I watched and enjoyed SG-1 and Atlantis, but I was not particularly looking forward to this one. And I was correct not to. It is a boring, angsty show that we have all seen before.

The basic premise is that of StarTrek: Voyager. A group of humans is left with a single ship on the other side of the universe trying to get home. They travel from planet to planet to get items they need to fix their ship, and to try to find things that will help them on their way.

The opening episode was identical to the premiere of Stargate Atlantis. A group of people jumps to a new Ancient outpost, is cut off from a way back, and watches as the entire place starts falling apart around them. A character nobly sacrifices himself, and we're left with a poorly functioning group trying to get a semblence of order to the new situation.

The one thing I hadn't expected, though, was the poor casting. Do any of you remember the 200th episode of SG-1? It was a wonderful spoof episode with a dozen different totally ridiculous takes on the show? There was one version featuring "younger, edgier members of the cast", and, unfortunately, SG Universe seems to have taken that idea and seriously decided that it would be a good base for a show. There are currently 2 characters on the show more than 25 years old, one of whom is looking likely to die off in a couple epsiodes. The rest of the cast are young, enexperienced, whiny, and bland. They aren't well acted, and you feel no connection to them.

Seriously, though, I didn't really expect anything else. The SciFi channel has a habit of making tons of bad programs and cancelling their few good ones (Farscape, Firefly, SG-1...), and since they switched away from even being SciFi anymore, I expect that trend to just get worse.