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Thread: The playstation 3 ... sucks

  1. #1
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    Default The playstation 3 ... sucks

    Seriously is it me or is the playstation 3 the worst console out there at the moment it's way to expensive
    and the xbox360 seems more powerfull.


  2. #2


    I hate to be the one to say this but atleast try a console before saying it sucks, you're almost as bad as tidus_rox with his "wii sucks..." thread. It seems kinda expensive but after all the arguments about it and the more I've looked up on it, it seems to be worth all that money with the features and the games in the future and even a few games right now.

    Oh and honestly, who cares about which machine is the most powerful?


    Ps, or was this a funny thread to rival the wii thread?

  3. #3
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    I do have the machine i just think they added to much unnecesary stuff.

    That and yeah the wii rules

  4. #4
    Banned MecaKane's Avatar
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    Hmm, I don't think so champ.

  5. #5
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    I may have to gauge my eyes out if someone makes a thread titled "The _____... sucks" again.

    Anyway... I'm not too fond of the PS3 either, but I'll wait until I try one to judge it.

  6. #6
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Okay, where's Dreddz?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Raebus View Post
    it seems to be worth all that money with the features and the games in the future and even a few games right now.
    I don't agree. Bottomline is that how it's going now games aren't
    going to be for PS3 exclusively (not enough potential buyers). 600
    Dollar for games that can be played on a much cheaper xbox 360, why?

    Even if the PS3 would be far more powerfull, little "more powerfull"
    games would be made because the PS3 alone just doesn't pull enough
    buyers for a game to be profitable enough./ I guess.

    (read the text as an oppion, not as factual).

  8. #8
    tech spirit
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    I'm going to read it as factual.
    everything is wrapped in gray
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    Before dreddz eats me alive i would like to say I HAVE NO REGRETS.

  10. #10


    Resistance Fall Of Man makes PS3 the best thing ever made ever. Better than chocolate bread.

  11. #11
    Shadow Master Griff's Avatar
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    I will have no use for a PS3 until FF13 is released.

    Which FF Character Are You?

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  12. #12
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    I really want the Wii, but only so I could play LoZTP. I've seen screenshots and a promo clip thing, and it looks pretty sweet. I've yet to see anything from the PS3, but I think it's flippin' amazing that they came up with the blue-ray =]

  13. #13


    I really tried to avoid this thread but I thought I'd maybe give one last post to patch up anything that may not of gotten to you guys already concerning the PS3.

    If you want to say the PS3 sucks because of the price im not going to really argue. Its expensive, definately but Sony arent really in a position to drastically drop the price yet. Sony said before the launch that they dont expect alot of people to buy the thing, there only trying to install a small fanbase before cutting the price. There losing so much on each console its hard to not feel sorry for them with all the hate they recieve. Its not fair. The PS3 hasnt even started yet really, maybe Sony would of liked a few more decent games on the system but there most definately on the way. I still feel the Xbox 360 has the best library at the moment and will stay so for the remainder on the year. Come 2008 the PS3 is going to have some really amazing games, your in complete denial if you say otherwise. And by then the price would be more affordable and it'll all be good stuff. As for the power of the system, its easy to see the higher potential that the PS3 has over the 360. Gears looks great, but rewind to when the 360 launched and look at the games then. Only mildly better than the Xbox. The PS3 come a year will show the real power of the system. You've all seen FFXIII, right? And blu-ray is most definately superior to any other format used by the other two systems. Why people still have an objection to this is beyond me.

    Now can everyone shut up and give Sony a breather for once, they maybe not be giving up as nice a ride as the PS2 but for pete's sake, there working on it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    Sony said before the launch that they dont expect alot of people to buy the thing, there only trying to install a small fanbase before cutting the price.
    Do you have a source on this? I do not recall this sort of representation at all. In fact, what I do remember is Sony claiming the system would sell extremely well even if they launched with no software at all. Of course, that wasn't the case. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    There losing so much on each console its hard to not feel sorry for them with all the hate they recieve.
    While I do think a lot of the "hate" Sony is receiving now is a little extreme, it's not much different than what Nintendo went through the last two generations. It's flip-flopped now, but it was "popular" to hate on Nintendo, and I think some of the people who were enjoying that time don't like being on the other end so much.

    However, Sony's marketing team, in America at least, came off as extremely arrogant during pre-PS3 release time and as a consumer I, personally, don't care for that sort of attitude. That is why I do not feel sorry for Sony. You reap what you sow.

  15. #15
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    I really tried to avoid this thread but I thought I'd maybe give one last post to patch up anything that may not of gotten to you guys already concerning the PS3.

    If you want to say the PS3 sucks because of the price im not going to really argue. Its expensive, definately but Sony arent really in a position to drastically drop the price yet. Sony said before the launch that they dont expect alot of people to buy the thing, there only trying to install a small fanbase before cutting the price. There losing so much on each console its hard to not feel sorry for them with all the hate they recieve. Its not fair. The PS3 hasnt even started yet really, maybe Sony would of liked a few more decent games on the system but there most definately on the way. I still feel the Xbox 360 has the best library at the moment and will stay so for the remainder on the year. Come 2008 the PS3 is going to have some really amazing games, your in complete denial if you say otherwise. And by then the price would be more affordable and it'll all be good stuff. As for the power of the system, its easy to see the higher potential that the PS3 has over the 360. Gears looks great, but rewind to when the 360 launched and look at the games then. Only mildly better than the Xbox. The PS3 come a year will show the real power of the system. You've all seen FFXIII, right? And blu-ray is most definately superior to any other format used by the other two systems. Why people still have an objection to this is beyond me.

    Now can everyone shut up and give Sony a breather for once, they maybe not be giving up as nice a ride as the PS2 but for pete's sake, there working on it.
    why is it that when someone bashes the PS3, you say to look forward to the future of the console, but when someone bashes the Wii, you say the system sucks and will always suck?

    The Wii and PS3 are basically in the same situation game wise. They both came out recently, and both have a lot of games to look forward to. The difference is, the Wii is cheaper, will always be cheaper, and more casual gamers bought the system. I'm not knocking either one at this point. However, I feel the Wii may end up with the most exclusive titles due to it's different control scheme.

    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

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