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Thread: "Jumping ship"

  1. #16
    Eternally Lost Chibi Youkai's Avatar
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    I keep hoping that SE will return to it's days of jrpg's, but not holding my breath. Used to be a huge Bioware fan as well, but as much as I love swtor, a lot of things they did with it was just disappointing. I guess there's still some faith in Blizzard. Other than that, it's really just a game by game basis. Don't really keep up with any other companies in specific.

  2. #17
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I've pretty much jumped ship from SE since back in the day I was willing to try pretty much any product they put out. These days I wait for the reviews and weigh it against what I'm in the mood for. However, they aren't my main company. That has always been, and still is, Nintendo. Breath of the Wild just reminds me that my loyalties are well placed. So far, Mario Odyssey looks to be another gem, and they released a 2D Metroid recently, continue to put out quality Pokemon and Fire Emblem games, etc. Long live Nintendo!

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  3. #18


    My honeymoon with Squeenix ended around 1998, and it had only started in like 1996 when I got my first chance at FFIV and VI, then went on to thoroughly enjoy VII and Xenogears and Brave Fencer Musashi. And then FFVIII came out and ruined everything. They made a terrible movie with characters and politics too similar to VIII for my taste, and almost bankrupted the company. They made a bland throw-back and then Sakaguchi bailed out. FFX and Kingdom Hearts were too childish for me to enjoy, and then they went on record to say that they didn't want lifelong fans that they had to cater to, they always wanted to make games for kids and for us to move on as we grow older. And I decided they weren't worth waiting on after that. Much like Lucas Films, they didn't care about their older fans, and mistakenly believed they were always meant for kids. So I left them to pander to their kids

    But I don't think any of the companies I've enjoyed has stayed making intelligent mature decisions. BioWare went to EA, Bethesda lets Zenimax use them as a scapegoat for all their greedy and deceitful shenanigans. SEGA has NO idea what they used to do or how they used to do it, and refuse to even look back on their past and attempt to learn. Capcom is too scared to try anything new, and too scared to rehash many old things either. They're very reliant on Street Fighter. No more Chaos Legion, no more Onimusha, no more Sengoku Basara, no more Megaman, no more Ghosts and Goblins, no more Breath of Fire. They even forgot how to do Resident Evil for a long time. How sad is that?

    Of all the companies I've had long-standing relationships with, I think maybe Obsidian has the best track record. They keep getting into situations with publishers who force them to rush a game and release a fairly incomplete product, and even their incomplete stuff is usually pretty decent. And you can tell the people in the studio still care and want to do good by their customers and make good games. They actually want to listen to their fans and make the games people are asking for. Unlike other studios and publishers who just arbitrarily decide that single player games are dead, or survival horror games are dead, or (point and click) adventure games are dead

  4. #19
    Local Florist Site Contributor
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    All I tend to play these days is World of Warcraft and Overwatch.

    Occassionally League of Legends and FFXIV.

    I'll no life KH3 when it comes out, but in general - as the amount of free time I've had has decreased as I've got older - I find myself very rarely being gripped by games the way I did when I was younger. Plus I guess the wool was pulled off my head, as these days I look at the market (especially AAA) and it's like oh look another zombie game, oh look another FPS, oh look another yearly instalment of a sports game, oh look another sandbox game. There's rarely anything I look at that screams "must play" anymore.

  5. #20
    Zora's Avatar
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    I never really felt on the ship to begin with, tbh. Sure, I played through a lot of the FF series--most of it as a Freshman in high school--but once I got my fill of the series I moved onto others and expanded my horizons. FF seems to have lost some sort of magic; FFXV felt more like SE was playing catch-up with JRPG trends rather than being the trend-setter. Like Fynn, I feel more passionate about KH and DQ from SE right now.

    The series I'm probably most passionate about is Trails--even if there's no information about Cold Steel 3 coming stateside; I picked up Tokyo Xanadu and Ys VIII since they're the same developer but need to finish up a few games before going through Xanadu and Ys VIII doesn't feel like its truly out until 1/30.

    And I've always been a big Pokemon fan, but uhh, USUM left a bad taste in my mouth.

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