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Thread: Grand Tournament Revival

  1. #541
    *nibble nibble* StarlightAngel's Avatar
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    Munching on Usagi-san


    2,640,000 on Etna. Gomene, Raharu-sama.

  2. #542
    NINJA_Ryu's Avatar
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    Tacoma, Washingotn


    20 k on etna
    Last edited by NINJA_Ryu; 02-25-2007 at 08:54 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Power View Post
    So far playing WoW, I've shouted "ROFLCOPTER" on no less than fifteen occasions, danced as a bear at the end of a ship, and compared the Klu Klux Klan to cereal.

  3. #543
    阴影龙 Zante's Avatar
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    5,000 on Etna.

  4. #544
    The spoon is too big! Firo Volondé's Avatar
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    I'll put 22,000 on Etna, though I have a nasty feeling that Laharl will win.
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  5. #545
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    1,020,000 on Etna. As she killed both Laharl and Fionne, I think she can take just one of them by herself.

  6. #546
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Kazane Shiba (Adamantoise)
    • Former Cid's Knight


    OOC:Sorry for the late update, I've been swamped.

    Two figures stood atop the towering skyscrapers of downtown Tokyo, one with a flapping red scarf and the other sitting on a prinny.

    "The next battle is between Overlord Laharl and Majin Etna. Begin," L said while chaining a large tower-attack on his Disgaea 2 game, a PS2 controller held loosely in his hand.

    "Etna! I finally found you!" Laharl said. "You'll pay for stealing all of the prinnies from my castle!"

    "I'LL pay!?" Etna demanded, her voice becoming somewhat shrill. "I'LL PAY!? You stuck up little brat!"

    "Do you know what I've been through!?" Laharl demanded. "No food! The castle's a mess! I've been living on instant ramen for the last few months!"

    "Oh you little brat!" Etna screamed. "I'll never forgive you! Even if you did return my pudding!"

    Both combatants screamed and charged forward, the prinny being kicked into the air as Etna shot forward. It landed on the ground with a loud "dooood!" before exploding.

    Sword and spear met with a loud clash, before they disengaged.

    "Take this!" Etna screamed, twirling around. Several prinnies descended from the sky and hurled themselves at Laharl, who leapt up, his scarf forming into the shape of wings.

    Laharl smirked as dark energy gathered around his fist. He solidly punched the first, then the second prinny, sending them flying towards Etna.

    Etna leapt aside, her wings flaring out as the prinnies hit a skyscraper and exploded, toppling it.

    As dust flew up from the building, Etna charged forward, slashing several times in succession at Laharl.

    Laharl dodged backward and blocked each slash in turn with his sword. Etna charged forward with one more forceful thrust, but Laharl deflected the spear to the side to avoid harm.

    Dark energy again gathering around his fist, he punched forward, but Etna twirled out of the way and jumped back.

    Spinning in the air, she unleashed several pink beams in the shape of a heart at Laharl.

    Laharl guarded with his sword as the beams struck him, negating a good amount of damage but still taking some hits.

    "Why you..." he snarled, energy gathering in his hand. "Bite the dust!"

    Several blazing balls of energy burst hurled themselves outward, surrounding Etna.

    Etna swung her spear around, creating a vicious cyclone around her. The balls of flame descended on her as she leapt into the air, over the fireballs, which were caught up in the vortex.

    Bringing her spear down, she obliterated the fireballs with a burst of energy from her spear.

    Landing lightly on the ground, she looked up just in time to see a burst of green energy descending on her.

    "Crap!" she shouted as she raised her spear to block the energy wave. It slammed into it, forcing her feet into the ground as it tore a huge chunk out of the landscape in one long line.

    The dust cleared as she slowly raised her spear back into a battle-ready position, breathing heavily.


    Etna looked up to see a massive meteor descending on her. Shielding her face, she quickly thrust her spear upward as the meteor crushed her and exploded.

    Six balls of plasma burst out from around where Etna had been standing as Laharl leapt out of the dust cloud and onto the top of a building.

    The plasma balls hurled themselves at Laharl, who raised his sword and cut them down. The image of a moon appeared behind him as he slashed forward with the sword, a shockwave going out and arcing through the dust cloud.

    As it flew, it blew the dust away with its force and slammed into Etna, launching her backwards and into another skyscraper. As she hit, the building began to buckle, before crumbling and falling on her.

    Readying his blade, Laharl watched as Etna emerged from the wreckage.

    "Oh all RIGHT," she said exasperatedly. "I'll give you your damn prinnies back."

    Without further ado, Etna fell backward, unconscious.

    OOC:By the way, I'm wondering where you're getting the whole "Etna killed Laharl and Flonne" thing. Yes, it IS possible in Disgaea 2 for Etna to singlehandedly defeat both, but the canon, main ending does not ever involve the defeat of Laharl, it's merely a sidequest. Oh well.

    The next match is the finals. It will be between Overlord Laharl and Fei Fong Wong. It will take place in the Grand Dome. The fight will be posted either Saturday or Sunday, after which character registration for the first Original Character Grand Tournament Revival will begin. Rules will be posted there, and I advise begging Starlight Angel for money to make characters if you don't have enough since she has the unfair advantage of being my sister and knowing how I think (although HOW she screwed up this last bet is beyond me).

    Current Accounts:

    Zante: 280,000
    Elite Lord Sigma: 4,000,000
    Zeromus_X: 10,000
    Strider: 8,500
    RisetoFall: 215,000
    Ninja_Ryu: 3,000
    Rase: 700,000
    Magus of Zeal: 18,500
    Traffic: 0
    Starlight Angel: 12,000,000
    Triumphant Hero: 1,000,000
    Spammerman: 0
    JKTrix: 0
    omegaweapon2005: 14,000
    Firo Volondé: 56,008
    Slicksword45: 190,000
    outlaw starwind: 25,000
    Rinion: 0
    Enjolras282: 10,000
    Mercen-X: 0
    Taggerung: 2,000
    Hazzard: 25,000
    TyphoonThaReapa: 12,000

  7. #547
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
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    None shall pass!


    Since I have no clue as to the result of this battle, I'll stop betting here and keep the 1,000,000 for the next tournament.
    O R'lyeh?

  8. #548
    阴影龙 Zante's Avatar
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    10,000 on Laharl.

  9. #549
    *nibble nibble* StarlightAngel's Avatar
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    Begging from me? Gee, thanks 'Void.

    Anyway, I'm just going to sit on my money and enjoy the show. I think I have a good amount to get me going in the next Tournament...


    Crap, the next one is starting soon, huh? )'=

  10. #550


    O'jeez...Guess I'll just stop betting and wait in anticipation for the next tournament...
    EOFF needs a resurgence to it's former glory.

  11. #551
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    In boring old Texas but in a few years..


    i jus stay like the rest. I have bad luck all of a sudden

    Fat kids are harder to Kidnap.

  12. #552
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    50,000 on Overlord Laharl.
    Boy am I an unfunny ass.

  13. #553
    The spoon is too big! Firo Volondé's Avatar
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    Why I don't go with my gut feelings is a complete mystery to me. Do I have enough money? If not I'll beg for money from Starlight Angel. Oh, and 6,000 on Laharl.
    This is a signature.

  14. #554
    Abandon All Hope Fatal Impurity's Avatar
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    Crewe, in England


    hmmm tis but a mystery to me...oh what the hell 4,000 on leharl

  15. #555


    Quote Originally Posted by Firo Volondé View Post
    Why I don't go with my gut feelings is a complete mystery to me.
    Ditto. (they should make a :ditto: smilie)
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

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