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Thread: Anybody buying the remaster just for X?

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DownDiagonalLeftA View Post
    Because I love good plots.
    You hate good gameplay because you love good plots. Games might not be your thing then
    well, I'm not the biggest fan of X-2 because of its plot. The gameplay is pretty good, but if the game has a plot that doesn't interest me, I won't play it -- plot is the deal breaker effectively for me. So, I can see DownDiagonal's argument here. Of course, if the gameplay is downright awful, there is no plot that can make up for that.
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  2. #17
    tech spirit
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    You only watch the story for like 5% of the total time spent playing the games. If you are enjoying the gameplay for 95% of the time you're sitting in front of your TV, isn't it a bit stubborn to refuse to focus on the parts you actually enjoy because of something you're not even seeing most of the time?

    I hate FFX-2s plot, and it ruins the ending of FFX. I am however not having any problems at all to forget about that when I actually play the game, because playing the game is actually really fun.
    Last edited by Mirage; 06-11-2013 at 12:10 AM.
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  3. #18
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    The good thing about FFX-2 (at least on replays) is that if you know you don't like a mission, you don't have to do it, as long as you aren't aiming for 100%, and if you don't care for the story, I don't assume you would try to get it. If I remember correctly, you can skip a lot of the scenes as well? Or maybe it's just when you've boarded the Celcius, I don't know.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  4. #19
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Yeah, you can pretty much skip anything you want. There are only a couple that I'd REALLY recommend doing because of their rewards. Most others can be skipped as long as you're not OC.

    The International Version is even more forgiving about this, because you can get a free Mascot Dressphere by simply fighting in the Coliseum. Forget Episode Completing everything if you don't want to, you really don't have to anymore at all.

  5. #20
    DownDiagonalLeftA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DownDiagonalLeftA View Post
    Because I love good plots.
    You hate good gameplay because you love good plots. Games might not be your thing then
    Games with good plots sure are my thing.

    I don't care how good the gameplay is. The plot to X-2 utterly disgusts me and tarnishes what a good game X was to me, no amount of gameplay can make up for that.

    If I wanted to play a game with a troutty plot and good gameplay, I wouldn't be looking toward RPG's, i'll tell you that much.
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  6. #21
    tech spirit
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    You talk as if game genres mean anything these days. Every game is an RPG and every game is not.

    Why exclude RPGs from games to play for the gameplay? There are extremely many RPGs with less than stellar plots, after all. A good plot isn't exactly one of the cornerstones of RPGs.
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    You talk as if game genres mean anything these days. Every game is an RPG and every game is not.

    Why exclude RPGs from games to play for the gameplay? There are extremely many RPGs with less than stellar plots, after all. A good plot isn't exactly one of the cornerstones of RPGs.
    I guess every game is an "RPG" if you take it in a literal sense to try to prove a point. You know what I meant. Pretty sure nobody thinks "Halo 3" when I tell them I like RPGs.

    And I'm not "excluding" them. Obviously gameplay matters. But NO amount of gameplay can make up for a horrible plot. A good plot isn't one of the cornerstones of RPG's? To me, it definitely is.

    This is all subjective bro. If you guys like X-2, or favor gameplay over plot, cool. More power to you. I was just answering OP's question. I am buying the remaster exclusively for FFX. You guys can have fun playing X-2, I'm not knocking you.
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  8. #23
    tech spirit
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    You've got it backwards. It's "no amount of story can make up for horrible gameplay" . For me, above average gameplay can easily outweigh a poor story, because I play games because I think it is fun to play them. Some games have great stories, and that's a cool bonus, but it is very rarely what makes me decide whether to keep playing it or put it away forever.

    FF13-2 had the worst story I have ever seen in any game in my entire life, and I still enjoyed playing that game, once I was done with the story part.

    I think you missed the mark with bringing up Halo, though, but maybe not. Can you tell me exactly what makes a game a RPG, and what makes it not an RPG? When does an action RPG stop being an RPG and start being an action adventure? Is Mass Effect 2 a RPG? Is Zelda a RPG? Is GTA San Andreas an action RPG?
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  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by DownDiagonalLeftA View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DownDiagonalLeftA View Post
    Because I love good plots.
    You hate good gameplay because you love good plots. Games might not be your thing then
    Games with good plots sure are my thing.

    I don't care how good the gameplay is. The plot to X-2 utterly disgusts me and tarnishes what a good game X was to me, no amount of gameplay can make up for that.

    If I wanted to play a game with a troutty plot and good gameplay, I wouldn't be looking toward RPG's, i'll tell you that much.
    Finally somebody feels the same way I do! I was begining to think I was crazy for being the only one not interested in X-2.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DownDiagonalLeftA View Post
    Because I love good plots.
    Funny how this implies X has a good plot

    Yeah, if I were ever to buy this (which I'm not), I would mostly do that for X-2. The story was terrible, but had no delusions of grandeur, did not take itself seriously, and the gameplay was superb. As Spoony put it, I don't think it's a good game, but I kinda like it.

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by The White Wizard of Fynn View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DownDiagonalLeftA View Post
    Because I love good plots.
    Funny how this implies X has a good plot

    Yeah, if I were ever to buy this (which I'm not), I would mostly do that for X-2. The story was terrible, but had no delusions of grandeur, did not take itself seriously, and the gameplay was superb. As Spoony put it, I don't think it's a good game, but I kinda like it.
    I'll agree that FFX-2's plot is terrible, but is the consensus here really that FFX doesn't have a good plot? IMO, FFX has one of the best plots of the installments I've beaten, which includes X, X-2, XII, IX, VIII, VII, IV, and III. I think it's highly developed, poignant, well thought-out, the themes and messages are powerful (maybe a little too in-your-face), the characters are full of personality and are very dynamic. X also doesn't have very many plot holes like I've seen with some other installments in the series (ehem, VIII).

    I also happen to be a sucker for tear-jerkers.

    I'm trying my hardest to not come across as an ignorant fanboy here, but I really do think that comparatively and objectively, FFX has a very good and developed plot. To each their own, I guess.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hambone View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The White Wizard of Fynn View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DownDiagonalLeftA View Post
    Because I love good plots.
    Funny how this implies X has a good plot

    Yeah, if I were ever to buy this (which I'm not), I would mostly do that for X-2. The story was terrible, but had no delusions of grandeur, did not take itself seriously, and the gameplay was superb. As Spoony put it, I don't think it's a good game, but I kinda like it.
    I'll agree that FFX-2's plot is terrible, but is the consensus here really that FFX doesn't have a good plot? IMO, FFX has one of the best plots of the installments I've beaten, which includes X, X-2, XII, IX, VIII, VII, IV, and III. I think it's highly developed, poignant, well thought-out, the themes and messages are powerful (maybe a little too in-your-face), the characters are full of personality and are very dynamic. X also doesn't have very many plot holes like I've seen with some other installments in the series (ehem, VIII).

    I also happen to be a sucker for tear-jerkers.

    I'm trying my hardest to not come across as an ignorant fanboy here, but I really do think that comparatively and objectively, FFX has a very good and developed plot. To each their own, I guess.
    Yeah, I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree with you. I used to think similarily when I was in high school, but after playing through the series again, this is the instalment I've come to be the most disillusioned with. The story is actually not as deep as it thinks it is. The concepts were utilized in other games better (Grandia II), and the characters do barely anything to go beyond the cliche they are presented as. In the end it comes off as just pretentious to me. Also, the linear aspect of the game progression, as well as the dumbed-down difficulty that ruined what could have been a great battle system, was the final nail for the coffin for me. I miss the feeling I used to have about FFX, but sadly, I am no longer of a similar opinion to yours. Personally, though, I think it's for the best.

    As for a lack of plotholes - have you seen Spoony's review? He draws attention to some of them, actually. They're there.

  13. #28
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    I will consider buying it because I am still trying to beat all the monsters in the monster arena anyway.

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