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Thread: The significance of SeeD.

  1. #1
    Black Mage Duncan's Avatar
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    Default The significance of SeeD.

    What is the significance of the way that SeeD is written? Is there any? I've always been curious about the capitalization of the last letter in the name but I've not seen anything to explain why? Any ideas?

  2. #2
    A true ffix lover Ashley Schovitz's Avatar
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    None whatsoever.

    Yellow Winged Angel

  3. #3
    Black Mage Duncan's Avatar
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    How about this. Anyone know what word was used in the original Japanese for SeeD? I don't know Japanese but I don't think they have and upper-case/lower-case equivalent, so how was the word written to differentiate it from the rest of the text. Was just the direct literal translation of the word seed or was it something else? Or did the English translators write it SeeD just to be cool.

  4. #4


    SeeD is SeeD.
    I carry these memories inside, thoughts of A Soul colored by love and loneliness ~ Evol

  5. #5


    I think the Japanese was just shiido, in katakana. SeeD just looks neat and looks like it's a clever name for mercenaries of GaRDeN

  6. #6
    Riana's Avatar
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    Well the fact they came from Garden, you could say it was of relevance due to it's theme. Even though it had nothing to do with greenery, plants, flowers etc.

    I'm thinking it's kind of like a metaphor, seeds are able to go anywhere you place them (Think of Headmaster Cid as the Gardener). Then they would need water and light to help them grow. The water and light can be equivalent to the missions and battles if any. That gains them experience. The result; a blossoming flower or plant of some sort. But in their case, a mission complete and they become better grown ups and fighters.

    I dunno, that's my perspective.

  7. #7
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    the objective of SeeD was to destroy sorceresses. They were created for the purpose of defeating the likes of Adel, Edea, Rinoa even and Ultimecia. It was Squall's choice that he protected Rinoa, became her Knight even or atleast volunteered to do so in the story. As for the Merc missions of Garden? Well those were to make money to help fund Garden and SeeD, it also gave SeeDs valuble battle experience for if their true mission ever became necessarily apparent. In the end Norg, the "garden master" The shumi who funded Cid's bid to make Garden and SeeD became too greedy (speaking to the shumis reveals Norg always was greedy), he disregarded the original plan realising how much money he could make from selling SeeD's services to the world and he didn't care who he had to kill to do it.

    SeeD written as SeeD I guess is just to add emphasis on the words pronounciation. Or maybe it has something to do with the letters themselves, SD Mercanaries an abrieviation of the term maybe. Not that you really need to abrieviate SeeD down to SD but maybe for military plans.

  8. #8


    From what I heard, in Japanese, "Cid" and "Seed" are pronounced identically, so they added a capitalised 'D' as a means of distinguishing between the two.

    Why they choose "seed" to begin with is obviously due to the garden metaphor, as explained by others.

  9. #9
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I always tot it is about Cid planting his SeeD into Edea and thus the origin of the name.

    Now Squall is gonna carry on the planting duties.

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