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Thread: Survey results on FF7 Remake reception

  1. #1

    Default Survey results on FF7 Remake reception

    This is interesting:

    A few of the interesting (although mostly predictable results). The majority want it to be a 3-part thing. But 4 part is much more popular than 2 (I hope they're listening):

    And then which new playable characters are people most interested in seeing. Lol Cait Sith failing as badly as my pronounciation of his name (and I was born in Scotland):

    The general opinion on pretty much everything was the same as mine. The only thing I noticed where I massively disagreed is that people liked Aerith the most out of all the new character depictions. She was probably my least favourite. I thought Barret and Tifa were the best.
    Last edited by JJ Strife; 09-28-2020 at 09:12 PM.

  2. #2


    I agree with the consensus that the map design, navigation and side quests left a lot to be desired, and Sephiroth's early appearance was poorly handled. I'm surprised that Vincent Valentine is the most anticipated character, Red XIII being more anticipated than Yuffie, Zack and Cid in the west, and that Roche was so unpopular, but I'm not surprised at bargain bin Yuffie being the least popular, though I probably would rank Leslie lower just for that pointless sewer chase. I can kinda understand newcomers preferring Aerith since I did too when I played the original FF7 for the first time, but started to prefer Tifa after replaying it. I'd much prefer less episodes with more content, less money for me to spend and less time it will take for the story to be finished.
    Last edited by Example; 09-29-2020 at 08:58 AM.

  3. #3


    Oh yeah I'm not sure why people didn't like Roche. I thought he was fine, if underused. Should've popped up at some point during the Shinra HQ, or maybe just before (if they felt he didn't suit the darker tone of the area)

  4. #4
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    maybe if he was more used and given a reason for existing, i can see it
    but otherwise they put voice acting and character design and weird kinks into a piece of graphics that was essentially a filler episode
    i do think roche and leslie were tacked on for anime reasons which i don't like in a game that already has 100 million characters
    would've preferred more char development for others instead
    imagine cloud and barrett getting more friendly and chummy instead of the whole leslie thing? imo that would've been good!

    i think a good way of handling cait sith would be to have it tack on as just the cat, without the mog thing, and not as a playable character this time around
    it's almost bad that they had that cameo of the cat when (SPOILER) reeve was right there in the same building!

  5. #5


    I don't have a huge problem with Roche. It makes sense that they would want to add some characters from SOLDIER. It's honestly a bit strange that the original did not have a single current member of SOLDIER as a character. On the other hand, it went nowhere, and that's troublesome because it makes it seem like he may keep appearing, which could get annoying.

  6. #6


    They did have those SOLDIER member enemies that you run into in the Shinra Building:

  7. #7


    I'm aware. Those aren't characters. They're also in Junon (that's not why they aren't characters just extra info).

    By the way, any takers on a bet that Roche fails his way up through the various parts and gets promoted to 2nd and then 1st class?
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 09-30-2020 at 02:48 AM.

  8. #8


    It seems that Sephiroth's popularity has gone down a crapton. Not surprised. They put him in way too early.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post

    By the way, any takers on a bet that Roche fails his way up through the various parts and gets promoted to 2nd and then 1st class?
    Sort of predicting that he's dying hence his sanity, and his death will cause more panic for poor Tifa.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post

    By the way, any takers on a bet that Roche fails his way up through the various parts and gets promoted to 2nd and then 1st class?
    Was it actually stated that he was 3rd class? I didn't remember hearing anything like that at all. I thought they left that unknown.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    It seems that Sephiroth's popularity has gone down a crapton. Not surprised. They put him in way too early.
    Yeah that was one of my biggest issues with how they changed the story. The best thing about Sephiroth in the original was the mystery and general sense of dread and foreboding he created by being so ethereal for most of the first disc. In Remake, they've completely messed that up by pushing him in so heavily in the first game. But they have nothing to actually make up for that, because he doesn't really have any kind of personality in this story.

    They definitely needed to establish him as the main villain a bit more clearly than the original would have up to this point. But they should have just revealed him right at the very end (the end of the road after the motorbike chase), and then have him dump you into a Jenova fight for the final boss and then disappear. That would've been far better.
    Last edited by JJ Strife; 09-30-2020 at 05:12 AM.

  10. #10


    Obviously taking the time to explain literally smurfing anything about Sephiroth wasn't quite as important as the 50 million nearly-identical side quests, or chasing a fat pig monster around the sewers for a necklace, or playing with ghost children when we're supposed to be rushing to save everyone in Sector 7 from dying.

  11. #11


    I thought his class was given somewhere, not necessarily in dialogue. In fact, probably not in dialogue.

  12. #12


    Probably in the Ultimania.

  13. #13


    I just checked a video, and it's what I thought it might be. It's in his description if you use Assess on him. By the way, if you can fight him in later games and it says 2-C or 1-C in his Assess info, even if nothing is mentioned about a promotion in the dialogue, I'm counting that as being right.

  14. #14


    I wonder how they'll explain him getting promoted given that he was absent while Shinra HQ got invaded by both Sephiroth and Avalanche?
    Maybe he was away on a mission or something!

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