So that title is just there to lure in posts. This forum is so dead compared to X's. I mean, I love X but XII is probably my favorite game in the series.

So...why do I love this game and consider it probably my favorite FF? The fantastic plot? The unrivaled (in the FF series anyway) cast of villains and antagonists? The supremely beautiful and best realized world ever seen in an FF game?

There are many reasons why but of the three I just listed, #3 might have to be the single greatest cause for my XII fanboyism. I have played most of the games in the series and while I haven't beaten VI yet, the fact it more or less shares the "overworld" gameplay of other FF's ensures that it won't ever equal XII. XII had an indescribable power over me - where many people whine and moan about "WAH WAH WAH IT TAKES FOREVER TO GET TO ARCHADES", I relish every step of the journey.

XII's Ivalice and the way you explore it is positively addictive to me. I've beaten the game several times since I first played it a couple years ago and each time I still have a blast just meandering about. Some combination of actually seeing the monsters, of the beautiful environments, of the lovely music, and probably other elements besides, makes me adore almost every damn area in the game with a furious passion. No other FF has so thoroughly and completely sucked me into feeling like I was a great adventurer on an epic quest.

So...yeah. Discuss.