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Thread: Star Wars Question! Who is the most powerful Darth?

  1. #1
    Banned The Devil Man's Avatar
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    Star Wars Question! Who is the most powerful Darth?

    Okay, Your Good Friend Devil Man really, REALLY needs your help, people!

    I was recently watching the ENTIRE Star Wars saga, back to back, in one crazed 15 hour session. I was like this by the time it finished ---> :strung:

    One thing struck me throughout the series. That Darth Vader is a bit of a wuss and no way near the bad-ass I always thought he was.

    My question is this: Who is the most powerful Darth in the WHOLE of the Star Wars History? Like... this includes everything! Including all the games, films, cartoon series, comics, etc, etc... who is the most powerful Darth to ever have existed?

    I read somewhere it is Darth Revan, who was one of the first Darth's, but I aint too sure Can anyone fill me in on this?

    Edit Or maybe it was Darth Krayt who is a Post-Darth Vader Darth and pretty evil. See link in a Post Below.

    May The Force Be With You (Hee hee! :laughing

    Last edited by The Devil Man; 11-28-2006 at 04:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Howdy. Shaun's Avatar
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    It was long ago when I watched Star Wars, and I stopped watching it when it went 'kiddy', so I'd still say Darth Vader.

  3. #3
    Unlimited Hentai Works Twilight Edge's Avatar
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    Vader owns all.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Revan. I was such a good Padawan.

  6. #6
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Do you mean the most powerful Sith, or just the most powerful Sith to take on the title of Darth? Either way, whatever Azar says is right.

  7. #7
    Banned The Devil Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Do you mean the most powerful Sith, or just the most powerful Sith to take on the title of Darth? Either way, whatever Azar says is right.

    See, I've become bit of a Star Wars geek in recent weeks. I was watching the scene where Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine tells Anakin about the very first Darth who was worried about his family and discovered the 'dark side' etc, etc... (I may have got a little mixed up there. It was late at night).

    Anyhoo, I was more interested in the history of the Darths so I dipped in and did further research to find out more. For anyone else who is interested, this is a list of the Darth's:

    All the Darth's

    And now I am trying to figure out who was the most powerful Darth of them all. But I get confused with all the Sith stuff at the same time. Because I thought a Darth was representative of the most powerful Sith's, right? At any rate, Darth Vader wasn't the most outright powerful Darth of them all. Darth Revan was a heck of a lot more powerful and probably more evil:

    Darth Revan

    And their was a female Darth, who was pretty darn evil, Darth Talon who came way after Darth Vader:

    Darth Talon

    And out of all of the Post-Darth Sidious Darth's, Darth Krayt was very evil and, ummm, very bad:

    Darth Krayt

    So yeah, I am trying to work out who is the most evil Darth/Sith and who it is that actually represents the Sith philosophy and beliefs.

    As I said... I am becoming bit more of a Star Wars geek in recent weeks so I am interested in this!

  8. #8


    Darth Revan is from the Knights of the Old Republic games, and he is definitely very cool.

    MAJOR, MAJOR, Crucial, Key, Game Spoiler:
    But after being mind-wiped he returned to the Jedi (well, you get to decide in the game whether he does or not, but officially he became "good" again) to stop his former co-conspirator and apprentice Darth Malak from taking over the galaxy.

    Hopefully we will get a final KoTOR game to answer the question of whether Revan's turn to the Dark Side was visionary genius on his part or a totally misguided quest for forbidden power.

    Actually the KoTOR games have some pretty nifty Darths, but in terms of power I'll go with Darth Sidious from the movies. This guy succeeded in taking over the galaxy and making the Chosen One his puppet. He effectively eliminated the Jedi Order that had survived for thousands of years. How much of that was his Force abilities and how much was simply his intelligence and cunning? It's hard to say, but the results are devastating and unmistakable. His one flaw was allowing himself to grow overconfident over his hold on Vader. Oh, and IMNSHO he pwned Yoda.

  9. #9


    (SPOILER)REvan (LORD REVAN) sucks PLay Knights of the old republic one adn you will play as him u get knocked out by your apprentice and captured by jedi and train to become a ejdi all over again and Malak is killed and bladdy bla bla and Kotor 2 has all ready been released yonks ago adn has nothing to do with the first so i doubt the 3rd will have anything to do with it

    The best is Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious cuz if u read the Young jedi knights books u learn that the Universe is tricked into beliving that he is still alive =D
    Last edited by Alastair|UK; 11-28-2006 at 04:23 PM.
    life sucks

  10. #10
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devil Man View Post
    See, I've become bit of a Star Wars geek in recent weeks. I was watching the scene where Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine tells Anakin about the very first Darth who was worried about his family and discovered the 'dark side' etc, etc... (I may have got a little mixed up there. It was late at night
    Yeah, I think you did get a little bit mixed up. He was telling Anakin about Darth Plagueis, who wasn't the first Darth, but he was Sidious's master.

  11. #11
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Revan was far from the first Darth. KotoR explains that originaly Sith were an evil race way far back in time to remember, but they were all wiped out. The dark jedi just emulated them, but were thought extinct. Reven was just among the first two to rediscover the Sith powers.
    Last edited by theundeadhero; 11-28-2006 at 05:06 PM.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Alastair|UK View Post
    and Kotor 2 has all ready been released yonks ago adn has nothing to do with the first so i doubt the 3rd will have anything to do with it
    Did you actually read through the dialogue of the game?

    Kreia was Revan's master. She also mentions what she believes Revan's purpose was in becoming a Sith Lord: Revan possibly uncovered information regarding a threat beyond the galaxy regarding the "ancient Sith" a race from Korriban that adopted some exiled fallen Jedi as their pseudo-gods and rulers. IIRC they tried to conquer the galaxy but the Jedi crushed them, with some remnants of their civilization possibly escaping beyond the edges of the galaxy. Kreia implies that it is the existence of this threat, these "True Sith" that Revan uncovered, and that he believed he needed to understand and perhaps wield their Dark Side power to stop them. He also saw the Republic and the Jedi and their passive philosophy entirely unprepared to deal with the "true threat" and so, probably being used by the Dark Side to a great extent, attempted to take over the Republic himself. At the end of KoTOR2 the Exile flies off in search of Revan.

    Sure, the game is only loosely connected to KoTOR1 in terms of characters and story, but it set up the situation for the completion of the story in the third game, if we ever get one...we have to see what Revan uncovered beyond the edge of the galaxy and what the Jedi Order, now consisting of the Exile and his apprentice-friends, can do to stop it.

  13. #13
    Don't get mad, get moist I Don't Need A Name's Avatar
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    Does this include the Dark Jedi, long before siths? if so, i would say Exar-Kunn, as he was really powerful, first person to fuse 2 lightsabres into 1, to create a double lightsabre, and he killed his mentor Master Vodo-Siosk-Bass, who weilded a lightsabre resistant staff
    I made one myself for a change! Although you can probably tell that..

  14. #14
    Not coming back. BarelySeeAtAll's Avatar
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    im the best sith, no, but can you imagine, Darth Lady of the sheep?

    I am not a man

  15. #15
    not you naan bread Sergeant Hartman's Avatar
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    Darth Stryfe looks hard

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