This guy?


So yes, I beat Trials and Tibulations. The rest of this thread is very spoilertastic.

Quote Originally Posted by YAAAAY FOR PHOENIX WRIGHT!!!

Godot is the best antagonist ever. EVER. He's too cool!

There were so many weird plot twists in the last case. I was sure it was the fat nun lady. I was so POSITIVE it was her! ...but OMG....THE VICTIM WAS THE LONG-LOST MISTY FEY???? IRIS HAS A TWIN SISTER??? AND THEY'RE MORGAN'S DAUGHTERS??? SO THAT MAKES THEM PEARLY'S HALF-SISTERS?? OMG!!! FAT NUN IS A MAN??? MAYA IS IN THIS VERY COURTROOM???

...but Maya couldn't have seen a guy...the only men there were Phoenix and Larry and they weren't on that side of the bridge! ...hmm.....EH?! GODOT??? GODOOOOOOOOOOOTT?? EH?! HOW DID HE GET THERE? NO WAY.

I almost cried it was so beautiful!

I can't wait for Apollo Justice to come out n.n