I beat this game a long time ago, and although the fun character developments of Galuf and Gilgamesh may make for some potential replay value, as well as a mission to become a better blue mage or something, I have never managed to get very far in a second playthrough.

I mean, I know all about the skills and everything now. I know what each thing does, what the value is and all that, and so I try and overskill to get what I need, and then I end up with all these characters with an absurd amount of skills. Then, I can't figure out which skills I want to use. And it doesn't matter, since I could get on through the game without any of them, but I just can't stand it. I can't decide whether I want my white mage to brawl or have time magic etc. And since there are all these choices, I get stumped every time I feel like switching classes and eventually, my brain fries and I just quit and play something with fewer options.

I try to take it slow or something, but eventually, I just get excited and blow up my skills because I want one thing or another. I have no self control. And then once I have everything (Everything reasonable. You know. Skills that require, like, 50-70 ABP or less, unless I just really want to learn beserk or something), then I'm kinda screwed because I have too much and there's no proper distribution (I'm getting redundant).
Do I want to use dash so I can walk quick or keep my learning skill or blue magic on? Maybe I should just use a thief, but even with crescent moon, it isn't as useful as maintaining a monk in the party. He also knows some white magic, and if I teach him that, Lenna can focus on black and time. Does Faris really need Bothhand? all the time? It is kind of silly for her to have the dash, but maybe...
I just can't take it.

In other games, the classes are more set in stone, and so it's easier to just neglect the classes I don't need in FFVI, never have the opportunity to use them, as in 1, maintain all my abilities at the same time, like in 2, or else not have to worry about earlier classes because the newer ones are all upgrades, like in 3.

5 is absolute class and class ability Hell.

Does anybody else go crazy like this?