Alright, so I was thinking today, and I remembered a computer game I used to play, but I don't know what it's called. I was wanting to see if any of you know it? Also, if we get it figured out, I guess this can be a thread for that game.

Well, the start is of course character creation. You can make up to five or six characters, choose male or female, their class, and then the color of their clothes. You start out in this snowy area, and the entrance to the monster infested area is to the left of the town. It's shaped kind of like a hairpin. There are groups of goblins and goblin archers in this area, and at the end of the little corridor is a cave. Inside the cave, there's more monsters, but unfortunately I don't remember anything else. The gameplay is kind of like Arcanum, except you control all 5 or 6 party members at once. It also looks kind of like Arcanum, but the graphics are a little worse. I'm sorry I really can't remember any more, but that's the best I can do. I'm sure I'll know it when I see it, though. Does anyone have any idea?