And by elderly, I mean like 39, which is OOOOLD!

My parents think they're a lot younger than they are. And while I don't think that that's necessarily a bad thing, it can get embarassing and annoying at times, or at other times, can be kinda neat.

My dad, for example, is a cool guy. It's fun when he hangs out with me and my friends when we're doing things like playing video games or other simple things. But other times, my friends and I want to go see a movie. You know, without old peoples. It gets him kinda down, but I don't want to offend or kick him out of my life.

But then he does some things that makes me think that he thinks he's 17. He gets haircuts or styles that are a bit too young for him. He also got remarried. But here's the kicker, she's like 24. So instead of a mom-figure she's more like a big-sis to me.

And then there's my mom. She gets really down when my friends go out without her. But there are some times when we really like when she's there, like at hockey games. Have you seen mom at hockey games? Didn't think so. And while she doesn't "think" she's 17, she certainly seems like it at heart.

Do you have to deal with the "elderly" in way that may be embarassing or even, fun?