I know that there has been many people banned, but later were allowed to post again. I also know that there is a EoEO ban.

However, should there be a clearer guideline for all users to read on what gets you banned and how long your ban will last. Maybe I'm in the dark since my activity has been sporadic until this year, but I remember initially that if you were banned--that's it. Sucks, but you can't post here.

Then somewhere along the line banned users were allowed to come back after a few months to a couple of years. Then the EoEO only ban was put in place, and now I am repeating myself.

Anyway, I think there should be more of a guideline to what gets you banned and for how long, if there isn't one already. If there is one, it should be revised I think, since the forum seems to become more lenient as time goes by. Note that I am using the word guideline. I don't think such a thing should fall on a strict set of rules because that type of attitude towards banning only makes users feel tense.
