2011 looks to be a good year for people like me for the movies! Take a look at the following movie trailers. These are movies I am mostly interested in, but I'm sure some of you are also interested as well. Hold on, there's a lot!

YouTube - I am Number Four - Official Trailer [HD]

YouTube - Unknown Trailer (HD)

YouTube - Drive Angry - Official Trailer [HD]

YouTube - 'The Adjustment Bureau' Trailer HD

YouTube - 'Rango' Trailer HD

YouTube - Battle Los Angeles | trailer #1 US (2011)

YouTube - Mars Needs Moms Trailer (HD)

YouTube - Limitless - Official Trailer [HD]

YouTube - Paul Movie Trailer Official

YouTube - Sucker Punch - Official Trailer [HD]

YouTube - 'Source Code' Trailer

YouTube - Rubber | trailer US (2011)

YouTube - Hanna - Official Trailer [HD]

YouTube - Apollo 18 Official Trailer HD 2011

YouTube - Fast Five Trailer

YouTube - Thirteen Assassins (2010) trailer

YouTube - Thor - Trailer (OFFICIAL)

YouTube - Priest Trailer (HD)

YouTube - Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Trailer 2011 HD - Official

YouTube - Kung Fu Panda 2 Movie Trailer Official (HD)

YouTube - X-Men: First Class - Official Trailer

YouTube - 'Super 8' Trailer

YouTube - Green Lantern Trailer

YouTube - Cars 2: Official Trailer 1

YouTube - Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon | OFFICIAL trailer #1 US (2011)

YouTube - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Trailer

YouTube - Captain America Trailer

YouTube - Cowboys & Aliens Trailer

YouTube - THE SMURFS - Trailer

YouTube - Real Steel Official Trailer

YouTube - The Thing (2011) - Theatrical Trailer HD

YouTube - The Three Musketeers Official Trailer 3D (2011 film)

Let's discuss about the trailers for the upcoming movies for this year and feel free to post other trailers to movies I have not listed here.