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Thread: FF Celebrity Deathmatch?!

  1. #1

    Default FF Celebrity Deathmatch?!

    After a FF BB I though of a FF Celebrity Deathmatch. I hope you like it!

    First Show

    Irvine: Hello, everybody. This is Final Fantasy Celebrity Deathmatch. Here I am for you. I’m Irvine Kineas.
    Garnet: That’s right, Irvine. I’m here, too. My name is Garnet Til Alexandros, and we are the hosts for this first show all for all the other shows of FF Celebrity Deathmatch!
    Irvine: Of course, I’m not going to fight, ‘cos I’m the host and… my clothes are new.
    Garnet: No, WE AREN’T going to fight. I’m a queen, now. It’s just not right for a queen. Let’s get started, shall we?
    Irvine: Okay, Garny.
    Garnet: …Garnet…
    Irvine: Okay… Barnet. The first two opponents are…. Quistis and…
    Garnet: Selphie! Ready for eyeballs rolling on the floor?
    Irvine: Before we get started, I want to say that THIS IS NOT ADVISABLE FOR WEAK HEARTS!!! I warned you…
    Garnet: Okay, 1…..2…..3.
    Irvine: KILL YOU BOTH!!!

    Quistis: I’m gonna pull out every single hair you have, bitch!
    Selphie: THAT’S NOT RIGHT! There are children watchin…
    Garnet: Ooh, Quistis just punched Selphie in her chin! Ooh… Selphie jumped on Quistis and it’s getting Quistis hairpin out!
    Irvine: Quistis began to run around the arena and… OH MY GOD!!! Selphie is now missing one arm!
    Garnet: That Quistis is surely tough! Wait! Selphie just bitted Quistis’ ear and… Quistis is now gonna hear only by one ear!
    Irvine: Quistis began to kick Selphie’s chest. Uuhh… that boots must hurt a lot.
    Garnet: But that’s not for Selphie! She is tearing Quistis hair. Oh, poor bald Quistis.
    Irvine: …What’s this?
    Garnet: Come on, Kids! Bite each other; pull each others legs, literally! Do something instead of being just… slapping one another…
    Irvine: …This is a boring battle. Quistis slaps Selphie. Selphie slaps Quistis. What fun… .
    Garnet: Wait, who’s coming in. It’s Zell! Zell just entered the arena and…
    Irvine: He comes with a hammer and… Oh, gosh… He’s just beating Quistis in her head.
    Zell: That’s it, ‘Quisty’! : You’re history!!! I came to save you Selphie!
    Selphie: You son-of-a…
    Garnet: Selphie is very violent, today! She… I was kidding when I said eyeballs rolling in the ground… Someone please help Zell…
    Irvine: What a good first show, don’t you think, Beret?
    Garnet: Selphie!!! THE BATTLE IS OVER!!! Someone hold Selphie.
    Irvine: To you guys, who were thinking on a FFVIII-2 ….ah… you’d better forget it…
    Irvine: Well, folks. One arena, two deaths… This is very sad… Selphie won today’s show! See ya tomorrow on FF Celebrity Deathmatch, here on Square-Enix.
    Garnet: SECURITY!!!!!!

    That's it for the first show. Tell me if you enjoyed and I'll put more shows. The second is Sephiroth against Squall!!!

  2. #2
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> Where is Stone Cold???, the show isnt the same without him ..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  3. #3


    u are a fraud! U are always emitating Divinity! STOP! Be original!

    Yes, Mr Edeon X is the guy that is always doing the same that Divinity!

    Divinity is writting a book, he is also writting.
    Divinity draws, he draws.
    Divinity songs he songs too!

    And... he says that is better than Div! but I say that he is nothing, he is only a bad copy!

    PS. And i know that my english is bad...

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Lux Trepe
    u are a fraud! U are always emitating Divinity! STOP! Be original!

    Yes, Mr Edeon X is the guy that is always doing the same that Divinity!

    Divinity is writting a book, he is also writting.
    Divinity draws, he draws.
    Divinity songs he songs too!

    And... he says that is better than Div! but I say that he is nothing, he is only a bad copy!

    PS. And i know that my english is bad...
    *uses imaginary mod powers to delete idiocy* :rolleyes:

    I thought this would be voter-based... that would be cooler.

  5. #5

    Default Deixa de ser Lux Trepe!

    I'm not always imitating divinity. She's my best friend and for your information, I'm not the one who's interested in her cash. Oh, sorry. I should have say money or you wouldn't understand. Who are you anyway? You didn't even played FF! And you're the one who always said bad things about it. Just grow up, Tono. Why are you such a kid? My book isn't in English, though. I'm writin' in protuguese and everyone likes it. Even my teachers. If you were a real divinity's friend, you would know that she supports me and I support her. I'm not better than her and she's not better than me. We complement each other. I'm not writing songs, y'know. But you got a point there. I draw. Ya, what's your problem? Poisoning again? Everyone also knows you're just jealous. One more thing: YOUR ENGLISH IS PANIC!

  6. #6
    sephiroth21's Avatar
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    any where a cloud+sephy fight is


    wow, sephiroth and cloud, round one...FIGHT!!!!!
    from the start sephiroth is on the ropes, he has his hands in the air and he seems to be muttering something...-sephiroth- this should have been done a long time ago, now, go meteor!!!!! HA HA HA
    why? well why not!

  7. #7
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Edeon X
    I'm not always imitating divinity. She's my best friend and for your information, I'm not the one who's interested in her cash. Oh, sorry. I should have say money or you wouldn't understand. Who are you anyway? You didn't even played FF! And you're the one who always said bad things about it. Just grow up, Tono. Why are you such a kid? My book isn't in English, though. I'm writin' in protuguese and everyone likes it. Even my teachers. If you were a real divinity's friend, you would know that she supports me and I support her. I'm not better than her and she's not better than me. We complement each other. I'm not writing songs, y'know. But you got a point there. I draw. Ya, what's your problem? Poisoning again? Everyone also knows you're just jealous. One more thing: YOUR ENGLISH IS PANIC!
    Look I don't want you to fight for me, please... Lux Trepe, your englçish is really don't worry, okay, but lets just this thing end up, coz it's a shame that such friends of mine, end up, killing each other... Lux Trepe has alreayd played FF8 and Edeon you know that I don't have any other game, FF9 and 7 I only watched Megami played, lucky that I have a good remember and I still remember some kind of things of it, anyway I haven't read yet coz you both have started that fight, now if you don't mind I have some important business to solve, and if you want to fight and slaps each other PM!

  8. #8
    Kaworu fan-girl! ^_^ Armisael's Avatar
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    well,the first show was very good.i really liked it.hope the second will be great too.

  9. #9


    LOL! eu entendi tudo! E sabes k mais? tu só aldrabas! és mesmo uma fraude! Eu já joguei FF, pa começar! depois eu já li o teu livro, tá escrito em portugues, carregado de erros e tem os nomes em Ingles! Posso ainda acrescentar k está uma copia raskissima do Harry Potter e do FF! Além do mais, tu e a Div nao se complementam, tu estás a mais! ela nao precisa k a completem, ela tem tudo! tu és um comensal! foi muito inteligente para ti, não é? nao chegas, k pena!E sou melhor amigo k tu, estou sempre por perto a dar a poio, ajudo-a e, nem te preciso de dar satisfações! tu amigo? se tu es amigo, ela não precisa de enimigos! criticas tudo o k ela faz! és uma tristeza! Sabes que mais? Não podes ser professor de Ingles e Alemão porque não estas em Humanidades! Tinhas de voltar ao 10º ano e mudar de agrupamento! Alem do mais, tu alemão? Mais uma copia! Só que agora tas a copiar a Div e a mim! Sim, porque eu tenho alemão! Continuas a copiar... é mesmo patológico! Ah! E nao penses k és melhor k a Div a Ingles só pk tens melhores notas k ela! Deixa-me te dizer k a professora de Ingles dela é super exigente, ja viveu na Inglaterra e é obrigada a exigir um nivel muito superior aos alunos do que o que é exigido a Cientifico-Natural! Agora vais te aproveitar de eu não estar cá o fim de semana todo para fazer jogo sujo! Algo habitual da tua parte!

    Lux Trepe

  10. #10
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Look sorry about this Sir Edeon X but 1st this should be at Arts and Writting forum!

    2nd Why did you make that? I mean, stop doing that! Why do you have always to do smth so similar to mine things! It's anoying, I mean if you see my thread at Eyes on Each other, I'm confused you'll se how I think! This is not corret you can't just continue to do everything like me! I hated when you said that you were gonna have a 18 at English beacuise you knew that iwas gonna to have a bad grade! Why did you say that? You know that my teacher requires much more than anyone else, she's like a truly english teacher! And my english is perfect so as Lux Trepe... If I say that, it's beacuse it is!

    3rd Go and stay with your Galdys I didn't like when we went to the cinema and I thought that our class was going to, but no all women, i felt a comnplçetly idiot and stranger, I thought that I was gonna see Miguel and Teresa and Cacau, but no, only girls from your group!!!

    It's over!

    I'm sorry!

    Oh and by the way I'l come back with a Final Fantasy Fear Factor!
    Last edited by Polaris; 06-25-2004 at 01:22 PM.

  11. #11


    Correct! It is all over for u, Mr. Edeon X. Go home!

    Ah! Tu não sabes mas o meu colégio fez um livro, um livro a serio! E nesse livro estão os melhores trabalhos dos alunos do colégio desde o 7º ao 12ºano. Eu tenho lá um texto meu. Um texto original, sem ser copiado por ninguém! Se tu realmente queres os teus trabalhos sejam reconhecidos pelo seu valor, não podes copiar!

    Ps. Eu escrevo por prazer. Não por dinheiro. Quando se escreve por prazer tudo sai muito melhor. A prof de Português pode ter lido o teu livro e pode ter feito um comentário favorável mas, lembra-te que ela desconhece Harry Potter e Final Fantasy!

  12. #12


    Eu a ti António simplesmente ignoro pois não tens razão em nada do que dissest. Nao te metas. Já te conheco e bem.

  13. #13
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Hey, if you guys want to go speak in another language please do it elsewhere. You are not allowed to have converastions like this within threads, that is what private messaging is for. Please stay on topic from here on out.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  14. #14


    Oh yes... silly boy... U don't know me! How can u know me if u never talk with me??? Give me break!

  15. #15


    Great, instand of reading a deathmatch between FF characters, I'm reading a deathmatch between members of this forum.

    1. Catlike creature. Has a large red ball on it's head attached by a long hair. Some can fly. Some can fight. Some are lazy bastards. All say Kupo (or Puu)

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