Between Headaches or Stomach Aches which one is more common for you?
I experience more headaches than stomach aches.
Between Headaches or Stomach Aches which one is more common for you?
I experience more headaches than stomach aches.
Stomach aches, because I have GERD
Which sucks, obviously.
I usually have them at the same time and quite often.
Both. xP
*is a sickly child*
Headaches because due to the unfortunate inheritence of my dad's rotten sinuses, I have sinus infections and the lot pretty often T_T
Individually, I definitely get sick in my head more often than in the stomach. But getting headaches and stomach aches simultaneously is probably more common than either. I have both now! Bahaga.
stomach aches, since i rarely have headaches. it's not very common for me to have stomach aches either, since i can eat many things with ease.
I rarely experience either.
I wonder when the last time I had a stomach was. Have I ever even had a headache?
I get headaches a lot. It's super rare if I ever get a stomach ache.
I don't get either one a lot. Probably headaches a little bit more. I don't get sick a lot, it seems.
I haven't had a stomach ache in years, and headaches I get once in a while.
I rarely get either, but when I do get a stomach ache, I find them incredibly painful
Headaches, no doubt about it. But I messed up me shoulder/arm some time ago, and that give me constant headaches.
I don't get headaches often at all.