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Thread: Okay I just got this also, another Rp...Herowin: The Paladins' Journey

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    Savern Volaco's Avatar
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    In your shoe box under the bed :)

    Default Okay I just got this also,...Herowin: The Paladins' Journey

    I reicieved this from a friend of mine, Strnge one this is...Herowin(is it the drug or hero?)
    This world is at war - three countries, three sides.

    The most powerful is the Premins (barbarians), they have the numbers and the brute strength; their forces at one time were extremely disorganized and it was difficult to predict their movements. But a mystique leader rose to power six months ago and changed everything around. Now their strength is tenfold: they're organized and their fierce loyalty to this new leader is unimaginably great and unfaltering, his power runs deep. The Premins' leader's name is Pritherios; the only one to ever be in control of this barbaric country.

    The second strongest is the side known as the Authories; the only ones whom follow a code to the death. Their honor is to their country, the code is enforced bitterly and without mercy. All loyal to the bone, without fear their soldiers march onward without regret, remorse or emotion. this country uses armor and more advanced weaponry than the Premins, they have without a doubt the only army that will not retreat during battle - they will fight to the death for their honor and their fellow comrades no matter what the circumstances. They have no leaders, they all work for one goal: the glory of their homeland.

    The third in line of strength: the country of small size and might that has somehow been left untouched by both the Premins and the Authories. They're known as the Norunes. Their skills in brutally cunning tactics and advanced weaponry make them the most technologically minded country by far. They care for technology and nothing more. The Norunes are fabled to have strange and devastating devices that spit fire out of the earth assimilating all who stand over the area. As the fire burns their flesh their death cries are all but piontless. The flames reportedly engulf the air in the surrounding area, suffocating the remaining soldiers, a slow and painful death if there ever was one. These fables all sprout from the tales of one commander whose life was spared to tell the tale of his defeat by the Norunes and to send a message of warning across the lands. As of yet the Norunes' country has existed having never been touched by enemy foot. Their brutal yet mysterious tactics have tossed fear into many peoples' hearts. Birthing a legendary country whom no one has lay their eyes upon and lived to tell about it.


    Luis Verdal

    I exist in this legendary land, a fable to some, a legend to others. I am a Scout in the Norunes' 10th division, special unit coded 45th Return. I have Auburn hair, hazel eyes, slankie yet solid build, I wear a lighter class of armor the coloring, of this particular armor a strange greenish-blue hue; the light absorbs it, so it does not shine. My weapon is a new brand just made a month ago, the short name is S.A.C.B. the long version is Semi Auto-Matic Cross Bow. An elite in weaponry used by the Norunes.

    *I stand on the tip a MT. overlooking a large enemy encampment that is set upon the border line crossing into the Norunes' land. It angered me deep inside that these Premin fools were always attempting to break through our border.* "I hate these fools" I said in a harsh voice my throat dry from the ascending hike to the top of the Mountain I stood upon. *my eyes scanned the crowds of troops sharply with focus. until my eyes saw something that would bring an abyss of rage.* One of my comrades lie on the ground tied gagged and beaten unconscious.

    "B- Ill kill you all" I shouted with rage. *I equipped and loading my S.A.C.B. then pulled it close to my head, my right eye focused down the sights and zoomed in to one Premin soldier, his head in between the sights. I pulled on the trigger ever so lightly. Three arrows flew free and whistled through the air. I did not flinch or move as I saw the soldier turn in dread as he realized the sound he heard so close by. In that moment the arrows all hit his skull, his cranium separated and his body got tossed somewhat a distance of ten feet, his body slid across the ground. One of the arrows still with an almost crushing force hit a captain in the chest he hit the ground the arrow pinning him down, his shout of unbearable pain echoed through the ranks sending them in alarm.* "Better" I said with the bitterness now repressed.

    *The whole Premins' battalion formed in their ranks and proceeded a march to the border that separate their land from mine. As the army hit the border a soldier stepped on a metal plate. the ground rumbled beneath the formations of troops. Fire burst from behind their ranks starting from the outside edge then traveling clockwise encircling the large army. The fire wall then traveled from edge to center setting fire to all; melting their ragged metal armor, their skin feeding the flames all sending their souls to Hades.* "Good, now they will know fear if one survives." I said with a satisfying tone. * I turned my head my eye focused on my comrade my allied brethren retrieved. We carried him to our borders and returned him to my home land.

    My Character Profile

    Name: Jim Hunter

    Nick Name(s): Hunt; Jimbo

    Sex: Male

    Hair Color: Jet Black

    Eye Color: Blue

    Age: 26

    Personality: A mostly serious mood occasionally broken by dry humor.

    Bio: His sullen behavior and dedication to "upholding all that is good and protecting those who can not protect themselves" is allegedly due to a brutal encounter earlier in life where nearly everyone he knew was savagely murdered by a rough branch of the the Klax`klon society right before his eyes. Despite his usually extremely brisk behavior he is known to still remain relatively polite and has apologized in the past when it was made known he had hurt another's feelings. He has received much joshing for nearly always wearing a black suit and dark sunglasses, including when traveling for days in the hot desert. He has been known to take his sunglasses off when talking to someone face to face, which he rarely does.
    Versalis Torent
    age: 25
    sex: male
    Personality: you will find out later.
    the picture to the left..
    height: tall and medium muscualr build
    Hair: black-long
    enjoys: flirting with women
    eye color: emerald green crystal,with sharp dot as if looking into a wolfs
    ears: long pointed and seem to move with the emotion one would feel.

    *There I stood at the edge of a continent, there in lies a large castle.* "hi, I need directions. I'm lost... I have a passport." I yelled up the wall to some barbaric soldiers. *the soldiers opened the large stone doors and came out. I could smell a disgusting stench as the soldiers approached, the smell of rot was emanating violently off of the swine.* "here just hurry and read so I can go." I said with a irritated voice. *the barbarians took a whole hour to read it out-loud* "well, erm, whatever just go you boring fool" the barbarians finally, said tired of trying to read. *they handed my passport back, it smelled like them.* "I hate barbarians" I muttered angrily while leaving north.

    *I walked to a strange range of mountains surrounded with skortch marks and large craters. I examined them closely with precision.* "hmm thats some way good explosive stuff." I said with a smile. *I disappeared in a dark veil...*

    Jim hunter

    *I sneered in disgust and mild amusement as I watched a Premin solder's head get taken right off his body by a Norune scout's arrow. I was standing on a mountain several miles away watching the scene through a Clasmax Scopemeter, a nifty little Norune invention I had purchased off the black market several years ago* "where the freakin' heck is he even shooting from!?" I said in disgust *dropping the Scopemeter away from my eyes as a spray of blood clouded the air from a second arrow* If there was one thing you could say about the Norunes it was that they were skilled, nobody was better at stealth and advanced tactics/weaponry then they were. *I shuddered as I heard the scream of a Premin solder echo through the valley* it brought back bad memories...

    Luis Verdal
    *as I turned to leave the mountain top, my eye caught another figure; blurred from the distance he was at.* "who the hell is that?" I said squinting my eyes. *I suppose I should see who it is I think to my self. As I traveled to the mountain I realized he lies inside our border.* "only a Norune could possibly be here it is our genetic code that protects us from the inferno" I said smirkly. *I stopped and made the decision to approach from behind. as I approach crouching stealthfully.* About an hour later I arrived to the rear of the mountain. *I looked up to find the figure of the man no longer lingering atop the mountian. I started to ascend to the top... a sharp pain touched my neck I froze in dread.*

    Versalis Torent

    * I awoke to a bone crushing presure to my chest. I must get out of this I thought in dread. I struggled with a very precise movent. I dislocated bolth my arms, the pain made me flinch as the ropes losened and I cralwed my way out. as I landed on my right side my shoulder joint snaped into place.* " of a that hurt." I yelled in a mean voice. *my arm grasped my left and I shoved my limp arm into place, a tear fell from eye I stood and caught my breath. suddenly around my neck appeared the rope it lifted pulling me upwards.*
    Jim hunter
    *I was crouched in a patch of bushes, barely breathing in order to remain completely silent. I could see the Norune coming closer to me by the minute. He had apparently seen me from the distance and was trying to sneak up on me.* "if what I'm planing works, he's about to have the tables turned on him" I thought eagerly.

    *the moment he reached the top of the mountain I jumped out of the bushes about twenty feet behind him, silently gliding through the air until the dagger I was holding came to a rest on the back of his neck* "don't move or you're dead" I said icely after several seconds.
    Versalis Torent
    *The pulling stoped I landed hard on this grey floor, I sat there trying to get my breath wheezing hard.* "what *cough* the hell" I said in a raspy whisper. *I stood after regaining my breath. I examined my surroundings trying to figure out where I was, when a sharp tip of a blade pressed to the back of my neck.* "don not move I swear it, if you do your dead." I heard a voice serious with the threat. *I thought to my self god gotta do somthing fast. just then I remembered. I lifted this round thing from my pocket.* "I said dont move." the voice said now filled with rage. *the pressure increased upon my neck. I held up the round black sphere* "this is a bomb that will kill at a radias of about 15 feet You kill me you will die also. so are you in the mood to talk?" I said with cunning. *the sharp point on my neck released I turned and smiled to face a young ninja still in training.* "okay see I knew we could be reasonable." I said with a grin while puting my grenade back into my jacket pocket. the ninja responded "I need to go and take care of some buisnes. ill take care of you later." the ninja disapeared sudenly the floor I stood solid upon vanished.

    *I falling swiftly turned to see two soldiers at least I thought they were soldiers standing on the mountain, my falling path heading right for them.* "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY" I yelled the ground getting close by the second. *to late I hit them and hen I flew to the bottom of the mountain, I hit the ground hard knocking me unconcious*
    Cirith Theriesia

    height:5 foot 3 inches
    width(wink):a variance between c & d
    clothing:bar maiden
    likes:fluffy kittens,hansome men.
    dislikes:overweight people,oxes,barbarians
    weakneses:money,charasmitac peole(smooth talkers).
    sex:somtimes (female)
    side occupation:rogue(thief)
    Luis Verdal

    that crazy arse man hit me, I suddenly tumbled down the hill flipping, rolling and yelling in pain. after what seemed hours of torturing pain I finally hit the bottom of the mountain I stood trying to get steady when a rock hit my skull with a large amount of force. I hit the ground I lying on my stomach looked forward My eyes focused then lost the focus I fell unconcious.

    *I heard a man yell somthing along the lines of look out...or was it move out of the way. I turned to the source of the voice I saw upon a sheer mountain. three soldiers or just three ordinary men it did not matter. I saw a man hit the cliff bottom and not get up. is he dead I thought. as I ran to his side.* "oh -dang- are you okay" I asked worried. *the man kinda twitched aparently the fall hurt but he's pretty much out of it.* "lucky I cant imagine being awake for that fall." I said dragging him from his falling place. *I dragged him to a oasis just on the border of the Norunes and the Authories or somthing like that.*
    Luis Verdal
    *I awoke to hear my self dragging on the ground,my head still racked with pain still too dizzy from my fall I neglect too see whom I am being dragged by. I still unable to move my body is numb why cant I move I thought to myself. as the dragging noise stopped.* "huh! I'm alive"
    Jim Hunter
    I never even knew what hit me, I heard some man shout "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY" and then boom, something slammed into me. I went tumbling backwards in a jerking motion, the dagger I was holding flew backwards out of my hand, cutting a deep red line across my face before flying out of site. I fell backwards on the side of the mountain and began to slide downwards at an absolutely terrifying speed. I slid downwards for an untold amount of time, clutching the loose ground with my fingers in a vain attempt to slow my descent, my arms felt like they were about to break at any minute. Finally I came to a jolting the middle of a thorn bush. *I clamped my jaws shut, not allowing myself to howl in pain* I could hear voices nearby, as well as the sound of something dragging. *I riped the top off of a small concentrated and [supposedly] advanced container of liquid medicine/painkiller, swallowing the entire bottle in a single gulp.* "hope that does something" I thought to myself. I lay completely still, blood dribbling down from gashes all over my face, listening and waiting...
    Versalis Torent
    *I awoke seconds after the the fall still dizzy my head was splitting. I stood trying to get steady when the sound of dragging begun. I tried to follow the sound of it my eyes out of focus, then something lurched in my stomach then shot to my throat. suddenly liquid shot out of my mouth I was throwing up. I finished throwing up i wiped my mouth with my hand.* "that fall did more damage than I thought" I said getting my bearings back. *when a drop of blood hit my for head I could recognize it the latency was a gooey sort I looked up the steep slope I saw a fallen Norune soldier lying on the hill side not moving.* "hey are you okay?" I shouted with a tired tone. *he moved with a slow pain. I moved to his side with a difficult crawl up the mountain side. I quickly saw to his wounds. "basic, you'll live I thought to myself.* "okay I mean no threat. ill help you."
    Luis Verdal
    *I regained my focus still shaky from the fall. I stood while I had tryed I fell my bady in bad shape my ribs along the right side felt as if they where gone the pain engulfed me. I reached in horror trying to get the vail of restorative I swallowed the taste of it made me gag. I fell back out of the concious state that I lie in.* I sat upon a tall mountain just momemts before the final string was pulled I killed the soldier. *I awoke in horror the fact that my body racked with pain is gone and the flash back was him the one soldier to die in my flashback. I shook uncontrollably the fear had consumed me the first in a long time it happened. I felt unsafe and alone the woman who was dragging my broken body was gone I sat alone next to the oasis.*
    Jim hunter
    A man wearing plain clothes and looking slightly roughed up helped me up from the ground after having briefly strapped my wounds. "thanks" I said hoarsely, wincing as I touched my broken lip and watched my fingers come away covered in blood. "whatever" he said, waving his hand dismissively.

    I looked around and shuddered, stepping back, in a brief moment of fear and unpreparedness--to the right of us stood ten soldiers, I could not determine which side they were on, but it didn't matter; their wide smiles reveled blood red teeth, and their eyes sparkled with the look of death and madness. "yummy" the apparent leader said in a monstrous voice. They drew large, rugged swords and charged towards us.
    Versalis Torent
    the soldier had the look of surprise on on his face as he drew a weapon in a flurry. "-dang- their here already..." as I reached into my pocket lifting a black round ball lighting it with snap of my fingers. the fuse burned hissing wildly as I dropped it on the ground in front of me "run" I stammered loudly jumping to the path and sprinting for all I would be worth.

    I stopped and turned at a safe distance away and stopped to gaze upon the mountain side." one two three four..." I counted suddenly a large explosion lighted the sky and ignited the air, a pulse of air hit me suddenly sending me flying I hit hard the wind suddenly left my lungs as I hit the ground sliding to a halt as I rolled around trying to get air in desparation. after a few minutes I stood shakelly and wobbly "my my I might have used a little to much of the good stuff" I said holding my side my face and my bodie blackened from the tiny bomb. "YA THINK" a angry voice came from behind, i turned slowly to face him I am terribly sorry for the trouble I put you through" I bowed a little and smiled. "so you want to know how AI did that explosion?" I grinned and and pulled another out of my pocket.
    IT ends here it was a good waste of time he said, and I wondered was it really or good or just a fluke that died? I wonder your guys thoughts., Was it of quality Role Playing or not?
    Last edited by Savern Volaco; 12-04-2006 at 11:02 PM.
    Chuckles I guess I will help. But it will cost you your soul.

  2. #2
    Savern Volaco's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    In your shoe box under the bed :)


    Versalis Torent
    Oh My! I was him...I remeber now I was on another froum I abanboned awhile back. I knew I reconisd this...I go email him now.
    Chuckles I guess I will help. But it will cost you your soul.

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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