I've made a goal to read a minimum of thirty new books in the coming year. I have such a backlog that I need to get through (hello Goodreads wishlist), and I hope that slapping them down on a goals list will help me power through it a little bit. Here are twenty-one books I've decided I will read, with room for nine (or more) improv choices:

Susanna Clark - Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Neil Gaiman - Anansi Boys
Neil Gaiman - American Gods
Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
George RR Martin - A Clash of Kings
George RR Martin - A Storm of Swords
George RR Martin - A Feast for Crows
George RR Martin - A Dance with Dragons
Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land
Chuck Palahniuk - Haunted
Chuck Palahniuk - Snuff
Chuck Palahniuk - Pygmy
Chuck Palahniuk - Tell-All
Chuck Palahniuk - Damned
Cormac McCarthy - No Country for Old Men
Cormac McCarthy - The Road
JK Rowling - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
JK Rowling - Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince
JK Rowling - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Kurt Vonnegut - God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse-Five

What books do you know you want to read next year? Let's motivate eachother! Don't forget to put your reviews in the Currently Reading thread as you go!

I will begin with Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell as soon as I finish A Game of Thrones. I hoped to be done by the new year, but I don't think I can do 450 pages in two days when I've got work and games to play ;-;