View Poll Results: Be honest. Who is your ABSOLUTE favorite character from Final Fantasy 13?

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  • Lightning

    6 24.00%
  • Snow

    1 4.00%
  • Vanille

    3 12.00%
  • Sazh

    10 40.00%
  • Hope

    4 16.00%
  • Fang

    1 4.00%
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Thread: Rank the FF13 Characters!

  1. #1

    Default Rank the FF13 Characters!

    This is the ninth and last of my series of threads and polls, asking all of you for your personal rankings of the characters from each FF game in the numbered games. You can base them on personality, usefulness in gameplay, relevance to the story, general enjoyment of each character, or even frivolous things such as their character themes. Whatever you want to base them on. Also included is a poll on which you can vote for your absolute favorite from each game.

    This is my ninth and final one . . . for the main playable characters, at least. I've saved the best for last, because it's for FF13! And this is probably my all-time favorite cast. This game had some of the best characterization I've seen in the FF series. It's probably between this and FF10 for which had better characterization, but all six characters were very impressively written and developed. Even if two of them had their story arcs end before they even left Cocoon. Hell, probably three of their story arcs did. Still, only my top two was hard to determine. The bottom four were all very easy. Rankings are, in sort of a new twist, based on a mix personality, character arc, and battle usefulness.

    Characters are listed in the poll in the order they were revealed to the public prior to the game's release.

    So here are my rankings:

    1. Hope: I honestly don't see why you people bitch and moan about him so much. Especially you, plotholeman. I tend to favor the "energetic young boy" characters (such as Gau, Zell, and Vivi before him), and Hope is no exception, largely due to the fact that he was such a new take on the archetype -- he was energetic in a negative way rather than a positive one for a good chunk of the game. Instead of being happy and peppy, he's sad and sullen for quite a while, and I thought it was an interesting change of pace. But on to the personality issues. I found myself strongly relating to Hope because I have tended to react to the loss of loved ones I was very, very close to in very similar ways. Yes, including getting kill-y. I couldn't think straight for a long time, and it'd take something really big to snap me back to reality. Same for Hope when Nora died. Does he have flaws that I wish had been changed? Well, yes. I don't like that he took all the way until chapter seven to finally just spit it out and confront Snow. I don't like how the mere mention of his name made him upset. And I don't like that he was so negative about his dad, who turned out to be a nice guy. But I liked watching his arc of going from the sheltered kid with no clue of the world around him to suddenly being right in the middle of its harshness and cruelty. And hey, he saved my ass in battle multiple times. A good Medic and Synergist was just what I needed (especially since Vanille was so mediocre at the former one). So yes. Hope is my number-one character. Has been, always will be, for all time. Who are you to judge me?!

    2. Lightning: One and two were very close, but I chose the protagonist for the second spot instead of the first. Why? She's mainly up here more for her character arc. I found it compelling to watch her go from this soldier who just tended to fall in line and do whatever she was ordered slowly come to realize how that was just how the fal'Cie wanted it to be for all of Cocoon's humans. And then finally realizing that something must be done to change that. I also liked seeing her come to accept Snow and his relationship with Serah. In addition, while it was more subtly showcased, I enjoyed her rise from soldier who follows orders to the role she herself probably never expected: being the leader of the other l'Cie. A role she took on and did really well. Personality-wise, I liked her stone-cold demeanor, too, and it was interesting to have a rare brooding female character, for once, after all of the male ones we'd had in the past. Also, in battle, she was easily the most balanced character, as she had all three of the "must" roles (Commando, Ravager, and Medic). Helped me a bunch. I honestly don't get why plotholeman told me once that he didn't like her. She's tops. I mean, she's the bees' knees for me!

    3. Vanille: All right, yes! Okay?! Her shouts and screams that sounded almost like orgasms annoyed the piss out of me, all right?! Ahem. But that was the only thing. Well . . . one other thing. While I always enjoy the "perky young girl" characters, I couldn't get past her silence being one of the reasons the other main characters ended up in the mess they did. At least long enough to put her in first or in second. But other than that, I found Vanille an enjoyable character. It was actually interesting to see her sunny disposition was really a front to hide the sadness and regret she was secretly feeling. She was probably the first character of her archetype in the entire series to have an actual story to her rather than being the party's cute mascot and/or motivator. For a PYG character, she was actually pretty deep. Unfortunately, her healing was too inferior to Hope's, so I didn't use her unless I absolutely had to.

    4. Fang: What can I say? I quote loved the cocky ol' gal. She was a hoot to watch, from her hardiness and tendency to be a thrill-seeker and a risk-taker to being a protective . . . best friend? (No, I'm still gonna assume lover.) She could be snarky one minute and deep and stern the next. Her willingness to sacrifice herself just to keep Vanille safe was very honorable and made me fall absolutely in love with her. I liked seeing both sides of her so well-defined. And I appreciated that she was probably the only one of the six characters whose relationships to the other five were so uniquely sketched out. (She and Lightning had one of mutual respect for one another, she and Snow were, for the most part, like-minded and got along because of that, she and Vanille had their centuries-long relationship, Hope saw her as well as Lighting as sort of mentor figures, and she and Sazh played off each other well for the humor aspect.) Also, in battle, she was a beast. When in doubt, I used her quite often.

    5. Sazh: Bottom two were very close, but Sazh won it. When I first saw him in the cast reveal, I really hoped he wouldn't be like Barret -- a walking black stereotype. But thankfully, while he had some moments of such, he actually ended up being a well-defined, well-drawn-out character. He was hilarious, but we could also see how deep he was through his personal quest so save Dajh. Also, he finally had me for good in that scene in which he was very tempted to kill Vanille, but ultimately couldn't bring himself to do it. Plus, I liked his relationship with the chocobo chick. Probably one of my favorite moments was him ordering her (yeah, it turns out, it was a girl) to attack the guard on the Palamecia. Clever, and a lot of laughs. And before that, who can forget obstructing his view on purpose when he tried to ogle Vanille's ass in the Vile Peaks? Laughs all around! My one huge beef with him? Aside from being a good Synergist when I needed a backup one behind Hope, he was almost completely useless in battle. Still, a more entertaining than . . .

    6. Snow: Not to say I dislike him, of course. All six characters I like, for sure. Snow was just the one character whom I felt was kind of a retread of past hero-type characters. All of the other five seemed original in their own right, and then, here comes the one generic one. Still, I admired several things about him: his nobility when it came to Serah, how he could almost immediately make anyone like him right away (except, as we saw, Lightning and Hope), and I liked how he was one of the few optimists amidst the pessimists after their branding. What did I not not like, though? Thinking they were supposed to save Cocoon when they'd just been branded by a Pulse fal'Cie. Taking stupid, impulsive actions that, while well-intentioned, were reckless and dangerous. Saying everything he said to fuel Hope's anger and grief with absolute obliviousness to the whole thing. His obvious tunnel vision toward several things. Not learning from his first throwback from Barthandelus on the Palamecia and proceeding to get thrown back two more times (in Oerba and in Orphan's Cradle). At least Lightning learned from her failed attack on Cid, dude. Still, I did like Snow aside from all of that. I was just the least interested in him. And even less interested in him after we got to Pulse, because I rarely found a time when he'd be useful. But I did put him in my battle team whenever I needed a good Sentinel. But other than that . . . meh. Some good Lightning/Hope/Fang, Lightning/Hope/Sazh, Lightning/Vanille/Hope, Fang/Hope/Sazh, and Lightning/Vanille/Sazh parties were all I needed. Notice who's absent from all of these sets. Yeah. That's right. I reiterate: not very useful.

    But these are just my rankings. How about everyone else's?

    My next poll and thread won't be about playable characters. But it'll be about something. You'll see when it comes out.
    Vote in my EoFF Popularity Poll for every game and character in the series thus far:!

  2. #2
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    1. Hope
    I agree with you about Hope. People talk about character development in this game, but in the end Lightning is still stoic, Snow is still a dumbass, Vanille is still stupid, and Fang is still overprotective. Sazh does go from suicidal to one of the bunch, so I'll give them that, but the radical change in Hope from start to finish is the best development in the game. People don't like him because he whines, well he just watched his mother die. Any kid will be upset by that, but he eventually gets past it and becomes an inspiration to the bunch. He's also a great healer.

    2. Sazh
    Sazh is just a cool guy and a loving father so it's hard not to like him. My only gripe with him is that we got too much of the 'I'm getting too old for this trout' attitude during the game. Like Hope he actually develops as a character and we get to see many sides of him.

    3. Lightning
    Lightning was my favorite at the beginning for her cool attidude and badassery, but her schtick got old after a while and never really evolved. She gets more development in XIII-2 and she's not even a main character in that game.

    4. Fang
    I have nothing against Fang, she was a cool character and a hell of a fighter on my squad. She joins the cast late which means we didn't get to see enough of her interactions so I didn't really feel connected to her as a character.

    5. Vanille
    Vanille is stupid. Her grunting is annoying. I'm sick of these 'tee hee' characters in JRPGs and even though Vanille has some interesting secrets it doesn't make up for her overly bubbly personality.

    6. Snow
    Snow is a dumbass. 'GRR I will protect everyone!' Shut up you big oaf.

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  3. #3
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    1. Sazh-He's just awesome. He has a very human personality and much care was taken into his development. Above all the others, he demonstrates kindness, intelligence, and wit. His relationship with his son was touching and yet his arch never felt whiny. It was original and despite his emotional scarring, he mantains his incredibly positive, yet practical, outlook.

    2. Lightning-She's a bitch and I love her. I know she's stoic and oftentimes cruel, I found her funny oftentimes. I just wish she had more development. The first half she was one of the best protoganists, yet she falls a few ranks with her lack of a central arch.

    3. Vanille-I should hate her. But I don't.

    4. Hope-Hope was handled with more realism than any other character for his age. He is crearly shocked and traumatized in the early parts of the game, sliding from anger to depression quickly. Yet he develops and matures, laerning forgiveness and reconciling with his family.

    5. Fang-She was alright, but her personality wasn't very sympathetic to me and she was added to the group too late to have her contribute to the emotion of the story.

    6. Snow-He's a twat. I don't like him too much. I like his design, though.

  4. #4
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    1. Sahz - The most 'real' person I can remember in a Final Fantasy game. This guy is just awesome on every level.
    2. Snow - I really, really didn't like him at first. But retrospectively I look back at him fonder than I do the others. He has great comedy moments, a lot of belief when no others do, and a fair bit of bravado. He reminds me of Barrett in some ways. Just not as badass and a little dumber. Obviously.
    3. Vanille - I think she gets some pretty bad press from members around these forums for being the girly-girl amongst the group, but I think she had a lot of spunk to her (please take that in the sense, not the sense, you perverts). I think the relationship between her and Sahz is really endearing.
    4. Lightning - Cloud, Part II: Female. But really, she did grow pretty well in the game and I liked her as a protagonist. She bounced off the various characters well enough and I had no problems with her, really. Just a typical moody leader.

    Gap for emphasis before getting to the last two. The above characters I really, really liked. The below, eh...

    5. Fang - I am fairly neutral on Fang. She could have been an NPC for me and I'd have paid about as much attention to her. I just found her kind of secondary to all the other characters. Not sure why, as I know she has an important part to play in things, but yeah.
    6. Hope - Goes from annoying because he's so whiny through to annoying because he's all "lookit me, I'm going to be president some day I am, so here's an eloquent motivational speech for you all". I mean c'mon. I liked him otherwise, but those downsides were rather notable. I know I didn't have any massive problem with him when playing the game, but when I think back to playing the game I always remember negative things to do with him instead of positive ones, so there you go. I know all of his whining was generally justified and all, but just because someone can be justified for being depressed doesn't make them a fun person to hang around. I will say I liked him far, far more than any other 'young hero' in recent movies or video games.
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    Sahz: He's black and has a small chocobo in his fro so obviously I'm going to rate him #1. Also a great step-up from the horrid stereotype that was big black Mr. T. Barret (whom I loved as well).


    Lightning: Knocking people out, dismissing people, generally just a cold biatch. Not feeling it. Though she's protective of her little sis and I think that's cute. She is also voiced by the same actress who voiced Liara from Mass Effect, so had to give props for that.

    Just No:

    Vanille: Annoying voice and personality. Can do without. Still rate her higher than Snow because she can summon.

    Snow: Dumb and grotty as hell. And why is he that tall? Why is that even necessary? He is clearly going to kill Serah whenever they have sex. Lightning is like hell no for a reason. I was never crazy about characters that fight with their first. They always have to make them overly macho (Zell and Sabin). Cept Tifa; she was aight.

    No opinion yet: Fang and Hope

  6. #6
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    I like Fang best and didn't really care at all for any of the other characters. They weren't too memorable. Even Fang wasn't, but her aggressiveness in combat made me feel pretty attracted to her.
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    It was tough, but I picked Lightning. She is kind of a role model for me. Lightning gets trout done. And she's such a good big sister to the party. I'm the oldest of five, but I don't really act like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shiny View Post
    She is also voiced by the same actress who voiced Liara from Mass Effect, so had to give props for that.
    You can tell she was recording for FFXIII-2 and Mass Effect 3 at the same time because she sounds so much like Liara in FFXIII-2 xD

    Hope is probably my second favorite. He really is kind of a ripoff of Ken Amada from Persona 3, but I loved Ken so whatevs. And then he became so much cooler in FFXIII-2. Everyone else I like alright, but I don't have much to say about them as individuals. Really I just love the party as a whole. Sahz gets special mention for having the best character theme in the series.

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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Sazh. He was literally the only character I liked, the only character who's reactions to the situation they were in was understandable, the only character who's motivations for doing what he does make any sense at all.

    And he had a Choco-fro.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Sazh. He was literally the only character I liked, the only character who's reactions to the situation they were in was understandable, the only character who's motivations for doing what he does make any sense at all.
    Agreed. SpoilerIf he had gone through with killing himself he would be an instant legend.

    None of the other characters were memorable to me.

  10. #10


    1. Snow/Hope. I don't see how it's even possible to really like one while disliking the other since their character arcs blend together so much and they are basically dependent on each other for character development and growth.

    They were easily the best and most sympathetic characters in the game. Snow is a braggart who has to come to terms with what true heroism is and Hope has to deal with the typical misplaced anger that almost always accompanies sudden loss. They both mature a lot together and the scene where Snow carries Hope is one of the best in the game.

    2. Sazh/Vanille. Aaother pair that is so connected that it's pretty much impossible to imagine liking one and not the other. Their interactions are great and they had possibly the most emotionally intense scene in the game.
    Vanille is also a total cutie pie.

    And then there were the rest. I think one was Claire Redfield and I always really hated her. The other kept going "UhhhhHUHHHHHHhh!!" in battle and that's all she contributed to the game. Top notch Resident Evil level voice-acting there.

  11. #11
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    The other kept going "UhhhhHUHHHHHHhh!!" in battle and that's all she contributed to the game.
    Pretty sure that wasn't a film.

  12. #12


    my fav character is Lightning.

    -She's a girl but a really tough one
    -Interesting storyline (trying to save her sister, etc)
    -she's cute

    My second favorite would be Sazh because he's really funny had a great time with his cutscenes.

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