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Thread: Eyes on Plays Final Fantasy V!

  1. #76
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Point of advice on the Chicken Blade:

    It's how many times you run away before you get the sword. You could run away a million times after you already have it equiped but it will never get any stronger after you have it. Do you really want to spend all that time running before you choose it?
    I wish I had known that yesterday.

    Ah well. I was never planning on powering it up anyway. :P

  2. #77
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    Yeah, I would've put that in about Lvl5 Doom, but I wasn't a level multiple of five and didn't feel like levelling forever ;D

    I'm totally stoked about getting magic hammer though; I didn't know byblos had it.

  3. #78
    Exdeath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Point of advice on the Chicken Blade:

    It's how many times you run away before you get the sword. You could run away a million times after you already have it equiped but it will never get any stronger after you have it. Do you really want to spend all that time running before you choose it?
    Could you cite the source you got that from? I don't think that's right, you should still be able to strengthen the Chicken Knife because you can weaken the Brave Blade post get.

    EDIT: Guess what? I've got end of trimester exams next week! Yay, devoting time to studying.....

  4. #79
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    It came straight from the Brady Games strategy guide. It doesn't mention any before or after for the Brave Blade but with the Chicken Knife it specifically mentions that it has to be before getting it.

  5. #80
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    I really need to get back into this. I haven't played at all since the first day.

    Then again, hours of wiki work along with large doses of Taigadora and Nodame Cantabile will do that.

  6. #81
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    I'm not taking many pictures for this game, but I am now on Galuf's world and he just rescued us so now we are on to new adventures.
    Hello Pika Art by Dr Unne ~~~ godhatesfraggles

  7. #82
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    Sidequest Interlude #1:

    Once Cid and Mid fix up the fire-powered ship, you get a certain range of freedom of movement, so before we head off to the Crescent shaped island, let's stop for a second and get a new esper!

    Istory Falls: Dude, is that. . is that an old guy?
    rubah's level: 18
    Classes: Ninja+Magic Shell, Red Mage +!Chakra, Berserker+Barehanded, Blue Mage + White (These are not recommended classes, just what I had on at the time. Ideally, you want high amounts of healing (white mage/summoner with white level 4) and some good offense (I don't really recommend berserker, so try a Monk or Mystic Knight).

    Obviously, Ramuh is the lightning elemental summon in ff5. He's lurking in the forests of Istory, so to get there, take your ship and sail down. . . down . . . down over the edge of the world (you'll end up at the top of the world map) then head west/left to a little town at the northwest corner of the world. Watch out for the encounters on the ship. You can go in the town to pick up the spell Toad from a little flower patch and the Bard song Romeo's Ballad (stand behind the sheep the little shepherdess girl warns you about and try to "talk" to it) and sleep for a measly 30gil/night. After this, save and head out into the woods. You should run into Ramuh pretty dang quickly. He doesn't have an amazing repertoire, mostly just Thundara and Flash. Just hit him, heal, and don't cast lightning magic on him, and he should realize Ifrit's with your party and decide to join. (To stop him from casting Thundara, you might try using Magic Hammer if you got it from Byblos). Now you're a summon richer!

    I recommend getting out of the forest because there is an encounter of 5 mini dragons, and they're a little annoying with 1000 hp apiece. (two lightning scrolls will take them down, but I have other plans for those), so head back to the ship (save and sleep if you want), then head north until you reach the southern side of the map, go east a little ways, then start heading north again. We're headed for the little town of Jachol. If the Western continent (where the Library is) is Europe, Jachol is in Italy. You have to go to the eastern coast to be able to slip between the mountains, so dodge the islands and land where they seem to connect to the mainland (checking the world map to do so).

    Once on land, walk past the cave (saving if you'd like), and just head west then south into town, since Jachol supposedly has such awesome amazing weapons and skullskullskullskull. Watch out for Bio Soldiers (steal a War Hammer from them if you have a thief around) since they cast Bio, doing about 200 dmg and inflicting sap status on you. Nasty, nasty.

    Anyways, the armorer in Jachol has Green Berets (one of my favorite hats in the game) and ninja suits. Stock up so your thieves and ninjas become UNSTOPPABLE, or just really awesome. You can buy some of the equipment for the next job classes you'll get, if you want, but I'd shy away from the Coral Sword just yet, since you're still fighting the monsters on the open seas and they absorb lightning.

    In the pub, you'll find an "Interactive" dance, but more importantly is the chance to improve your piano skills! Hey, you're getting pretty good by now!

    Anyways, talking to the townspeople just gets you clues about Istory Falls and the Crescent Isle and what to do in the cave we're about to visit. Grab someone that can cast black magic and someone who can throw Scrolls and let's go to the cave!

    Jachol Cave: Where did that damned squirrel come from?!
    Required Items: Lightning/flame/frost whatever scrolls. x A lot.
    Recommended Level: Any
    Recommended Jobs: Any that you want to level in ABP; a fast black magic caster (thief with Black lvl2 for example), someone with Throw; a white magic caster with the ability to cast Raise.

    Inside the cave, which is the one you passed by on the way to Jachol, you will find two types of encounters. One is the cute little red squirrels, Nutkins (Nut Eater in my babyhood rom fanslation) and the nasty grey squirrels, Skull Eaters.

    Nutkins are pretty straight-forward. You hit them, and they die.

    Skull Eaters, on the other hand, you hit them and they are not phased. In fact, they hit you, and you die. For this reason, I will request that your entire party be placed in the back row.

    The way you handle skull eaters is this. If someone that is not a person with black magic gets a turn, they either heal or defend. If someone who is a person with black magic gets a turn, they cast fire/thunder/blizzard.

    It is imperative not to freak out. I realize the prospect of fighting so many skull eaters is ah, liable to make you soil yourself, but it will [probably] be okay!

    Now, as soon as possible, get your ninja to THROW a scroll on them! (Hopefully you got some of these from the scores of Sahagins you had to fight in order to make it to Istory and back!)

    If you do not have these scrolls, don't even think of casting any magic, just run. Run run run.

    Now, there are other reasons to visit this cave than the sweet sweet APB you can gain, so after saving, enter and walk down to the bottom and hit the skull switch there. The walls will move, so head to the right and go down. There's an empty treasure chest () so just continue down. On the wall to the right, there is a literal metric crapton of skull switches. stand still and one of them will reveal itself to be the correct one (just like the guy in Jachol said, if you talked to him). Hit it and you'll hear a rumbling.

    Head back up to where that treasure chest was and go right past it. There is a door (locked) and another treasure chest. I realize this doesn't make any sense, but check in the treasure chest and 'Lo and behold, there is a switch! Flip it and the door opens! yay!

    Head through the door and go up, ignoring these empty chests. At the fork, head left and get the Shuriken from the chest. Double back around to get the chest behind it for a tent. Head right through the fork.

    At the next fork, go down for a Blitz Whip (unless you were a jerk and let Lone Wolf out of the jail in Walse). That's pretty much it for treasure in this cave, so settle back and wait for the skull eaters to pop out of nowhere if you want to grind som AP, else, continue on! (if you go to the end of the cave, you'll climb the wall and end up on the worldmap, but there's not really anything to do there) But seriously, 2 abp for something as easy as three nutkins is a dang good deal. You'll be hard pressed to do better on World 1.

  8. #83
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13
    Despite being banned, I'm the first person to finish Final Fantasy V for Eyeson Plays. So suck it, bitches.
    I am just the messenger.

  9. #84
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    I think we can arrange something for this

  10. #85
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    It's been awhile. My character's have mastered their classes and moved on. Getting ready to storm X-Death's castle at the end of the second world.
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  11. #86
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    I'm determined to have lenna master Red Mage before I move on from jachol cave, so um, that's what I've been doing the last week or so xD

  12. #87
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    rubah's Walkthrough: Chapter next!

    Once you get tired of Jachol Cave and Jachol town, get on the steamship and sail East to the Crescent Isle. It's the one that looks like a crescent Save outside, then head into the town. CUT SCENE! Try to leave, MINI CUT SCENE. Oh well!

    Head to the forest outside of town and walk through it until you run into a chocobo forest. Catch a black[purple] chocobo (and some crystal shards!), park your chocobo somewhere that ISN"T the center square of the forest ,then run back to town to get some new armor and weapons if you'd like.

    Remount your beast and head to the Ancient Library! (yes again). Enjoy a scene with Cid and Mid (make a trip to the heal pot if you'd like). Go west through the mountain pass towards the Great Western Desert.

    Cid and Mid have this terrible terribly clever idea to get you into the desert. Unfortunately, it involves fighting a monster. If you're ready, go ahead, otherwise, hold off a sec to prepare.

    This guy isn't so difficult. Cid and Mid claim you shouldn't use Magic, but it's not so bad. He has quicksand which will do middling damage and inflict a drain effect, but his Gravity spells are more annoying.

    Blizzara is pretty nice, and physical damage will always be in vogue. Just remember to keep healing. A jikuu mage who can cast cura wouldn't be a bad idea, hasting the black casters and all.

    To get through the desert. Um, it's kinda complicated, but you can see which directions the sand flows, so just pick the route that takes you away fromw here you currently are?

    Head south to the Town of Ruin. You'll see a darting figure running about. Head up to the platform and confront it.

    Fall. Cut scene. Reunite!

    You're in some strange ruins now, so go through the door and walk up onto the platform. TELEPORT. You end up in a place with a bunch of earthquakes! HMM

    Head to the bottom of the room, through the door. Rest up if you'd like, then head to the left hand side to try the switch at the bottom. It won't budge, but you are recommended to try the plants in the center room. Refrain from resting again, and touch the rightmost plants in the center room. They refer you to the table in the righthand room, so go try that. It refers you to an urn in the left hand room, so go back over and check the urns over there. A frog comes out and knocks down a book, so read it then try the switch again. Bam! treasure! Some Shuriken and the Mini spell for your trouble.

    Go to the previous room and pull the switch at teh top to freak out Cid and Mid, then continue through the door. Save, and see where you come out to!


    And now you have airship

    Of course with everygood, you have bad. Check yourself before you talk to Cid.

    He's not too hard. He's got an attack that will take you down to single digit health, but just smack him and cast a few ara spells.

    And here comes Evastio's favorite line from any Final fantasy!

    and now, you're free to roam the skies!

    Sidequest Interlude #2:
    Lix: Whoa, flashback, man. . .
    Once you have your airship, let's take a trip to a certain little mountain-locked town on the north end of the world map, look in the center.

    In the town, every one knows Bartz, and you'll find flashbacks almost everywhere you go.
    1) Talk to the scholar around the center of town to find out why Bartz is afraid of heights.
    2) Stay (for free) in the inn to see Bartz's mom.
    3) Go to the house at the top left to learn more about his parents (talk to the bard and touch the pink thing on the desk. Afterwards, talk to the bard again for a Song)

    You can buy Shurikens and Ninja Scrolls in the second floor of the item shop, so stock up if you'd like.

    Save and fly back to Gohn, the town of Ruin in the airship. As you approach the town, a cutscene will trigger.

    Chapter: Where did the town go?
    After the town of Ruin sinks, a new structure rises up and. . . flies into the sky? That 'wtf?' feeling in your stomach should be a clue that we need to run to Cid and Mid and find out 'wtf'. Go back to the crescent island and land the airship in the little square in between the horns of the crescent.

    Walk towards the steam ship and our friends will intercept you. Apparently this is the doing of the earth crystal, which means that someone is up to no good. Cid reveals the ship will fly higher if you reënforce it with adamantite, which makes no sense from a physics standpoint, because well, air pressure gets less with height and heavy materials like adamantite make ships heavier, right? But that's what Cid wants, and Galuf just happens to know where to find some adamantite.

    Take the rudder at the top of the airship and head to the meteor crash site outside of Tycoon. Go ahead and save. These 'get item' quests are never easy!

    Enter the meteor (remember to land on the side with the gash, else you can't enter!) and walk to where you found Galuf. He'll open the meteor, so head on inside. The meteor is out of energy, so don't worry if you step on the warp panel. The adamantite is blue and purple in the back, so go gather it. Of course, somebody has something to say about that. . .

    Like all turtles, adamantoise hates ice. Cast Blizzara, summon Shiva, Magic Blade Blizzara, whatever you like. He can attack two people at once and is generally resistant to physical attacks, but he's not too difficult.

    Take the adamantite back to Cid and Mid. While they make the upgrades, you go sleep in the underground ruins. When it's done, Cid tells you that you push A to make the airship fly higher, but warns of some weapons defense systems that are enabled.

    Now you're back in control of your life. When you push A, a little arrow will allow you to choose to go up or down, so start by going down and saving.

    There are four of these. When you choose to go up in the airship, fly up to the little grey things on either side of the ruins.

    The inner pairs:
    You'll fight two Rocket Launchers apiece. Like all machines, they are weak to thunder, so use the Blitz Whip, Thundara, Lightning Scrolls, Ramuh, whatever.
    Heal if you need to before tackling the next weapons.
    The outer pairs:
    You'll fight two Flame Throwers. Like all machines, they are weak to thunder. You can bring in the Gaia command for some good (if random) damage if you're low on MP or just get tired of casting spells like I do.

    After you fight the fourth pair, a cannon will emerge from the side of the ruins. Eek. However, you can back away slowly (or quickly) and make a quick save. Good thing these guys aren't pushy!
    If you're cheap, you can fly back to Lix to stay at the Inn, or you can just head back in.

    There are two little friends tagging along on this, but they'll go down pretty easily when you target them with a few Kicks or Thundaras. The Soul Cannon will more or less "count down" to it's Wave Beam which will do a few hundred damage and inflict a sap status. The simplest method is to cast Thundara, use Sword Magic, summon Ramuh, or throw Lightning scrolls. (wind slash won't hurt him, so Gaia is pretty ineffective)

  13. #88
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    After Soul Cannon, feel free to fly into the hole in the Ruins where the Cannon stood previous, then disembark the Airship. Enter the Ronka Ruins and go through the doors and around and out the door through the first room.

    In the second room, if you have a thief, just follow the path. Else, walk across the invisible squares going to the right, then down right next to the wall all the way to the right. Follow the contour of the wall down and step back onto solid ground. Get the chest for a Golden Armor and leave the room.

    In the third room, go to the left side, down the left side all the way to the bottom, take two steps right then go down. Go down the second from the right path, stopping short before the furthest block, then step to the left and around for an Elixir. Then take the fourth path and go straight up.

    Go right and up the second stairway for a Save point.


    k back. So, go back to the previous room and head right, down and out the door at the bottom. Go around through the next room, then in the one after, go as far up as you can go, and step across the chasm at the second square from the right. There is a chest with a Golden Shield. Return to the room before the save point and go up the staircase to the left. Go through the next room and up the staircase(or down). Go through the next two rooms. (sheesh). On level 5, head to the right and go down through the door, and down and up the staircase.

    Back on level four, head straight up for a Hi-Potion then to the right to go up the stairs. On level 5, head around and down and down the stairs. If you don't have a geomancer, just walk all the way around the left side, hugging the wall, to avoid the trap doors in the middle of the floor. You get (among other things) an Ancient Sword (YAY) and a Power Armlet for your trouble. Go ahead and fall through the floor all you want, now! You'll just end up right before the Hi-Potion room. Enter the Hi-Potion room and take the door this time.

    Head down and out the door at the bottom. Go through this room and up the stairs. Go through the door in ths next room SLOWLY unless you just like to fall through holes. (this one is visible even if you do not have a geomancer). Go through the doors to leave the room (it takes foreeeeeeeeeeeeeever) and go up the stairs. (up the stairs, down the stairs).

    In this room, you have your choice between a door and some more stairs, opt for the stairs at the bottom. Woohoo, save point! Go back to the door/stair room, choose the door, and circle around to the next room, take the stairs, then go down to walk over thin air to get two chests. Go back to the previous room and exit through the door.

    At the bottom of the room, there are a couple of bird statues or something with wings, anyways, and a big button on the wall (not a skull?!) so push it and open sesame. Make sure you're healed, 'cause you're about to face . . . FATHER?

    Just kidding. Kinda.

    Kinda like a grown up version of Wing Raptor except this guy doesn't hide. King Tycoon gives you a small piece of advice before loosing you upon the creature, it likes to change its weaknesses.

    Turns out, he has another trick; He can revive himself.

    For his first form, he has a high Defense rating, so you'll have to cast Magic/Summons, but if you want to sidestep the whole elemental weakness guessing, you can just throw Water Scrolls at him. Once he gets into his Revived form, however, physical attacks work much better and you can clear him in a few rounds.

    Woohoo, loooooooong cut scene. At the end, you will be one party member short and on the Airship, however you can't go higher. If you set down on the ground, you'll have a short scene with the trio resolving to find Cid and Mid. To find the dashing duo, head to the Tycoon Meteor site (again). You notice the black chocobo is parked there, so head inside to see the meteor recharge. Partially.

    The next meteor is in Walse, so head there. Luckily you don't run into any more adamantoises. but you do run into a ring of Purobolos! (seriously, purobolos? I thought we'd established this, Square. . .)

    Bring magic/techs/something that targest all. Summons will probably be the strongest. All they do really is cure one another, but they can cast Arise if one dies, so you need to kill them all concurrently. Not too hard, really.

    While you're in walse, equip someone with Time Magic lvl4/Time Mage job and Control command (preferably on a Trainer). Go to the north mountain and encounter the gaelicats inside. Use Gravity or very small physical hits to take their hp down low, and use Control on them. When they are controlled, have the trainer use them to cast float ont he whole party. After you're all floated, leave the mountains and go to the Karnak Meteor. This is near Tule.

    Cid and Mid have a surprise for you, so go inside to fight. . .
    with float status, Earthshaker will be no problem. He still has some physical attacks, but just attack him in turn.

    After that, they head to the meteor in Gohn, so you should [save and] follow.
    This time, instead of just taking a long time, they don't come out, so you go in to find. . .
    He's relatively harder since you can't just nullify his big attack (well, if you want to buy three coral rings you can), but he uses Aqua Breath quite a bit, so make sure you keep healing.

    Now all the meteors are activated, so head for the central point, which is somewhere slightly southeast of Tule ona bird shaped island.

    Just give me one thing that I can hold on to,
    To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go

    Our team doesn't have anything left going for them in this world; Lenna and Faris's dad just died, Bartz parents are long gone, and their new friend is gone too. So, hop in.

    Chapter Next: A Brave New World.

  14. #89
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    After collecting Weapons, and magics, and Espers (Oh my!) I stormed the Cleft of Dimensions. Forgot that it was Super Long and Super Annoying. But I made it to the first save point. And here's my team right now. Doing some prep work before taking on Omega who is setting right outside ready to blast me.
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  15. #90
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    Oh wow! awesome to see people using Trainers

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