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Thread: What if you could stop time?

  1. #46


    Sorry, didn't mean to be negative - I just like delving into the mechanics of how such a hypothetical situation might work, that's where my imagination goes. It would be interesting to write a short story about time being frozen and incorporate some of those possible limitations into it.

  2. #47
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent, Thunder God View Post
    Sorry, didn't mean to be negative - I just like delving into the mechanics of how such a hypothetical situation might work, that's where my imagination goes. It would be interesting to write a short story about time being frozen and incorporate some of those possible limitations into it.
    Don't apologise, man. I was only jesting! It is interesting to think about how it would work.

  3. #48
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    If you think what I said was trying to be smart then you're the one with a lack of imagination.

  4. #49
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Don't be modest, tuh, you clearly were trying to *has a heart attack and dies mid-post*

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  5. #50
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    You have the power to stop time by clicking your fingers. Time will stop for everyone and everything... except you. A second click will set time running again.

    You will not age during these periods.

    What would you do with this ability?
    first let me clarify something:

    You specify that time stops for everything and everyone but you. However, if I am in contact with something or actively using it, does it remain functional. I.E. If I use a computer, does the computer work or would it simply be a frozen, useless piece of plastic and wiring in my hands? Because there's several answers to what you could do with the time if you had unlimited ageing free time but their plausibility depends on the answer to that.

    For example, if I could affect the world around me by touching it, if I touch someone, are they aware of that during the frozen time, or would they suddenly feel the impacts of my actions after the passage of time is restored? Further more, if they are aware of this, what is their level of awareness, are they dimly aware of something happening or are they going to be fully aware of who and what? If I try to use a computer, or other mechanical/electrical device is it functional? If I turn the page of a book, will the page turn? This requires a mere fraction of a second to complete but never the less it requires the passage of time. If you don't have the ability to affect the world then even opening a door will be beyond you.

    If you can affect the world by establishing a physical contact with the device you intend to manipulate then of course, you could do such stuff as:

    - Study and learn new skills online or using computers
    - Become self employed and complete jobs without ever actually wasting your real time so that you have plenty of cash without you or your family/friends having to worry about it. (Reason for self employment is obvious. A company who you work for will still expect you to be in the office and productive for 7 - 8.5 hours a day if on a full time contract, I've done all my work is not an excuse, if you've done everything then you need to find something to do in those hours in their opinion)
    - Play video games, watch films or read books (I will assume that if you want to watch a program/play a game contact with a single piece of the equipment used i.e. a control/remote would work. a little annoying to be sure but I would say a small price to pay since you can do it one handed.
    - Learn to drive, fly and sail using these skills take yourself anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat to take a vacation without having to worry about losing time due to travel.
    - Steal money via the internet if work is too honourable for you.
    - Go and become the best spy, intelligence officer in the world. No one and nothing would be able to stop you and if you learn to hide your tracks they may never even know they've been compromised.

    Now if you can't affect the world during the stopped time, you can still do more than just sleep, it just takes more planning and preparation as you can't turn pages, use electronic devices or open doors:

    - Print a text book out on single side prints. Lay them out in a large room weighted down (to prevent them moving whilst doing this, alternatively blutac them to the floor/walls) then freeze time and use it to study the pages and learn the stuff within the text book. You could still effectively learn many things and subjects in the space of a few days of real time. I would suggest looking in to investments and finance and then investing heavily with your newfound knowledge making a great deal of money in a short time and all perfectly legal. You could also research stuff you are simply interested in and take up a job to simply fill time when not frozen.
    - With the world unaware of your presence you could simply explore. You can do silly things like impart kinetic energy to people and stuff but think of what you could see simply by walking places (this would have the added benefit of making you super bloody healthy and stuff too) Oh it'd take a week to walk from one end of the country to the other? That's cute, I did it in "A day" you also wouldn't have to worry about weather elements affecting you.
    - During sex, if you feel you're about to finish prematurely, you could simply freeze time to recover from this thus making you the most impressive lover of all time.
    - You can pretty much stay awake near 24 hours and yet still get your 8 hours of sleep required for a healthy life by freezing time before bed. That said, if you're in a relationship, this is not such a pleasant idea really. The person next to you would be frozen and wouldn't snuggle in to you. Not to mention they would still notice that you didn't come to bed most of the night. This would be horrible for them sleeping during the frozen time would only really be nice if you're single or alone. That said, you could probably make limited use of this without them noticing. Simply by going to bed with "4 - 5 hours" of sleep ahead of you and freezing it just after your alarm goes off for 3 - 4 hours to get the remaining sleep you desire. If you have no need for earning money by working, you'll find that 24 hours is actually quite a long time to do things in. After a while of managing your own investment portfolio, you'd be able to simply hire people to do it for you so you'd never have to work again. I don't think sleeping with the woman/man/beast of your dreams in real time would be so bad.
    - Exercise like a mother smurfer. You'd have to look in to body weight and cardio exercises mainly but with unlimited time to do these exercises you'd be ripped to hell. There is a reason that armies around the world rely on these types of exercises still. Think about being able to eat whatever you like and still never gain weight. I'm sold.
    - Romantic gestures are easy. Your paramour wishes you were there with them now. You walk outside, freeze time and walk over to theirs no matter how far away it is and unfreeze time. (of course, if you need to leave the country to see them this becomes much harder if not impossible but then the answer is date someone slightly more local).

    I may have over thought this.

  6. #51
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    *reads Steve's post and immediately regrets creating this thread*

    Yeah, in my head I was still able to use electronics and move things around ie. books, vehicles, people (if required). I'd try and keep this to a minimum (especially the latter) as I'd want to keep my power a complete secret.

  7. #52
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Haha I did say I may have overthought it.

    Well if you can interact with powered items/move things around etc then so long as you're able to move back to where you were before you restart time, you're golden tbh in that scenario.

  8. #53
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I think the Japs have a whole genre of adult documentaries about this.

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