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Thread: For you launchies, a month later

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    However, you don't play this game for the character development. The gameplay is still great.
    I agree, this one for me is all about the gameplay.
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  2. #17
    Kermit Timerk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    However, you don't play this game for the character development. The gameplay is still great.
    An interesting comment about an RPG.

    I don't blame Square for wanting to make an action game, but don't call it Final Fantasy.

  3. #18
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timerk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    However, you don't play this game for the character development. The gameplay is still great.
    I don't blame Square for wanting to make an action game, but don't call it Final Fantasy.
    Action game? You can fight without pressing any buttons. Don't play Devil May Cry or Viewtiful Joe. Your head will explode.

  4. #19
    Kermit Timerk's Avatar
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    What does that have to do with it being an action game? Just because the gambit system is new, doesn't mean it does not fit into that genre. Besides, in KH you don't control Donald and Goofy, two-thirds of the party, and that game is considered an action RPG by many. The difference is that KH has a ton more story than FF, and you can give AI to all three party members in FF instead of just two in KH.

  5. #20
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timerk View Post
    What does that have to do with it being an action game? Just because the gambit system is new, doesn't mean it does not fit into that genre. Besides, in KH you don't control Donald and Goofy, two-thirds of the party, and that game is considered an action RPG by many. The difference is that KH has a ton more story than FF, and you can give AI to all three party members in FF instead of just two in KH.
    You still control Sora, though. And directly, not just through menu selections. The fact that there's actually less direct control over the character in this game than in almost any other RPG means it's not an action game.

  6. #21
    Kermit Timerk's Avatar
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    Someone could choose to play through FFXII without using gambits and controlling the characters directly, and doing that would make the game more user intensive than KH.

    FFXII plays more like a hack and slash adventure game that an rpg, and the lack of character motivation doesn't help. I think the FF stands more for Final Fight than Final Fantasy.

  7. #22
    Those...eyebrows... Recognized Member XxSephirothxX's Avatar
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    It's still menu based, turn based combat. I don't think that can really qualify for a hack-and-slash. Sure, it would be intensive if you didn't use Gambits, but only time intensive--unless you had it on Active, in which case, yeah, it would be pretty hectic (and stupid) to try to control three characters simultaneously.

    As for my opinion: I've really enjoyed it so far. I'm about 27 hours in, and probably have at least another 30 hours to put into the game, what with all the sidequests and places to explore. Maybe more than that. I really don't understand any complaints about the story being lacking, unless you've disliked the stories in every single Final Fantasy game. It's not much less complex than any of the previous plots, but it's handled in a much more adult fashion and has a different focus. All in all: the characters are solid, the gameplay is the best in ages, and the storyline is top-notch. Unless the plot simply stops after the point I'm at ((SPOILER)Heading to the Empire for the first time) I honestly can't fathom anyone having an issue with the quantity or quality of plot devices contained in this game.

  8. #23
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    You've got to be kidding me. Have you even played an action game before? You kind of sound like this is your first game that isn't a point and click RPG.

  9. #24
    Kermit Timerk's Avatar
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    I stand by my comparison to Final Fight: you go through the generic stage killing things that get in your way, then you kill the boss, then you move to the next level. I can't call it an rpg since only a handful of the characters and locations have any background detail.

    The game it reminds me the most of is WoW, so if you want to call it an action rpg, I wouldn't complain.

  10. #25
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    As I've said countless times, I simply do not like it, to the point where I refuse to actually finish the game. The game, to me, is boring, the story to me is non-existant, the battle system is dull and boring(especially when someone has played FF11 since PC release) and I really don't like the characters.

    I'm reluctant to buy a PS3 for Final Fantasy 13 when its released, I personally am not a fan of the new Final Fantasys, graphics were pretty and great at one point, but now they're nothing new, and the battle systems are non-traditional, and to me, take away what an RPG should be in terms of Final Fantasy. Change is good, but too much isn't.

  11. #26


    I got it on launch day-ish, and overall I'm very pleased with it I'm glad the story is very different, I just wish there was more of it. In the end, I felt like the story was good but had been done before better in other games, so it's nothing special.

    However, looked as an entire package, it's simply a solid entry through and through. Everything is really handled with care, and what plot and character interaction is there is memorable to me. Not my favorite, but they pulled off a good one.

  12. #27


    got it on launch day. though it was the greatest thing ever.
    now that I've beat it, it's a piece of junk story line with good gameplay

    thanks blitz ace for the sig

  13. #28
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I would hardly consider this an "action game". An offline MMO yes, but definetly not an action game. The battle system gives off the illusion of being action based, but in reality, it's still pretty much the old turn base system when you really think about it. The only thing the free movement changes is how you target enemies and you now have AoE on magic. It's not like you can dodge attacks like you could in an action game. If an enemy is attacking a character, his attack will hit unless the enemy is killed or you run away from the battle (and assuming it never catches up with you), just like in the old ATB system. It's a far cry from KH and Star Ocean.

    Also, I would argue that FFXII's world is the most well explained and thoroughly thought out world in all the FF's. Reading the description in the Beastiery explains alot about the area's you visit, the races you meet, and the history of the world. I prefer that over wasting a cutscene to have a character explain the place to me like FFX did... (Wait, I thought I was on a quest to save the world. Not a guided tour of all the vacation spots of Spira).

    Hell the NPC's are actually relevant. They all actually keep up with what is going on in the world and most give you interesting tid-bits. I am still amazed at how interesting Reks is. The plot is definelty different and far more mature than past FF's. I believe they were really trying to go with a historic view when they wrote the plot. This may actually explain why there is little background explained about the party since it's generally irrelevant when put into old historical context. It's not about why they did it, it's about what they did.

    Thinking back on previous titles, we never really got much backstory on most of the characters in previous FF's. VI,VII,and IX are the only exceptions, but all the other games gave you little backstory and generally relied on stereotypes to fill in the blanks. In FFVIII, only Squall, Laguna, and Rinoa are well developed. In FFX, it was Tidus, Auron, and Wakka. In FFXII, it seems to be Vaan, Ashe, and Balthier. Though I would argue that Basch belongs on this list as well.

    For me, the plot and characters work for me. The plot is more reasonable and doesn't have to rely on cheap plot twists to make it intriguing. The character feel more realistic to me. They have issues from their pasts but everyone seems to have all ready come to terms with themselves. It's something that happened that makes them interesting, but it is no longer something that defines them.

  14. #29
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timerk View Post
    I stand by my comparison to Final Fight: you go through the generic stage killing things that get in your way, then you kill the boss, then you move to the next level.
    You realize that describes essentially every RPG ever made?

    Anyway, Wolf Kanno pretty much said it best. This is still very much a turn based battle system; just one that gives you some freedom in when, where, and how you choose to engage your opponents.

  15. #30
    Kermit Timerk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Timerk View Post
    I stand by my comparison to Final Fight: you go through the generic stage killing things that get in your way, then you kill the boss, then you move to the next level.
    You realize that describes essentially every RPG ever made?
    Every step of the way in FFX you got some backstory as to where you were, why you were fighting a certain boss, and how everything tied together. There are parts of FFXII where you will enter a new area, fight a boss, and leave without ever knowing WTF just happened. That was my point.

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