes with the character so the higher int and such levels of the Hume would be wasted. I plan on making another character after I play the game for a while and it will probably be some kind of Hume mage, I know a TaruTaru would be best as a mage but I just hate the TaruTaru design.

    I know its still a while off from Nov. 9th which is when I'm going to try to get the game, but I figured I would ask in advance for a World Pass to a server with a couple of your guys on it. I just figured it would be nice to have some people to ask my noob questions to that I know will give me a good answer instead of trying to just ask some random guy that may or may not care and may or may not give me good information. It would also kind of be nice if there were a couple of you guys on the server so I would have a better chance of catching at least one of you on when I wanted to ask a question. Also you dont have to worry about me constantly harrassing you with questions because I will mostly try to look up any info I need on the net but when something comes up and I dont wanna log off just to look up some little thing it would be nice to have someone I can rely on to ask.

    So anyway thanks in advance to anyone that wants to help me out.
    Doc "But I'm a pacifist, I don't believe in violence"
    Caboose "Your a thing babies suck on?"
    Tucker "No thats a pedophile"

  9. #9
    tech spirit
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    Don't decide your race from what job you want to play :p. The difference isn't all that big. Besides, Elvaans are stronger than Galkas, and also have more MND for chi-blast :p.
    Go with the race that you think is the most appealing. You'll need to level more than one joib anyway, and in the end, you might find that Monk wasn't what you wanted to become after all. You can change your job at any time without losing job levels, you know.
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  10. #10
    Bowchica Bow Wow... Omnislash07's Avatar
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    I'm not picking the galka soley on the fact that I want to be a monk. I just figured I would be a more physical type of character whether monk, warrior, or whatever I finally choose than a magic one and so I picked galka because I like their character model more than the elvaan.
    Doc "But I'm a pacifist, I don't believe in violence"
    Caboose "Your a thing babies suck on?"
    Tucker "No thats a pedophile"

  11. #11
    ballsballsballs of steel Jimsour's Avatar
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    Keep in mind that you'll be playing lots of jobs through your gaming. I started wanting to be a paladin, but I chose dark knight which is the exact opposite in every day, and now i'm playing red mage. if you ever want to use a mage job (you will, trust me) then galka is lackign a lot with mp, but nothing that equipment cant sort out. up to you though. i chose hume. Galka lose out the most when it comes to being a red mage, apparently.

    if you are dead set on being monk youll need to level a fair few jobs for subs, and white mage is one of them.

    Closer to the time I can set you up with a Worldpass to Ramuh.. its a good server and the economy isnt too bad (got deflation right now, but so does every server, ramuh is doing well still), and throw you a linkpearl to an LS called Saturday.
    I'm a big fan of the Mars Bar Diet; You don't eat the Mars bar, you stick it up your arse and let a rottweiler chase you home.

  12. #12
    Bowchica Bow Wow... Omnislash07's Avatar
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    Well at first I was kinda thinking about being a Hume but I after awhile the Galkas started to grow on me and then after seeing how few Galkas there are in the game I decided I would go with it, link.

    Even if I do have to level White Mage I can still get items to up my MP like you said. Also I'm plannin on probably having at least 2 characters 1 that is more physical and the other that is a mage and then I can play whichever one I feel like at the moment.

    Also that would be sweet if you could get me a world pass and even get me in a linkshell. I'll definitely talk to you about that when I get closer to getting the game.
    Doc "But I'm a pacifist, I don't believe in violence"
    Caboose "Your a thing babies suck on?"
    Tucker "No thats a pedophile"

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