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Thread: Top 18 Most Touching Moments in Final Fantasy X

  1. #1
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Default Top 18 Most Touching Moments in Final Fantasy X

    Top 18 Most Touching Moments in Final Fantasy X

    As you know, Final Fantasy X is a magical game about some teenagers traveling the world in order to find and stop the giant whale monster/father of your hero/former sports star from destroying the world. They travel from temple to temple learning how to summon the spirits of dead people while blatantly ignoring the hypocrisy of their leaders. Oh yeah, spoilers.

    1. When the Al Bhed Mistake Tidus For a Fiend

    Right so, after having contact with Sin/his father and giving us a sneak peak at the final dungeon (spoilers), our "hero", Tidus, finds himself in a WHOLE NEW WORLD! Ish. So, after almost being eaten by a giant fish with visible insides, Tidus finds a place of shelter only to have it blown wide open by a group of Al Bhed speaking Al Bhedese. If you pay attention, you will note that they call him a fiend.

    Oh no, a fiend in disguise!
    It's a shame we just helped him defeat that other fiend!

    You see, Tidus may have a bad dye job and a terrible outfit, but I'm not super sure he looks that much like a fiend. Also note that at no other point ever does anyone ever accuse another human of being a fiend in disguise. So this was a touching moment because I think that it's beautiful of the Al Bhed to hire some clearly special needs people, and for Rikku to agree to take care of them so.

    2. When Tidus Gets Hit In The Head With A Blitzball

    For those of you who don't know, Blitzball is a sport played with a blue and white ball that has tumors all over it. It can be, and is used, as a weapon as well. The game is an underwater sport played by freaks of nature who can breathe underwater for untold amounts of time. Our hero Tidus, as well as his friend Wakka, are two players of such sport. After Tidus leaves the company of Rikku and her handicapable friends, he washes up on the shores of Besaid where Wakka hits him in the head with the obviously dangerous Blitzball.

    Not especially

    This is a touching moment because for a while, Wakka is shown to be racist and discriminatory. At every turn he can be seen shaking his fist and going "Oh those dang Al Bhed! Grr!" So the nice thing here is that we learn that maybe Wakka is more inclusive than we though. He attacks strangers with weapons indiscriminately, regardless of race, gender, or religious belief. Good for you Wakka!

    1, 2, skip a few.

    6. When Tidus Looks At Lulu's Boobies

    So after you hang out with Wakka and Yuna and Lulu for a while, it's time to get on a boat. You eventually get on another boat as well, but I think this happens on the first boat. I don't know. It happens on one of them. So anyway, Tidus mugs this random dude and takes his binoculars. What does he do with them? Looks at Lulu's boobs.


    This is a touching moment because Tidus is like... I dunno, what is he, 18? My research team never got back to me. But you see, young men are notorious booby lookers. This shows us that he's, like, a real person and stuff. Except he can breathe underwater for freakish amounts of time and is actually a dream by a bunch of dead people's spirits or something. But other than that, JUST LIKE US YOU GUYS!

    3, 4, skip some more.

    10. He Gets Knocked Down, But He Doesn't Get Up Again

    Once the boats have been ridden and you're off to get the fire demon, Tidus is not yet a guardian because reasons. So Dona, being the upstanding citizen she is, gets her man meat to shove Tidus on to the elevator leading to the forbidden zone where he is... forbidden from entering. Now you see, every time you leave a trial, the elevator is there for you to make your way back up. FOR SOME REASON, you ~magically~ cannot do this this time.

    No, no it isn't!

    So instead of waiting there, not disobeying the faith of this new culture, or maybe just waiting for the elevator to go back up, Tidus decides to complete the trial. Again. After getting in trouble the first time. This shows us a... uh... real go-getter attitude. You go Tidus! Yeah!

    11. Lulu Lays Down The Law

    Hey, remember that time when Lulu yells at Wakka, verbally berates him, and unfairly judges his based off of her expectations of him being either equal to or superior to his brother, rather than just being himself and appreciating him for who he is? And that other time she does it? Or that time she does it while talking to Tidus? Or that other time she does it? And then remember when they get together and have a baby?

    At least Wakka wins in the "not getting killed by
    Sin" category

    Haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha ha, yeah.

    12. Isaaru and His Brothers?

    Remember when you meet Isaaru and his guardians and you find out that his guardians are his brothers? And then you really start to wonder what the heck his parents looked like because those guys look nothing alike?


    The bald guy in the back is also his brother

    I'm just doing random numbers at this point

    15. When Rikku Changes

    Not mentally or emotionally. Just when she changes out of her Al Bhed outfit after you finish beating her up because she was trying to kidnap her cousin. Spoilers again. Remember how uncomfortable that was? She's fifteen. It was one thing when I was like... ten, but I'm twenty-four now. Anyone else just kind of uncomfortably look around, pretending like they have nothing to do with what's going on on that screen for the next few seconds? Oh is that a fly! My goodness, what beautiful wallpaper.


    The good news is that they clearly learned their lesson by the second game, built and expanded on what was happening, and allowed us to uncomfortably massage the female villain while she moans. See, it's nice when the games have some continuity. At least you didn't actively have to be involved in X. Good job.

    16. When Bevelle Has All Dat Machina

    Remember how Bevelle is all "grahbrahdgdh machina bad hugershatsshsh" and then everyone else in the world is like "totes true" and then proceeds to discriminate against the Al Bhed for a very long time? Well then you get to Bevelle and it's like... MACHINA EVERYWHERE! Heck remember the trial? It's like machina central in there.

    Nope, no machina here

    This is very touching because it shows that Yevon is open and flexible to changes. They're willing to accept the Al Bhed and their technology in to their city and in to their hearts. That is totally what is going on and not anything else. Not any hypocrisy here or anything. Nope, hahaha.

    17. When Wakka Learns Rikku is an Al Bhed

    And then he's all like "why didn't you tell me" and she's all like "cuz ur a racist" and whatever. And then you start thinking that it's right there in her eyes because she has those swirly pupils. And then you remember when she showed Auron. I mean, has Wakka never looked her in the eyes? Like, ever? And is Auron not a racist because he knows all of the secrets or is it just because he doesn't care?

    "How come I can't use context cues to
    figure things out?"

    So anyway, how does that work with swirly pupils? Does anyone know the science behind that? It's a bit weird. So uh, this is touching because it really makes us think, you know?

    18. The Opening Not As The Opening

    So, right, your party has been through some stuff and now you're in Zanarkand. And then the opening starts playing from the... opening and suddenly it isn't the opining but is about 2/3rds of the way through the game. And you're like "Oh that's cool!" until you realize you have to sit through it again.

    Do do do do do do do doo doo do

    So those were some of the most touching moments in Final Fantasy X! What were some of your favourites? Let us know!

  2. #2
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I teared up just reading through this. All the feels

  3. #3
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I know it was hard to put all of them into such a robust list, but every time the camera accidentally made a close-up on someone's butt is a guaranteed tear jerker for me

  4. #4
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    "Stay away from the Summoner!"

    Her anguish in her voice. Every time I hear it, a single tear drops from my eye.

  5. #5
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Lulu's boobs always get to me.

  6. #6


    Seeing Seymour's dreadful wedding outfit, it's so dreadful you have to feel so sorry for Yuna to have to stand next to him. Very tragic moment.

  7. #7
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Seeing Seymour's dreadful wedding outfit, it's so dreadful you have to feel so sorry for Yuna to have to stand next to him. Very tragic moment.
    I totally agree. Seymour's entire wardrobe is a tragedy.

    For me, though, the most touching moment has to be that bit where Kimhari makes a grunting noise and looks all stoic and trout. It gets me every time.

  8. #8


    Dodging 200 bolts of lightning, a single tear rolls down my cheek every time I have to start over.

  9. #9


    "When people die, Yuna dances."

    What a heartless bitch.

  10. #10


    Lulu's boobies all the way! :V

    This article is very weird, yet funny to me - great job, Pumpkin! :P

  11. #11
    tech spirit
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    Aw, you left out moments 19-22!
    everything is wrapped in gray
    i'm focusing on your image
    can you hear me in the void?

  12. #12
    Twirler of moustaches CactuarKing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Seeing Seymour's dreadful wedding outfit, it's so dreadful you have to feel so sorry for Yuna to have to stand next to him. Very tragic moment.
    Totally agree. No dress sense at all, in a game full of people with a strange dress sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rin Heartilly View Post
    Dodging 200 bolts of lightning, a single tear rolls down my cheek every time I have to start over.
    Never managed to complete this....

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanmato View Post
    Lulu's boobies all the way! :V

    This article is very weird, yet funny to me - great job, Pumpkin! :P
    Wow, them boobies!! How the hell does her "dress" stay up by the way? Just curious!!

    Very funny article, well written!

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by CactuarKing View Post
    Wow, them boobies!! How the hell does her "dress" stay up by the way? Just curious!!
    It's a kind of magic! :V

  14. #14
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zanmato View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by CactuarKing View Post
    Wow, them boobies!! How the hell does her "dress" stay up by the way? Just curious!!
    It's a kind of magic! :V
    Those hips don't lie

  15. #15
    Twirler of moustaches CactuarKing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zanmato View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by CactuarKing View Post
    Wow, them boobies!! How the hell does her "dress" stay up by the way? Just curious!!
    It's a kind of magic! :V
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanmato View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by CactuarKing View Post
    Wow, them boobies!! How the hell does her "dress" stay up by the way? Just curious!!
    It's a kind of magic! :V
    Those hips don't lie
    Wow. Both of these posts are spot on!

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