Now that you have had the time to sit on it, I bring you the next wave of Old ones of EoFF.

Ethyl Ermengarde
On the surface she is young and beautiful, and can at first come off as classy and caring. Though one who pays close attention will notice small details amiss. One such thing is the oddity of her totally not dyed roots changing colors whenever the local stores forget to stock up on hair dye, or how she has been the same age for the past few years. When dealing with Ethyl your best bet is to go along with it, and ignore these things, and in doing so your bound to have a smashing time.

Squire Hardman
In the wee hours of the night, Squire Hardman can be found hiding in bushes, listening in on the conversations of the forum goers, devising dastardly plans to do horrible things to them while twirling his handlebar mustache.. He may also kick a kitten in frustration.

Regardless of his constant planning, however, his plans aren’t very good and lack any real foresight and never have any lasting consequences. Feel free to approach him and laugh at his villainy before going back to your daily routine. Squire Hardman is, after all, mostly harmless.

Dr. Herbert West
Precise and to the point, you will see Dr. Herbet West is a man who doesn’t mince words. His demeanor and speech, however, make him very difficult to approach because of how calculated all his actions appear. Constantly keeping his inner workings to himself, he remains surprisingly mysterious regardless of the direct nature of his words.

Old Bugs
Few people dislike Old Bugs. The local buffoon is known to do a lot of work around the forums helping out with various things, but also has his stretches on nonsensical babbling and nervous breakdowns. Still though, it would feel weird were his presence to no longer be with us. The strange man has become part of the forums very atmosphere.