With games filled with such unforgettable music, it's amazing when you replay a game and discover a track that you actually forgot about. The song could be incredible, but you just never heard it enough to make sure it's on your iPod.

Personally, for me such tracks are Final Fantasy VII's Ending theme and Staff role. They're an incredible sendoff for this 60 hour game, but I don't hear these songs too often because... well, they're the sendoff for a 60 hour game. Which is ironic, because I've almost memorized the ending theme for Wild Arms, Ocarina of Time (I know they're not 60 hours, shut up, they're longish games).

Life Returns from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is another song I forgot about until recently, which is weird, because it stands out so well in comparison to the rest of the soundtrack.

Enclosure from Metal Gear Solid. I completely forgot about this song until I played Peace Walker, and it sounded like the AI bosses you fight sing at least part of this theme.

There's more to this list, I'mma just have to take another look at the OST's I have.