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Thread: Favourite Characters by Game

  1. #1
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    Default Favourite Characters by Game


  2. #2


    Warrior of Light (Who else?)
    I guess Firion. He's pretty cool in Dissida. Can't say much for the original though.
    I guess... Luneth?
    Kain. A badass Dragoon such as himself demands respect.
    Bartz. Why? Hehe, Butz :3
    Edgar. Tools = OP.
    Zack. Zack was just amazing. Loved his backstory.
    Eww... 8. Laguna or Selphie. More Laguna though. Just much cooler than Squall.
    Freya or Vivi. Probably Freya. She is a cross between a Red Mage and a Dragoon, how cool is that?
    Auron. Well, he's Auron. Any guy who swings a big ass sword, carries a random jug of booze, and kicks ass is awesome.
    Never played 11. Guess Prishe will suffice.
    Ashe. Cause Vaan was a complete woman.
    Hope or Lightning. Probably Hope though. As bitchy and whiny as he is... his story caught me :/
    Haven't played 14. So, uh, yeah.

  3. #3
    4 Recognized Member Faris's Avatar
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    FFI: Fighter
    FF2&3: Did not play far enough into them to know.
    FF4: Kain for battle, Edgar for comedy.
    FF6: My memory is awesome and I don't remember. I'mma say Shadow because he came to mind first.
    FF7: Cid
    FF8: Laguna
    FF9: Uuuhhhmmm... I can't choose one D=
    FF10: Auron

    That's about as far as I can go.

    4444444444 4 4 444 44 4

  4. #4
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Caedus Ulvein (Sargatanas)


    FFI-FF2: Haven't played enough to know, yet. :c(
    FF3: Luneth
    FFIV: Kain
    FFV: Haven't played enough to know, yet. :c(
    FFVI: Terra
    FFVIII: Seifer
    FFIX: Amarant
    FFX: Auron
    FFXI: :c|
    FFXII: Basche
    FFXIII: This game sucks.

  5. #5
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    I: Red Mage
    II: Leila
    III: Luneth
    IV: Kain
    V: Faris
    VI: Terra
    VII: Tifa
    VIII: Laguna
    IX: Freya
    X: Lulu
    XII: Balthier
    XIII: Sazh

  6. #6
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    FFI: Red Mage. I like being able to do lots of stuff
    FF2: Dragoon guy who I don't even remember his name..... (because I love dragoons)
    FF3: Ingus having a guys with actual training in the party is kind of atractive to me
    FF4: Kain see FF2
    FF5: I don't think I have one
    FF6: Celes because I had to pick one.
    FF7: Cloud because I love big ass swords and over the top attack animations
    FF8: I have to?
    FF9: Freya see FF2
    FF10: Auron because he is the only character I don't dislike
    FF12: Balthier see FF10
    FF13: Lightning because she had in battle character animations that put everyone else to shame.
    FFT: Delita because he won by being super smart.
    >>Am willing to change opinions based on data<<

  7. #7


    FF1 Red Mage. I love his pimping red feather hat and everything. I bet you he knows all the FF 1 ladies.

    FF2. Firion. Not in the original game, but in Dissidia he's pretty romantic, honest and determined.

    FF3. Nobody. They either have no character or they basically have a personality of cardboard. Even the DS version.

    FF4. Triple draw between Rosa, Rydia and Kain. I like how strong Rosa's love for Cecil is, Rydia's courage and Kain's badass.

    FF5. Boco the Chocobo ! He's so cute !

    FF6. Setzer. He's quite enigmatic and I admire how he sees life, like how life itself is one huge risk or flip of a coin.

    FF7. Zack. Friendly, outgoing, kind, and he risks his own dreams and desires so a old friend can live. So heroic.

    FF8. Laguna. He's a bit like Zack and all.

    FF9. Princess Garnet/ Dagger. She's so brave and even though she's quite naive, she still tries to be strong,

    FF10. Yuna. She's like a mix of Dagger and Aerith. She has the gentleness of Aerith and the bravery of Dagger.

    FF12. Same as FF3. They either had no personality and had a personality of a cardboard or a empty glass.

    FF13. Fang. She's quite tough and she isn't perfect, but she at least hopes that she's making the right choice.

  8. #8
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Sealth Greenwood (Sargatanas)


    FF1 - Fighter
    FF2 - Leila
    FF3 - onion knight #2 since he was blue
    FF4 - this is like sophie's choice...Kain.
    FF5 - Gilgamesh!
    FF6 - Sabin
    FF7 - Cid
    FF8 - Laguna
    FF9 - Freya
    FF10 - Auron
    FF12 - Balthier
    FFT - Olan

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    FFI - Black Belt, cause he's the most underrated character class and is actually pretty good.
    FFII - Leon cause he was the only character that really intrigued me.
    FFIII - Ingus, cause what VeloZer0 said.
    FFIV - Kain cause he is one of the more complex characters in the game.
    FFV - Faris, badass pirate princess cross-dresser? Hell yeah!
    FFVI - Really tough, probably a three way tie between Terra, Cyan, and Shadow.
    FFVII - Cid, cause he was the only character I could relate to and I liked his snarky personality.
    FFVIII - Toss up between Squall and Laguna
    FFIX - Vivi, he may actually be my favorite character in the series and he has one of the deepest stories in the series.
    FFX - Auron cause he's the only tolerable character in the story.
    FFXI - Mithra race, cause they are the only race that doesn't seem to be filled with power hungry douche bags that cause most of Vana'diel's problems.
    FFXII - Basch, he had a great heroic personality and stood by it despite getting trout on by every other character in the story.
    FFXIII - Sahz, was the only likable character in the game and probably the sole good quality XIII had.
    FFXIV - Haven't played, don't care...
    FFTactics - Ramza, for showing people what happens when you try to do the right thing in the real world.
    FFTactics Advance - Marche, for also showing what happens when you try to do the right thing in the real world, though he gets off better since children are far more forgiving than adults...
    FFTactics A2 - Vaan, for being a Balthier clone.

  10. #10
    Futan's Avatar
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    Hard to pick only one favorite but I tried to with this list.

    I-IV: Didn't play.
    V: Bartz
    VI: Sabin
    VII: Cid
    VIII: Seifer
    IX: Zidaine
    X: Auron
    XI. Shantotto
    XII. Balthier
    XIII. Snow
    XIV. Thancred

  11. #11


    FFI: Thief/Ninja
    FFII: Minwu
    FFIII: Onion Knight
    FFIV: Cecil Harvey
    FFV: Lenna Charlotte Tycoon
    FFVI: Cyan Garamonde
    FFVII: Vincent Valentine
    FFVIII-XIV: Haven't played

  12. #12
    Queen of the BushHags Takara's Avatar
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    FFI: Garland. He will knock you all down! (Seriously, that line makes me laugh. Maybe it's because I imagine Garland sounding like Brian Blessed?)
    FFII: Leila. Pirate chicks ftw!
    FFIII: Ingus. I have a soft spot for blondes...
    FFIV: Kain, Kain, and forever Kain.
    FFIV:TAY: I refuse to acknowledge the existence of this game.
    FFV: Tie between Faris (Pirate chicks ftw?) and Gilgamesh.
    FFVI: Edgaaaaaaaaarrrrrr!!! My first video game crush ever. Yes, he came before Kain in my heart. Edgar will never cease to be awesome.
    FFVII: Cid, because COME ON!
    FFVIII: Quistis. With Selphie as a very close second.
    FFIX: Freya.
    FFX: Auron.
    FFXII: Basch. I sense a pattern... (Hint, it's the blondes.)
    FFXIII: Fang.
    FFT: Meliadoul. I don't know why, I just... Meliadoul.
    FFTA: Shara, I guess.

    Haven't played the other games, so that's pretty much it.
    Last edited by Takara; 11-14-2012 at 04:41 AM. Reason: afskslfkjldjljlj typo -.-

  13. #13


    Ninja or Red Mage. Red Mage is more useful, but Ninja are always cool.
    Palamecia is king of both heaven and hell... c'mon.
    Never played III.
    Cecil as a Dark Knight, Kain while still a good guy, and Edge... see the duh above.
    Faris... who would have guessed that this pretty-boy of a captain was a woman? Surprised face...
    Genesis 1) everyone else hates him, 2) can't choose out of the rest.
    Seifer... he's left-handed.
    Blanc 'cause you can't see his eyes. Gilgamesh... same. Can you see Marcus' eyes?
    Never play XI
    Reddas... because Balthier's too obvious.
    Never played XIII
    Haven't played T enough to know. I like Ramza's name though.
    Haven't played TA.
    Haven't played Crystal Chronicles either.
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

  14. #14
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    FFI - Black Mage - though I can't help but feel that this is influenced by 8-Bit Theatre.
    FFII - Minwu
    FFIII - I really don't have a preference.
    FFIV - I've always rather liked Rubicante. In terms of playable characters, probably Rydia.
    FFV - Bartz, if only because he's a bloody pimp.
    FFVI - Celes - I actually found this a rather tough decision. I was tempted by Edgar, Kefka, Leo and Cyan amongst others.
    FFVII - Cid - Of course!
    FFVIII - Edea. I think it's partly because of the character design and partly because she made a badass villain during discs one and two.
    FFIX - A really tough decision, as this game has some of my favourite characters in the series. Given that he used to form part of my username, I should probably say Kuja. Too many honourable mentions to mention though!
    FFX - In spite of Square's attempts to encourage male gamers towards a particular character, I'd probably have to say Auron.
    FFXI - Not played.
    FFXII - Balthier, of course!
    FFXIII -I've yet to play.

  15. #15
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I: Black Mage (duh)
    II: Minwu (loved his costume and his spells were at badass levels in the beginning)
    III: Ingus (he was the sarcastic one right?)
    IV: Rydia (strongest character in the game also the least sappy)
    V: Galuf (feisty old man is pure comedy)
    VI: Terra (I love her story and she's also a magical powerhouse)
    VII: Cloud (probably the best protagonist of the series)
    VIII: Quistis (dig the hot teacher thing going on)
    IX: Quina ()
    X: Auron (he's the only voice of reason in this team filled with hormonal teenagers)
    XI: Tmoney! (that's me!)
    XII: Balthier (had the best dialogue of any character, screw you Highwind)
    XIII: Hope (in a story about character development, he's the only one who really develops at all)

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