I feel like showing this in progress! Except I'm starting by showing it about half done. xD

Okay, let me explain this project. We were given a spotlight, a designed still-life of brown paper bags, bogus paper (brownish-grey paper, very absorbant), a large charcoal stick, a long thin charcoal stick, a white pencil, eraser, and a blending stick. I didn't use the large charcoal stick or the blending stick, as you can tell, so far. I'm not a fan of blending sticks anyway.

Anyways, the project was to be done in pretty much three values, the light in white pencil, the dark in charcoal, and the midtone would stay as the paper color. I had three bags in my still life set up for me. I have one bag completely done, the second (the one about the completed one) mostly done but in need of pushed values, and the third/right most one that needs the most work. Besides the completed one, there's going to be a lot of midtone value or all a dark value because they lack the crinkles and folds that give off the interesting white next to black details.

Okay, so this is what I've done so far. I'll have more to show you guys tomorrow. I'll hopefully be done with the bags mostly by tomorrow, then I'll have the castshadows.

What do you think of what I've gotten done so far? Also, keep in mind that the 2nd bag will have values pushed, and it won't remain somewhat light. xD Thanks!