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Thread: What is so great about FF7

  1. #1
    Burtuc's Avatar
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    Default What is so great about FF7

    I mean don't get me wrong, I liked FF7 it was a good game but I don't see any really reason to make spinoffs and movies about it.

    And Cloud hes a cool character, but hes nothing phenominal. But still a great FF main character. Sephoroth is unique as well but as I said, othing really out of the box.

    It might just be me, but could someone tell me why FF7 is so glamorized and Idolized?

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  2. #2


    Does this really belong in the General FF?

  3. #3
    I AM NOT A PRETTY BOY! Shin Gouken's Avatar
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    this will be relocated but i guess i'll post anyway. i agree to an extent. why is final fantasy vii receiving movie and spin off treatment over games like final fantasy viii? actually i know the answer to that. it's simply because they know they will make money from it. ffvii was a big game beacause it was the first 3d final fantasy. and they are taking the game too far in my opinion. its getting old. im bored of it all. im not saying it isnt a fine game, but its clearly over-rated
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Ivalice is not simply a place in a game. It is a real world, it lives and breathes

  4. #4
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    Pretty much everything is great about FFVII. But the actual reason why it's so glamorized is that most other RPG fans share that opinion. A great many of them are dumbasses (Cheese Weapon? What the hell is that?), but the game and its fanbase are not synonymous.

  5. #5
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    the reason square is using FFVII is because it was the best selling FF ever. And whether people like to admit it or not, it was the first RPG everyone really knew. Even people who knew basically nothing about games knew of FF after this game, and knew of RPGs. I agree it's not as great as it's made out to be, but because of it's huge popularity and widely known popularity, it's a great choice, the BEST choice, to do spinoffs for maximum profit.


  6. #6


    I agree. I think that AC, BC and others are created in order to get money. But I love, the film, and surely, I will love Crisis Core, DoC and others. I don't mind if they do it for money, it doesn't matter for me.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_BeTzE
    I agree. I think that AC, BC and others are created in order to get money. But I love, the film, and surely, I will love Crisis Core, DoC and others. I don't mind if they do it for money, it doesn't matter for me.
    What else would they make games for except money?

  8. #8
    I am Keyran! a nirvana fan's Avatar
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    The characters, the story, the whole locations, the materia system, the first Final Fantasy that looked totally different to previous and it overall a amazing game...that is what is so great about FF7

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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by ?????
    A great many of them are dumbasses (Cheese Weapon? What the hell is that?)
    Does thou doubt the existence of the malevolent Cheese Weapon?

    For shame.

  10. #10
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    because it was a great game due to all those plot twists and such, as well the ending leaves alot to the imagination

    but my veiw is tainted on the game because most of the spoilers were... well spoiled for me

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas
    You are a legend man!ROFL!!

    And well FF7 is as someone said the biggest FF game made.And although there making the spinoffs to make money,what would you do?If you saw a chance to make millions then would you take it?Besides hopefuly they'll be able to make even better games with better graphics and stuff with all this money.Despite what you all say about AC i know you'll all buy it or watch it at some stage.I sure will.

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  13. #13


    we now need to pose the question "y was it the best selling final fantasy"? answer: because it was a 3D game so everyone bought it, and those that weren't impressed didn't buy the follofing ff's

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  14. #14


    Yes probably the reason it was the best selling rpg is because it was the first final fantasy game released on the playstation.

    Before then rpg's were not extremely appealing to many folks because of the graphics. And though you might say that graphics don't matter but in a sense that it makes it easier for the player to get into the characters of the game and the story of the game it does matter.

    Add to that is that they really made an effort to develop each and every character to detail. You really got a sense that you knew each character by the end of the game. And to polish everything off it had a very memorable soundtrack of memorable character themes that helped the player get even more into the games characters.

    Those are the reasons why I believe it turned out to be the most popular final fantasy game made up to this point.

  15. #15


    FF7 is a great game. I believe so. What does it matter, arguing about it?
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