Square Enix has been seriously mistreating poor Tifa lately... let's see:

Not given a voice in Crisis Core
Given amnesia and then killed in Dissidia 012

And most of all... given VERY LITTLE SCREEN TIME (and not enough promotion compared to all the other Final Fantasy characters) in Kingdom Hearts II. And if that isn't enough, that is her ONLY APPEARANCE in the series, and she doesn't have a brand new outfit yet, because her appearance was pulled straight out of Advent Children (minus the pink ribbon on her bicep).

I think she should have been in the very first game to begin with, and I would remake the first game for PS3 JUST TO ADD HER IN THERE. Then again, since the E10 rating didn't exist at that time, I think the rating would have instantly been raised to Teen just because of her presence. In Dissidia 012, she added "suggestive (and almost slightly erotic) themes" into the content, including jiggle physics and panty shots. I say that though they can keep the jiggle physics (which Aqua also had in Birth by Sleep), she should wear a pair of short modesty shorts under her mini-skirt, and I'd like to see a few other tweaks to her outfit, which would use her classic Final Fantasy VII outfit as a basis and then evolve from there. And even if they add Rinoa in the next game, wings intact, I still think they should give Tifa a pair of white angel wings to contrast with both Sephiroth's single black angel wing and Cloud's single black demon wing.

She also needs more interaction with Sora and the other characters, and perhaps a friendship with Kairi.