There seems to be some division among the betters of this forum, so this thread shall host a discussion of the best methods in which to urinate. For clarification:

Men: This thread shall be used to discuss the positives and negatives, as well as the general neutrality, of your preferred method of dispense with your urine. There are, as far as I am concerned, two methods in which to do so: the correct method (which involves unbuttoning, unzipping, and pulling down the front of your pants ever-so-slightly in order to give proper access and arc to your equipment) and the incorrect way, henceforth known as NCG's Sucky Idea (which involves using the otherwise useless slit found in the front of men's boxers to. It should be noted that this method also involves unzipping your pants, possibly unbutton them in the process, to gain access to aforementioned gap).

Women: Go away and/or make me a sandwich.


For argument: