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Thread: Skies of Arcadia

  1. #1

    Default Skies of Arcadia

    (If you havn't played skies of arcadia don't read the post)

    Any of you who have played this have you noticed the similarity between Midgar and the Vanu city? Some rich people who control everything and then a large amout of poor people who just get pushed around. Tons of smoke and waste. Slums. Technology seems similar to me also.

    Also I think there is a similarity between Shinra and the Vanu military. I mean they are always all over the world doing naughty things. You end up fighting them in places you wouldn't think they would be. They are like the one big government on the planet.

    Well I just thought they were alike and wanted to know if anybody agreed with me. If you havn't played the game but still read the post go buy it. I thought it was awsome.

  2. #2


    i have never even HEARD of this game.what console is it on? (( must buy it now.compairson to ff7 convinced me )

    n o - l o v e - o r - g l o r y
    Goodbyes|Me|Trinity|Us|Mako Eyes

  3. #3


    Its for the Dreamcast . The game has got lets see here...
    Airships, An OK fighting system, best storyline (IMO). Basically you have to stop the evil guy from doing them evil things. (Never beat the game cause my disk was glitched but as far as I got I liked it). Lets see you are one of the good guy pirates ( like the rebellion in starwars) and the the story gets deper and deeper as you go along, best setting(IMO) with the airships and the oppressive Vanu goverment, your own airship which you control with a crew and can buy updates at shops and stuff, Air combat (I LOVED this part of the game), a frichhen awsome city (Vanu City), your secret pirate island, a ton of intresting places, deep characters, a ton of other stuff too. But uh don't get the idea its all in the air, there is a ton of land stuff.
    Wow I'm tired...

  4. #4


    aw!no wounder i have never heard of it.i dont have a dreamcast...:< it sounds pretty cool though!i'll have to see if any of my friends have it...then steal it and the dreamcast from them

    n o - l o v e - o r - g l o r y
    Goodbyes|Me|Trinity|Us|Mako Eyes

  5. #5


    lol thats the only dreamcast game i like cept house of the dead 2. They also have skies of arcadia ledgends or something for game cube. dont know if its as good as the one i have though

  6. #6
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    They ported it to Gamecube as Skies of Arcadia Legends, by the way.

  7. #7
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    It's also the biggest rip-off I've EVER seen. Skies of Arcadia borrows from so many games it's actually rather funny. Final Fantasy is drawn on a lot though. I even detected a bit of Pokemon in the intro music, which had me rolling on the ground laughing for about 10 minutes. Not a bad game though, I should beat it someday.

  8. #8
    Lumberjack Recognized Member RSL's Avatar
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    General Gaming.

    EDIT: This game borrows ideas from other games, but you'd be hard pressed to find one that doesn't. Seriously.

  9. #9
    I am Henry Dean gokufusionss1's Avatar
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    this game borrows from some many other games and yet doesn't improve upon them, it's still an ok game tough
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  10. #10


    I started a new file just yesterday and have gotten really far. (The only good thing bout being sick is a lot of gaming time). I just realizied that their characters are really similar to FF7's. They got a clone for almost everyone. Well I love this game. The airships are just too cool.

  11. #11
    Shayo's Avatar
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    im told the gamecube version is the same as the dreamcast version, just they added more to the gamecube version.
    "whats the point of pretending to be all grown up.... if it means the things i wanna say never get said? How am i supposed to change anything?" -Tidus-FFX

  12. #12


    I've played and thoroughly beaten Skies of Arcadia Legends for Gamecube. It's a much better game that the original. You don't have to spend as many long repetetive hours boringly leveling, there's more discoveries, more sidequests, places, another main character, etc... blah blah... its way more than just a port. Its fantastic.

    As for the story... don't care what was borrowed. The game is fantastic.

    Oh, and look at my avatar. It's Cupil!!! He's wearing his pirate outfit from the ending cinema.

  13. #13
    Talim Lover! BatChao's Avatar
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    Skies is a pretty cool game. Definitely not the best out there, but I really like it. I played Legends on the Cube, btw, not the original, but really liked it. There's a lot of side quests to go on and the story isn't all that bad, even if it's pretty generic. The characters are fun and it doesn't take itself too seriously. A pretty cool game. The only thing that drags it down is the battle system. It is way too repetitive, IMO. But it does have some nice things like that charge meter or something. Forgot what it was called since it's been quite a while since I've played.

    Oh, and as for the original post, yea, I noticed that too when I was playing.
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    Actually... I don't wear boxers, but Soul Calibur r0x0rz my briefz0rz just doesn't have the same ring to it...

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  14. #14


    Skies of Arcadia is the very first RPG I played, and my favorite, BARELY beating FFX. Check out my name, Silver Eclipse is a special move for the last boss, who also happens to be the absolute coolest videogame character every created.

    No matter how much I like it, the game is basically an EXCELLENT ripoff of FF7, and they couldn't have made it any more obvious, here are some things you may find yourself laughing at. There are spoilers for SoA in here BTW.

    1. Vyse, the main character, his father's name is Dyne.

    2. Midgar and Valua are the same, a capital for the oppresive empire, where there is a very rich half, and a poor, slum half.

    3. The Empress is killed in a rain of yellow energy.

    4. The Empire has a young, rebellious, person in high command that has moral objections to how the Empire rules, and he joins your party. It's basically SoA's Reeve.

    5. You steal the best airship in the world.

    6. Magic stones can be used to summon huge monsters and using them together can cause meteors to come down and destroy the planet.....yea...I'm serious.

    but it gets worse....

    7. The main villian is a once noble, generally kind-hearted, amazing warrior who was once in the Empire's elite army and becomes obsessed with ruling the world and destroying the people after learning how horrible they can be. Oh yes, he wears black, has silver hair, uses a long sword and was once a good friend of someone in your party. His plan to destory everyone is to use magical moonstones to summon meteors to destory the world. Not to mention that at one point in the game, he sets fire to a city, then appears from behind the flames walking slowly, carrying his sword......

    You should play through it tho, because as much as a ripoff as it is, it's still a lot better than FF7 IMO.

  15. #15
    Shayo's Avatar
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    all that is true? wow, its the exact same game, but, i still like it, ive found it fun so far
    "whats the point of pretending to be all grown up.... if it means the things i wanna say never get said? How am i supposed to change anything?" -Tidus-FFX

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