On another Forum I go to, which is frequented by a lot of the current Staff here as well as "Famous" Banned EoFF Members, there are quite often discussions on the Current State of Eyes on Final Fantasy.

This got me thinking. For all of you 'veterans' on this Forum (and there are many, many people that have been here for several years)...

When was the Golden Age of Eyes on Final Fantasy Forum?

When was the Forum at it's most 'fun'? When were the debates and discussions in EoEo and other sub-forums, at their highest quality? Which period of EoFF's history was the most memorable and enjoyable for you? When were the Members of EoFF true characters with strong personalities?

The year 2000? 2001? 2002? 2003? 2004? 2005? Now?

I ask this because when I have some spare time, I might check out some of the old threads from the 'Golden Age' so to speak.