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Thread: My toilet bowl is a sacred place where I am King.

  1. #1
    ..a Russian mountain cat. Yamaneko's Avatar
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    Default My toilet bowl is a sacred place where I am King.

    One thing I always worry about is using the bathroom at someone else's house. The worst though is when you have to expunge your solid waste. I don't like sitting down on someone else's toilet seat. I try not to imagine the wealth of possibilities that have come out of someone sitting on that seat. Then you have the waiting part. I like to take my time. At someone else's house you can't take longer than eight (8) minutes or risk the subject outside being about you. Finally, worst of all, you can't use all the toilet paper you want. You have to use small amounts and then flush. However, if you're not quite clean yet, you have to use some more and flush once more, repeating this process however many times is necessary until you are satisfied, all the while your hosts outside wondering why you've flushed six times in a row.

    If, by whatever misfortune, you have clogged the toilet and prevented said waste from reaching it's final destination, and cannot find the plunger, there is not much you can do, but embrace the remaining time with your hosts because it will most likely be the last time you see them for a long, long time.

    In my bathroom, at my toilet bowl, everything can go wrong yet feel so right. I have no worries, I am King. Please share your own opinions about using other people's bathrooms and especially their toilets.

  2. #2
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yamaneko
    to expunge your solid waste
    Just for your future reference, you can use the term defecate.

    I have a similar problem, I don't like using other people's toilets to defecate, it's just kind of embarrassing, I don't want other people to have to be around when I do that. I especially don't like defecating in public, it's even more obvious then. Luckily at my work, they have single bathrooms that get cleaned rather regularly (like four or five times a day) with locks, so I can use that one. They even have air fresheners in them. They could have better toilet paper, but what can you do.

  3. #3


    I hate using other people's toilets. When I went to camp in the 6th grade, I didn't do #2 for the whole week because I just couldn't bear to do it with all those people listening. And when I go to Ashland every year with my school, I usually get up an hour or two early to use the bathroom.

    I just can't relax unless I'm in my own bathroom. If I live in the dorms in college, I don't know how I'm going to get used to sharing the bathroom with all those people. Public toilets = awful.

    Oh, and I also don't sit on the toilet seat unless it's at my own house. I'm just grossed out by the idea of sitting on the same seat as anyone else, even if they're my friend or family member. Sometimes I even do that at home, which I guess is kinda weird.

  4. #4
    Meat Puppet's Avatar
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    I love using other peoples toilets, they're always so much cleaner than mine and smell nicer. (Excluding the toilets at my school)
    I like it because everyone else in the world pins up interesting stuff to read while 'going toilet', unlike mine. Fun fun.

  5. #5


    It also sucks when their is no toilet paper in a public restroom at school or work and you only find out of this as you reach to the dispencer for some.

  6. #6
    Blah Silmaril's Avatar
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    I try not to go to other people's bathrooms. even if i'm spending the day with 'em or something. I feel like the walls are paper thin and everyone in the outside stopped breathing.

    :whaaa: I've adopted this smiley

  7. #7
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Puppet
    I love using other peoples toilets, they're always so much cleaner than mine and smell nicer. (Excluding the toilets at my school)
    I like it because everyone else in the world pins up interesting stuff to read while 'going toilet', unlike mine. Fun fun.

  8. #8
    Banned Thunday Man's Avatar
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    I'm okay at friends houses or people I know, but I hate all public places like restraunt or school.

  9. #9
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    its wierd using other peoples bathrooms. i dont like it when i have to crap in other peoples bathrooms, nor do i like it when other people crap in mine.

  10. #10
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joel
    It also sucks when their is no toilet paper in a public restroom at school or work and you only find out of this as you reach to the dispencer for some.
    I learned a long time ago to check for toilet paper before I sit down.
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  11. #11
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    purely because since I was a kiddy first actually using the toilet I could never use any but my own for defecating (It's just a no, no) I learnt to hold having to go for a poo for up to a week (makes me feel ill to do it) but then I found a better way then giving myself jaundice and other nasties...I pretty much meditate (I can even do this walking and fully active / aware even conversing) and imagine the higher plane of existence to be the ocean this makes me wanna go pee a bit but if I cant get to my own toilet (or Kazi whatever you wanna call the loo) it's useful as I only have to stand and pee.

  12. #12
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen_angel_666
    purely because since I was a kiddy first actually using the toilet I could never use any but my own for defecating (It's just a no, no) I learnt to hold having to go for a poo for up to a week (makes me feel ill to do it) but then I found a better way then giving myself jaundice and other nasties...I pretty much meditate (I can even do this walking and fully active / aware even conversing) and imagine the higher plane of existence to be the ocean this makes me wanna go pee a bit but if I cant get to my own toilet (or Kazi whatever you wanna call the loo) it's useful as I only have to stand and pee.
    ew... what did your underwear look like?

  13. #13
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    actually I had perfectly clean white underwear but if I was on holiday for example I wouldn't go for a single poo all of the time I was there. it was one of the reasons we had to limit our holidays to a week no more untill I got over the morbid fear of using a toilet that wasnt mine. since potty training I've only fouled my underwear about two times and one of those was when I got electrocuted by the mains supply to my house and all the muscles in my body went slack and numb and I lost control of them.

  14. #14
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I hold it until I get home. It's not a course of action I recommend.

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  15. #15
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunday Man
    I'm okay at friends houses or people I know, but I hate all public places like restraunt or school.
    *nod* *nod*
    Boy am I an unfunny ass.

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